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Status Replies posted by kyoselflove

  1. Camera obscura that album that's gonna make you go ooh ooh ooh

  2. Camera obscura that album that's gonna make you go ooh ooh ooh

  3. Why did CDJ decline my card...? TAKE MY DAMN MONEY!

  4. Yessssss. So I preordered MEJIBRAY's new DVD. Super excited about that since the last one was awesome!

  5. Yessssss. So I preordered MEJIBRAY's new DVD. Super excited about that since the last one was awesome!

  6. That feel when you get the new DOG cd, but can't listen to it yet. All other music seems old and busted while you are waiting for the NEW HOTNESS.

  7. That feel when you get the new DOG cd, but can't listen to it yet. All other music seems old and busted while you are waiting for the NEW HOTNESS.

  8. Hum... please stop spam with you shit noodle xD !

  9. Why did CDJ decline my card...? TAKE MY DAMN MONEY!

  10. Why did CDJ decline my card...? TAKE MY DAMN MONEY!

  11. Lycaon's "marionette" is love at first motherfucking listen!! *eargasm*

  12. kyoselflove, winner of best avi of 2015. u-u <3 hurg~

  13. Um, can we please talk about the sexy ass photo of naked Yuuki and Hiyuu in the CO booklet?

  14. Happy valentine's day, I love you people ;3 !

  15. Happy valentine's day, I love you people ;3 !

  16. Um, can we please talk about the sexy ass photo of naked Yuuki and Hiyuu in the CO booklet?

  17. Well, the new ALSDEAD sounds EPIC: http://youtu.be/TAI9q3DDo6I

  18. Well, the new ALSDEAD sounds EPIC: http://youtu.be/TAI9q3DDo6I

  19. Decided to sell my Lycaon rarez... Goodbye 夢 and SET ME FREE T_T

  20. I had a dream that Shounenki announced a full album in March.

  21. Status Update Game GO!! pennisilin - samurai fuckboy #replace_vk_song_title_w_fuckboy

  22. Status Update Game GO!! pennisilin - samurai fuckboy #replace_vk_song_title_w_fuckboy

  23. Blackdoll working hard to keep at least 3-5 Lycaon threads on the front page at a time: http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/53899d01jw1eovdjy4jmgj20hs0npaeh.jpg

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