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Status Replies posted by kyoselflove

  1. Now I am hungry for mermaid.

  2. FedEx or EMS? I've never used FedEx before for shipping CDs, I have 15 to ship, which one would be better?

  3. Broke but happy and will be even more happy soon! XD

  4. Got an email reply from my favorite bandman. Tears, tears, and more tears.

  5. Thanks again everyone who showed up for our first RarezHut stream! You guys are beautiful and amazing and I love you guys. Now I'm gonna go eat some pizza and die until tomorrow's stream <3

  6. fuck you (fuck you)

  7. fuck it im buying resident evil remake...*SIGH* how come im not like this with vk...(FML)

  8. Uh-Oh; getting my hair done in the color of Yui from UNiTE, let's see how it looks. Will leave the eyebrows dark to see if it works. Reference, on the right: http://t.co/kakOR9Nt3p

  9. Uh-Oh; getting my hair done in the color of Yui from UNiTE, let's see how it looks. Will leave the eyebrows dark to see if it works. Reference, on the right: http://t.co/kakOR9Nt3p

  10. Got Type-0 today...*plays XV demo*

  11. Got Type-0 today...*plays XV demo*

  12. Got Type-0 today...*plays XV demo*

  13. Looks like Kojima is leaving Konami.

  14. Vikings Vikings Vikings so fucking good, hopefully they will. The main character really entertaining, the female characters good and not for being a bitch, and that bromance tho (not annoying). Fav parts, battle beginning of season 2, and it had a climax the spear getting shoved in him. And the handjob the princess gave in public. The only thing i don't like is that I starting to like rolo even though he did that thing. rank Peaky Blinders. But how the fuck this land on the history channel?

  15. Vikings Vikings Vikings so fucking good, hopefully they will. The main character really entertaining, the female characters good and not for being a bitch, and that bromance tho (not annoying). Fav parts, battle beginning of season 2, and it had a climax the spear getting shoved in him. And the handjob the princess gave in public. The only thing i don't like is that I starting to like rolo even though he did that thing. rank Peaky Blinders. But how the fuck this land on the history channel?

  16. Vikings Vikings Vikings so fucking good, hopefully they will. The main character really entertaining, the female characters good and not for being a bitch, and that bromance tho (not annoying). Fav parts, battle beginning of season 2, and it had a climax the spear getting shoved in him. And the handjob the princess gave in public. The only thing i don't like is that I starting to like rolo even though he did that thing. rank Peaky Blinders. But how the fuck this land on the history channel?

  17. All hail Queen kyoselflove! All hail Queen kyoselflove!

  18. I played too much DADAROMA that last.fm got confused... http://www.last.fm/user/kyoselflove

  19. I played too much DADAROMA that last.fm got confused... http://www.last.fm/user/kyoselflove

  20. My brain is confused about my feelings, what mental mess X))

  21. I'm looping モルヒ??♯2 and dancing in my car.

  22. Next week: UNiTE, Blu Billion, Vistlip and Codomo Dragon. Let's do this!


  24. damm it i wish Lycaon would have taped that christmas live were he was singing english chrismas songs because i wanna here it.

  25. damm it i wish Lycaon would have taped that christmas live were he was singing english chrismas songs because i wanna here it.

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