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Everything posted by kyoselflove

  1. kyoselflove

    I'm just excited because I love all the Final Fantasy games...I was never in the 'I want a remake crowd' but I ain't complaining! And omg, The Last Guardian and Uncharted 4 look great! I can't wait for all of those games pretty much lol. No Man's Sky looks really interesting. But eh, don't care about COD. And yeah, FALLOUT 4! Even if it is buggy as hell (but not as buggy as NV) I'm going to love it!
  2. I never got one, the package just arrived.
  3. kyoselflove

    I'm still dying.

    1. nekkichi


      I'm horrified @ shenmue 3 trailer tbh, 2001 xbox character model realness over unreal engine or smth background graphics

    2. kyoselflove


      Don't give a fuck about graphics and obviously thats not the end product if they need 2 mil $

    3. Tetora


      They're going to do the same thing as in the Yakuza games, poverty graphics for NPC's, and extreeeeeme graphics for the main characters, at least I hope. But anyway, the games speak for themselves and could have Sega Saturn graphic yet still lord all over other games. I am guessing they are reusing Yakuza assets to make the game and save money as well? Just my speculation.

  5. Oh ok, I thought you were just talking about VHS, my bad.
  6. Got my package today, thanks. But I didn't get any cassette tape rips...?
  7. I just got an email informing me that my Pipboy Fallout 4 preorder has been cancelled due to no longer being available -.-

    1. kyoselflove


      Have no idea what those are, haven't been keeping up with their exclusives.

    2. Tetora


      What are you getting it for, Halo?

    3. kyoselflove


      Haha no. Just to have and maybe Forza.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  8. kyoselflove

    I'm just going to copy and paste what I told someone else about them lol. I listened to them, and hmm, it's like a hit or miss with me. I like some of their songs but most aren't really grabbing me. I do like ベヘリット though. Wish more of their songs were like it, so Providence of JESUS was probably my favorite. I didn't like Providence of LUV at all. But VIO-NIX[into the core] is growing on me from Providence of BIONIC, and 【DERR:ZELD】. I think that is one of the reasons I didn't really like Providence of LUV is because it just seems kind of boring. I sort of like NEVER ENDING SNOW, the guitars are nice but I don't know...I would probably skip it though if it came on my iPod. Causality is really awesome, love the screams and the more dark approach. I love how they have a wide variety of sounds, so I will for sure keep a look out for them.
  9. Couple - me pushing him off the damn bed so I can sprawl out.
  10. kyoselflove

    I love it.
  11. kyoselflove

    10 Acts of Service 8 Words of Affirmation 7 Quality Time 3 Receiving Gifts 2 Physical Touch Haha, do shit for me bitch but don't touch me xD Ahhh, love. But yeah, I really liked things being done for me but I also love getting gifts (even though my gifts are games and CDs haha, not flowers and shit) and I hate being touched, and love to hear sweet nothings murmured to me. Quality time is nice.
  12. Buying Morrigan's mini, because they are my new obsession.

  13. kyoselflove

    Pandas Manatees Chinchillas I love them gay, fugly, and soft fuckers.
  14. RIP Lycaon

    1. beni
    2. Ada Suilen
    3. nekkichi


      stop wailing, kaya is busy pumping fresh blood into artful VK.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  15. kyoselflove

    And that's not going to happen, so why are you here?
  16. kyoselflove

    Will they really announce a US tour soon? Because it didn't seem like it. I liked the setlists for the past few lives they have done.
  17. kyoselflove

    YES WE CAN! Because it is glorious!
  18. kyoselflove

  19. UGH NO! Stupid live limited....at least type A isn't.
  20. kyoselflove

  21. I shouldn't have to go through threads on a forum to figure out why I have no package. I didn't know that I should contact you by email. And thank you for messaging me. I honestly wouldn't really have minded if there was communication. I understand that it is hard for a small business, I didn't mean to sound like a total bitch but I just kind of felt ignored and it pissed me off. Well, I hope for the best in the future.
  22. Well, I hope I get my shipping quote soon because to be honest this whole experience has really made me want to not buy from you guys again. No matter how much I loved the streams. The thing that really got to me was the lack of communication. I had to hear from the grapevine why I hadn't received my items yet and that's honestly fucked up. At the very least, if you couldn't contact all of your customers, maybe you could have asked the mods to post a link at the top with the subject of the delays leading to a post. And I also understand that shit happens, but you run a business and you should have thought things through. Waiting over a month for a shipment is crazy, no matter what's going on. From a customer's standpoint, it is very discouraging, and I kind of feel like you thought maybe since that we are a community and all friends that it would be okay. But it comes down to the fact that we were all paying customers and while some might not have minded (like I didn't for the first few weeks) I'm sure others are very disappointed. Especially for the fact that my messages were ignored. I almost wanted to ask for a refund but I figured it would be pointless because it would just be disregarded as well. I hope that everything works out in the end. Because I never had problems before and it's a damn shame.
  23. kyoselflove

    The, hey bitches! Make me happy sig.
  24. kyoselflove

    I finally decided to do this lol. My shelf is tiny and a mess, so I took everything off to show it hah. I tried to keep all the same bands together but failed a little bit. CDs DVDs Comment DVD/CDs & stuff VHS Photobooks & stuff Magazines
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