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Everything posted by kyoselflove

  1. kyoselflove

    I know wtf, I dunno. Or maybe they're all coming back together under a new name. But who knows because it was on Yuuki's page, maybe just him? I DUNNNO!!!!!!!11111111
  2. kyoselflove

  3. kyoselflove

    Pretty sure that's the only difference.
  4. kyoselflove

    my trollin Koichi look.. drunk fun, woooo.
  5. kyoselflove

    Love this fucking band, they sound so unique and Johannes is....awesome xD Pretty sure the DVD for second press is live footage, though it says 'subject to change' but I hope it is haha. SUPA EXCITED! SO MUCH SO I BOUGHT BOTH PRESSES!
  6. Basically everything that mahoujin said, I really suck at explaining haha.
  7. I didn't smack my screen but I did stare stupidly at it for a good minute.

  8. kyoselflove

    it's youtube's stupid new policy.
  9. kyoselflove

    If you use chrome this works! https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hotspot-shield-free-vpn-p/nlbejmccbhkncgokjcmghpfloaajcffj
  10. kyoselflove

    Wish I could watch the video ;____;
  11. kyoselflove

    Dir en grey is blocked too
  12. kyoselflove

    See told ya YTRed sucked
  13. WAAAAAAH, don't say that ;_____;
  14. oooo la la

    1. Tetora



  15. I just happened to find the scene by chance when I was young and then it was very exciting. I didn't really think anything of it then (I was 11) but as years went by I admired them more and more and began wishing, yeah that's me, I guess. Cliche statement: Growing up I always felt different with everything and everyone but didn't really put anything together until a few years ago. I'm not a teenager and this is not a phase. People always do that shit ten years ago everyone was bi! It's a very serious thing to me which only 3 people knew about until now...which makes me say, Naaaaani, not cool.
  16. I don't really like talking about it.
  17. kyoselflove

    This is for the new generation who didn't have to sit through 15 minute commercial breaks and can't handle 30 second ads. Bleh. honestly don't care about the 'original' content either.
  18. kyoselflove

    um wtf is up with Kaoru's hair...and yum at Totchi. ALSO, Un Deux is awesome aaaaaaaaaand...
  19. kyoselflove

    seriously i need cheki rehab gotta add more...lol
  20. Lycaon and Morrigan have shipped, can't wait~

    1. kyoselflove


      lol that would be awesome

    2. Elazmus


      you guys just made me SO pissed they didn't give that away as a bonus.

    3. kyoselflove


      maybe it will be his personal item in one the next mejibags

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  21. kyoselflove

    Everything arrived safely, amazing seller! <333333 Thanks again!
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