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Everything posted by kyoselflove

  1. kyoselflove

    Why are they re-issuing Stacked Rubbish...?
  2. kyoselflove

    I kinda feel like throwing shit too haha
  3. kyoselflove

    haha Decided to listen to Royal Order while grinding in Persona 4 Golden.
  4. kyoselflove

    my brain is thoughtless
  5. Lycaon has shipped it's a miracle. gimme gimme gimme.

  6. kyoselflove

  7. hey cat, I liked that song.

    1. CAT5


      w00! one step closer to be inducted into nightcrew! :P jk, glad you enjoyed it!

    2. kyoselflove
  8. kyoselflove

    They are different types. I opened the ones that weren't uploaded on here yet lol.
  9. kyoselflove

    Nom nom nom
  10. I think I like two songs and that's because of plug lol. I don't actively seek it out. Too busy listening to deathcore.
  11. kyoselflove

    All of Camera Obscura x10
  12. kyoselflove

    This happened to me because I was using an older version. Try finding a newer version?
  13. My mom has always enjoyed some of the music and even the music videos (I text her links all the time haha, be like; mom time for your weekly dose of beautiful Japanese men!) And she doesn't care, she will be like, 'Aww, that was a very pretty song and video' Lol. What blows her mind is how I find them attractive haha. If she REALLY likes it, she tells me to send her a rip of the CD, like Lycaon's Camera Obscura The rest of my family (brothers and sisters) accept it and like to crack jokes but don't really care otherwise.
  14. kyoselflove

    And who would this elf be? Lol
  15. kyoselflove

    Yes? Lol
  16. kyoselflove

    I just cried. <3
  17. kyoselflove

    What the fuck did I just read?
  18. all bees that are not important to the whole environment blah blah please die.

    1. Seimeisen


      Hornets and wasps are especially deserving of extinction!!

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Don't you have nets over your windows? Maybe you should install some. We have them on all of our windows.

    3. kyoselflove


      Yes I do, but my windows weren't even open. I think they made a nest in the walls ;___;

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  19. kyoselflove

    YES! I listen to it everyday I've loved it from the beginning, though there were a couple of tracks that had to grow on me. It's seriously my favorite Diru album right next to Gauze.
  20. kyoselflove

    So when do I get to watch all this? xD
  21. kyoselflove

    I already need a bigger shelf so bring it on! Lol Division isn't too bad but yeah Beautiful Deformity is huge.
  22. kyoselflove

    This wait is killing me as well....
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