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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/14 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    D.I.D. on indefinite hiatus

    It's 2014, people with mental disorders or issues aren't 'freaks'.
  2. 2 points

    D.I.D. on indefinite hiatus

    lol at people thinking it's a fashion style. Are you some sort of retarded for believing people would make something like this up? I don't know him personally (of course) but in general people suffering from schizophrenia can't get cured completely but there still is a chance that they find the right medication which could help him with the symptoms caused by his schizophrenia so it doesn't mean he stays locked up for the rest of his life and in case they find the medication and he takes them as he is supposed to he might feel better someday so I don't think that the band is completely off tables but it might take a while. Antipsychotics/Neuroleptics might not be the best medication out there but it is NOT impossible that he might feel better at some point. I really hope he does because he really is an amazing musician.
  3. 2 points
    ^ No, that's not what she's saying. That's what the BAND says according to her interpretation. The band states that people who don't buy are toxic and ruin the band itself, and if you can't buy the CD you have to buy the iTunes version (which is total bullshit imo because there's only a price difference of like 10$ and if you don't have the cash 10$ isn't going to make such a big difference). Which brings me to my next point; I understand digital files are cheaper because they don't have a CD case or a booklet that needs to be printed, but why is the quality of the audio inferior to that one of the CD? Like I am paying less because of the CD case and the booklet but why on earth should I, because I can't afford the physical version, settle with a less quality rip of the same CD. If there's anything you shouldn't touch it's the quality of the audio files. Now iTunes only offers 256kbps, which is bullshit in itself, since if I bought the CD itself I would've been able to get a 320 or even Lossless.
  4. 2 points

    Game of Thrones

    that was a great episode
  5. 1 point
    Lillies and Remains will release their new album (title unknown as of now) in autumn. The release will be produced by Maki Fujii (ex-SOFT BALLET, SUILEN, minus (-)). Trailer of the song "BODY" OMG YESSSS
  6. 1 point
    Peace Heavy mk II

    Age difference

    Fantastic point of reference that will be extremely viable in real life situations. I'm not sure why maturity now equates "I have opinions on socioeconomic issues and I am good at being argumentative about them (ITS CALLED 'DEBATING,' MOM)." A lot goes into being mature than just being aware of social issues, namely life experience in a variety of things. Life experience is why I would really dislike dating outside my life-stage range, let alone my age range. I personally wouldn't date someone younger than myself, being the kind of person who prefers someone with more experience to act as a mentor. The oldest person I've dated was 25 when I was 21, and because of the difference things didn't work out. You'd be correct in saying "...that's not really a huge range." However, you need to take both people's point in life into consideration. As a college senior, I was in that weird state when I'm not really sure what's going to happen in 6 months (literally anything from moving back in with mom, to ending up in 10,000 miles away), but not in a "oMg ParTY XDDDD" phase like people who just started college. The other guy was finishing up grad school and had been through being an adult more than I had. In general, there was a disconnect between what we wanted out of a relationship, as well as our lifestyles. I was more flighty and trying to figure out how to be a real person after doing three years of "adult life with safety nets," while he was more settled and disgruntled about his choices in education / other personal issues with his family. Had he been much older (30+), that rift would have been that much worse. My boyfriend now said he had a thing with someone who was much older than he and it was completely superficial--they didn't connect on any level, but he was at a point where he just liked being appreciated by someone who had money and didn't see himself even having a future. Props to people who can make huge age gaps work, but as stated above, they're really not for me unless they are somehow more or less at the same point I am or we share a lot in common.
  7. 1 point

    Lillies and Remains new album release

    I came here to post this! haha. Soft ballet influence is high, sounds FUCKING AWESOME! could be their best
  8. 1 point
    omg this is everything I hoped forrrrr
  9. 1 point

    D.I.D. on indefinite hiatus

    Akane's been through a bunch of things in the past, leading up to his mass depression. like he said before, "I write my songs from personal matters, I do not write of trivial things". I wish him the best and it really breaks my heart to know he has to go through that. It saddens me to tears honestly, D.I.D. will never be the same, Akane will never be the same. May you recover Akane.
  10. 1 point
    Exactly, that's what I mean. It's the band who's saying that, not me. I understand it well that someone may not be able to buy music (for various reasons) and it's not a reason to treat them like that, but the band thinks different. They could say it in a different way, without offending fans. I like their music and looks, but at this point I just refuse to be their fan anymore. Music is about entertainment. If it makes me upset, it's not what it's supposed to be. If I have money again one day, I will support a band that keeps entertaining me, not the one that makes me upset with their attitude. iTunes prices are shit, really. They just convert the euro price to pln here (in the Polish iTunes) and it costs the same for us, even if we have much less money than people in other countries. The prices should be lower too. 1 euro for a song in mp3 is way too overpriced. It would be cheap for me if it was 1pln (~0,25eur). But still, with no cash, spending any money on music is a bad idea. I can't imagine why would someone pick music, instead of food. I'm sure these musicians wouldn't support another band if they were hungry. No, they would also try to get food, first. iTunes is an option only for a person who has some income, but not enough to buy tons of CDs each month. Suggesting people to use it instead, is a sign of insensitivity. I understand the attitude towards people who say "why buy, when I can download?", who have money, but not all fans are in this position.
  11. 1 point

    D.I.D. on indefinite hiatus

    Holy fuck, another vk dude with a mental illness? Wow, it's just about as awful as Lustknot's Yuki's disorder. I wish him well...
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    release of their new album "SUPER NOVA" will be postponed to 2014/06/23 due to production prolongation [track list] 01.SE 02.smile☆smile(ReMix) 03.Butterfly 04.異次元アリス(ijigen alice) 05.ファンタジックホラー(fantasic horror) 06.caramel+pop=corn♡ 07.infinite∞voyage 08.キミノミライ(kimi no mirai) 09.[D]pop Party. 10.ギミっちゅ!(gimme chu!) 11.Dream☆Catcher★Game~夢をつかみとれ!!(yume wo tsukamitore!!)~ 12.connect
  14. 1 point
    I feel Misha Mansoor (Guitarist and founder of Periphery) has the right idea to towards piracy and people that pirate music: "Just for the record, i am not going to waste my time saying that Piracy needs to stop, because it will be just that, a waste of time, it is what it is. With that said and established, i really don't think that it is too much to ask that IF you are going to pirate a band's album that you don't overtly rub the fact that you stole their music in their faces. Remember guys, merch nets bands more money, but cd sales determine their profile in the music industry, buying either helps ensure that the bands you love can afford to keep making the music that you love." -Misha Mansoor
  15. 1 point
    Pirates don't care if we're taking food out of someone else's mouth. We don't care if we make it difficult to continue band activities. Historically speaking, pirates weren't nice people. We want music and we want it now and it's hard for a band to compete with free, easy access and still turn a profit. It's the reality of the music scene in 2014. We suck as human beings, we care about a band enough to follow them but not enough to give them money to continue. Don't worry about us pirates because if the only two choices were to pay up or not hear the music we probably wouldn't buy it because then that band would have to compete with every other musician out there for the few cents in my pocket and honestly they probably aren't first in line. NB should just assume that pirates weren't going to buy their music in the first place so there's no money being "lost" because there was no money to be "gained". Piracy is a double-edged sword, because at least people care enough about your band to continuously download your releases for free. It gets your name out there but it also does take food off your table. Piracy is great when you're trying to get known; not so much when you're trying to make money after you build up a fanbase. Try to profit off the free PR you get from piracy as best as you can. I have no other magic bullets or solutions or kind words.
  16. 1 point
    怪人二十面奏(kaijin nijuumensou)(マコト(makoto)) will perform in acoustic live at Shinjuku LOFT at 2014/04/09, at which ex-ドレミ團(doremidan) Gt.KEN will act as his Gt. he will also perform at Shinjuku LOFT at 2014/04/30 [live participating artists at 2014/04/30] GOD A (the god and death stars) 怪人二十面奏(kaijin nijuumensou)(マコト(makoto)) Montage.(defspiral Vo.TAKA) Közi (ZIZ) https://twitter.com/kaijin_20
  17. 1 point

    Bands Disbanding

    Well, first of all, and I hate to sound like a broken record because I say this everytime something like this comes up: bands have always disbanded in great numbers. It's not a recent trend. XD I have been listening to jrock for almost 15 years now, and even when I was very new to the fandom, people were already complaining about all the great bands disbanding. And it has been like that ever since. I would even say the biggest surge of disbandments was 2000/2001, and it has been fairly constant since then. Each year there's a few "big names" that go away, and lots of lots of small bands. The perception that unusually many bands disband "lately" is normally subjective, especially when it hits several of your favourite bands. But that's just bad luck. Now, for reasons of disbandments: a lot has been mentioned already, but I think it all depends a lot on how established the band is. A new band that just formed a year ago by a bunch of young dudes that just wanted to have some fun is probably more likely to disband over "small" things than a band that has been around for years already. And why shouldn't they? They're not really making any money at that point, it's more of a hobby, and if your hobby isn't fun anymore, you should stop. A huge number of small new bands pop up every year, and many probably didn't really think it through enough, so they disband once they hit the first obstacle. Some members vanish from the scene, other go on to form different bands, but at least this selection only leaves the more dedicated members, so maybe their next bands will be more stable. Money is an issue of course too for small bands, but if you start a small indies vk band with the expectation of being able to live off your music anytime soon, you should probably just give up right away. XD Bands that have been around for a long time and have decently sized fandom will probably not disband that easily, but if they do I guess it's mostly because after all those years they want to do something new.
  18. 1 point

    Single People Thread

    Edit: Message deleted
  19. 1 point

    Kaya - QUEEN

    having a problem with homophobic language =/= butthurt. fucking idiot.
  20. 1 point

    Kaya - QUEEN

    TVicCD8FmMs and inb4 "I'm gay so I can't be homophobi-----oh". +1
  21. 1 point

    Kaya - QUEEN

    A+ for having to have it spelled out, describing a song as "gay" when camp is intended only adds to the passive homophobia of the forum.
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