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  1. 2 points

    Hey there!

    Newbie here ; u ; thought i'd make a post introducing myself to this site. I hope to find some new music and meet some nice new people! Some bands I love are; BUCK-TICK Alice nine Asian Kung-Fu Generation(They're not really Visual-Kei iknow but still) LM.C
  2. 2 points

    New VK vs. Old VK

    In my opinion THAT is actually what i really love about the old looks. Surely, the outfits were sometimes really silly and exaggerated and the make up sloppy, but i prefer it that way dozen times. Why? Because I feel the old styling looked more raw, dynamic and interesting. It wasn't the complete über-perfection which it is now, some guys looked like Drags, others like punks, the others like a bad version of Sayako from Ju-On. I really dislike how most vk make-up nowadys looks so polished, everything has to be precise and perfect from teint, complexion to eyes and the boring hairstyles. It makes sense though - new VK guys rather look like Hosts (who are supposed to look like ultimate perfect bishonen straight from your wet manga fantasies) than frilly New Wave boys with Boy George make-up (or oh so spooky goths in drag). I guess that's where everyone's opinion differs, depending on their taste and aesthetic preferences. I personally adore a well done old school make up (and I tell you - it's very very difficult. I've tried it a few times and it still looks rather "meh". You can fail pretty hard at a late 90s Matina/Soleil style make-up if you aren't really good with the tools. Also: see all early 00s cosplays. All the people who wanted to look like Mana or oldschool Kyo and failed epically...). Especially the white faces are my faves, because they can be expressive (almost Harlekin like), yet it doesn't really matter how beautiful the person is who wears it - they don't need to be super beautiful bishonen and the focus lies more on their style and make up. Of course I can see and understand people who like new VK make up better. It's more polished, clean and it can be worn outside the stage in mundane life as well- so it is more versatile. Old VK styling is rather extreme and especially the outfits aren't supposed to be worn daily. But I still miss this style though and I am happy a few groups now are still dressing that way.
  3. 1 point
    it is announced at Lycaon live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2014/01/22 that their new maxi single "馬鹿ね。(baka ne)" will be released at 2014/03/26 (2 TYPE), and their another new maxi single "悪女の微笑(akujo no hohoemi)" will be released at 2014/04/30 (2 TYPE) limited edition (2,000yen, limited 2000) will include CD with digitray, and regular edition (1,500yen, limited 2000) will include CD only "馬鹿ね。(baka ne)" [track list] 01.馬鹿ね。(baka ne) 02.ドグラマグラ(dogra magra) 03.残像に口紅を…(zanzou ni kuchibeni wo) "悪女の微笑(akujo no hohoemi)" [track list] 01.悪女の微笑(akujo no hohoemi) 02.奴隷と首輪(dorei to kubiwa) 03.あゝ無情(aa mujou)(アン・ルイス(ann lewis) cover)
  4. 1 point

    the GazettE

    I totally agree. He's made some progress on his vocals. And I love the Decade performances! Like you said it's awesome to hear the same old songs with better vocals.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Peace Heavy mk II

    New VK vs. Old VK

    I don't really think "old vkei" should really be lumped into just one cohesive category that spans 20 years since that implies a high degree of sameness in both halves of the equation. The music and style of dress was different from 1998~2002 than it was from 1994~1997, and the scene from 2002~2006 was nothing like it is today. Hell, even from 2007~2010 is almost a completely different game from what it is today. Is D'espairsRay's last album still considered "new visual-kei?" Rentrer en Soi's "ゆりかご" was released in 2004, yet that is probably considered to be "old school." And what about the blatantly ignored white-kei era? Wyse and IZAM are crying rn If we're going so far as the mid-80s to '91~'92, I don't know if it would be correct to really consider those bands in the same realm as what's being discussed here. Bands like Red Tailed Cat, Jolly Pickles, Zi:Kill, Color, D'erlanger, Banana Fish, and the other various Free-Will entourage have always kind of been "proto visual" to me since visually, musically, and the general attitude of the scene (or lack thereof in this case) is not the same is it would become shortly after. Granted you could very well dislike them just as much as random Key Party bands, but that doesn't mean they're the same kind of asian men in dresses
  7. 1 point

    Edit: Message deleted

    How can you like cute bands and not like lareine? anyway good to have you here ^^
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point

    サウイフモノ (souiumono)

    NICE, congrats on having the (almost) complete Souiumono discography I hope you're able to get Cee-もう一人のwa.ta.shi- as well, even if it is really expensive... Unfortunately, I agree that the band might have dropped a little bit in quality since joining Timely Records. Actually, まだ来ないANGEL is my least favorite release by them. (But, I haven't heard タランチュラ yet, so maybe that one is worse??) I know some people appreciate the fact that it's kind of like Poitrine, but I never really liked those electronic, poppy tracks; the b-sides were good, but nothing that spectacular. But their releases on Timely Records aren't all bad, because like I mentioned above, 殺人鬼の棲む街 is one of my two favorite singles! I really like it when they do the occasional dark/crazy tracks like 魔物大行進 from that single and 毒メスシリンダー. SACCI's voice is really versatile. But I'm withholding final judgment of their Timely Records era until their album comes out. There's like 18 tracks or something ridiculous, so I think we'll have a pretty good idea of what they're capable of after this! I'm excited for the tracklist to come out. I wonder how many of those 18 will be new songs. Just making sure you've listened to the version of NANDAKANDA on the シスター村 single. That one is heavier and has better production, so RPG-souiumono has their moments too, haha.
  10. 1 point

    Single People Thread

    ishiki, that's the kind of guys I'm attracted to as well. It's often a matter of the personal style, I just don't find the regular, manly style attractive. I think all these "manly" men look so boring, especially the ones with short hair. It's a huge turn off for me and it's been the same since my teens. I've always been attracted to the ones who look more delicate. Unfortunately, there aren't such guys in this country, they would probably get beaten up for looking gay. I hate Polish men, because they're obsessed with that not looking and not acting "gay" thing. The only ones who don't act like this, are bi or gay themselves and they're the only guys who actually don't annoy me. I could never date someone with that anti-gay obsession, even if he was totally my type in appearance. I think I'm more into girls, actually, because there are too little men of my type. Even the ones considered "hot" by most women, are unattractive for me. I remember one guy hitting on me in high school, all the girls thought he was hot, but he was totally not my type (darker skin, black hair... a bit like a latino type, it's just not my thing). Maybe I shouldn't be too picky, because I'm fat and unattractive (I looked better in high school, fyi), but I'm one of these people who aren't able to lower their standards just to date anyone. ___________________________ RoseOfHizaki, and I was going to delete that post for being so pathetic, but now it's pointless, because you quoted it. Oh well, it's the only site I use this nickname on, so no one will track my pathetic self online :'D. As long as it's not just being careless about what you do, people should rather enjoy it, especially girls. Sadism is sexy . I won't quote the whole rest, so I'll just reply to it here: I only get sad about it, because there's no one who cares about me. People usually focus on their work and family, so a friend wouldn't care for me as much as I need it, I think it's the only reason I want to date someone, to actually get out of here and get busy with something else, because I have no other possibilities and only a person you date makes you their priority, friends don't do this. There's nothing wrong with spending money on yourself, why do you see it as a problem? I don't understand this. Maybe it's because I'm a girl, so I was raised different, I have no idea... or maybe because I have nothing, so I'd be excited about having money to spend on myself. When people buy me things I feel terrible, like I was using them, to be honest. But yes, having money helps with depression, you can treat yourself with nice things all the time. Well, everyone is sad sometimes, there's nothing wrong with that. I don't think girls dislike it when men cry, or get emotional, or upset, because it happens to everyone. Men who act too tough are usually huge dicks. Maybe some girls like it, but I find it unattractive. They usually lack any common sense. Think about love stories for women, they all are so emotional and romantic, I don't think most women like too tough and too soft men (mommy's sons for example). Something in between is the best, nothing too extreme. People in general dislike it when someone's in a bad mood and they expect you to put on a happy mask, but you're supposed to get closer to someone when you're in a relationship, so I think it's better to be honest, at least you wouldn't end up with a person you can't stand this way. All the pretending to attract a certain type of people is a bad idea, imo.
  11. 1 point

    New VK vs. Old VK

    Rather surprised I didn't respond to this topic before. Old vk to me, would be anything from '90 to '05, which is certainly a broad range. In that case, I'd most definitely prefer old vk to new any day. New visual kei doesn't do anything for me, to be quite honest. But of course there are some exceptions. There's something about those old matina/soleil bands losing their shit in a song, and dressing in the gaudiest of artificial leathers, that simply do not compare to the sparkly, glittered-up, boyband-esque bands of today. Needless to say, the music was just as awful then as it is now, but old vk had this certain charm about it that makes it a whole lot more enjoyable as a whole, for me. But then again, maybe I'm just biased towards flour-faced men in PVC attire, recording shitty (yet lovely) music to satisfy my ears. With all that goff matina stuff aside, I also find that the older angura or nagoya bands such as cali gari, mucc, kalimero, or deadman, also stood out to me more than any new vk band ever has. Once again, I find that these two particular subgenres have quite the charm to them. Certainly gives you a sense of nostalgia and immense emotion to listen to artists like these, which is something I like. The musicianship from the older era of things seemed to be of a more excellent quality, in general. In most cases, you can surely sense when there's a lot of feeling and thought put into a song, and I cannot sense that with most things I've heard from the newer spectrum of vk. Not to say the musicianship is horrid here, but it doesn't quite feel the same. This is just my two cents though, and should probably be taken with a grain of salt. I'd to conclude that I'm also very surprised at how many others here prefer the older era.
  12. 1 point
    I find quite entertaining that Jin gets all this hate, but fuckin 90% of VK vocalist sucks major balls and it does not seem to bother people that much...
  13. 1 point

    Sing along

    Edit: Message deleted
  14. 1 point
    I have no idea why you're attempting to defend an overrated no1curr band with a talent absent vocalist by putting other vk fans down. for all good that VK sometimes has to offer, nega brought nothing in this regard.
  15. 1 point

    Vocalist VS Instrumental

    Vocals are just another instrument for me. Can you have a nice without a flute? or piano? or drums? Yes. I don't see it as if I had to choose between them. All music is instrumental for me regardless of if they use vocals or not.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    I LOVE ダウナー so MUCH <3
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