The staff wanted to try something a little different this year with our best of list. Instead of just publishing a list of all of our picks at the end of the year, we decided to have it so one is posted every day right up to Christmas! It's our own little take on an advent calendar. Each day you will see a new album posted with a few staff members giving their take as to what their opinion of the album is. Keep in mind that it is impossible to really create a list that captures all of the diverse tastes of the our individual staff members, so you will have to wait for the staff member's individual lists if you really want to know a certain member's favorites. Also, the list was limited to only Japanese album (cause, I mean, this is a Japanese music forum). This post will serve as the "directory" with all of individual albums being featured in each reply post. The discussion for this will go in THIS THREAD. And without further ado, the list!
ALSDEAD - Separator
amber gris - AROUND CHILDREN a picture of her - C CYCLAMEN - Ashura Dir en Grey - THE UNRAVELING DIV - ZERO ONE the god and death stars - dawn of the god グリーヴァ (Grieva) - 鬼ト影 きのこ帝国 (Kinoko Teikoku) – eureka
NICO Touches the Walls - Shout to the Walls!
大橋トリオ (OhashiTrio) - plugged Tam Tam - Polarize the unknown forecast - オークション (Auction) 妖精帝國 (Yōsei Teikoku) - PAX VESANIA 惑星アブノーマル (WAKUSEI ABNORMAL) - 何でも無い凶器 (nandemonai kyouki) アルカラ (Arukara) - むにむにの樹 (Munimuni no Ki) Boris – Präparat lynch. - EXODUS M-Koda - Generating Arrow Diagram ONE OK ROCK - 人生x僕= 八十八ヶ所巡礼 (88kasyo Junrei) – 0088 カメレオ (kameleo) - なう! NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST - GRIMOIRE LAGITAGIDA - TUTELA!! 凛として時雨 (Ling Tosite Sigure) - i’mperfect