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THE KIDDIE will disband

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it is announced at THE KIDDIE one-man live "THE LAST JUDGMENT" at Shibuya Koukaidou at 2014/12/25 that they will disband after their one-man live "ユメヲハコブネ(yume wo hakobune)" at Zepp Tokyo at 2015/03/31



SET-LIST at 2014/12/25:


03.in one sense
05.funny bunny
10.elite STAR+
11.Natty Nasty


05.Sun'z up



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結成以来、常に誰にも真似できない新しい音楽を求め、突き進んできたTHE KIDDIEですが、

2015年3月31日のZepp Tokyoのライブをもって、
THE KIDDIEは8年の活動に終止符を打ちます。
                 THE KIDDIE 一同
THE KIDDIEは、2015年3月31日 Zepp Tokyo公演をもちまして解散する事になりました。
何事も常に全力のTHE KIDDIEです。
何卒 ご支援を賜りますよう よろしくお願い申し上げます。

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Visual kei talented band trying to become Pop rock band ? of course it's a fail !!
However , I still love 揺紗's voice and 佑聖's guitar , just stop doing those dubstep pop vibe style please !

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Haven't even tried out the new album or the previous singles but everything from THE FIVE and before was on point with me. Thought they were referring to something else when I saw a facebook a photo of their tour with the title "Final tour"


Didn't think much of it until now

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A band I remember since they started. I liked everything until poplar. Then a few major singles were good. After Sun'z up, never really cared. Sad to see them go though. And I'm really getting tired of these hurr durr, they're not good glad they're disbanding bs etc Taste is subjective, and not everyone likes the same music.

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And I'm really getting tired of these hurr durr, they're not good glad they're disbanding bs etc Taste is subjective, and not everyone likes the same music.


omg this so much.


if seeing a band you dislike disband actually makes you feel good, i'm afraid there's something seriously wrong with you. and if you simply don't care, why even bother to comment? leave their fans alone tyvm.

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This is Maiku and I have no heart. And I foresaw this. Mostly the single for the Album OMELAS. If you know anything about Ursula K. LeGuin, she wrote a short story entitled The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas. It's a story about people who choose to leave paradise. Now, in the song OMELAS by THE KIDDIE the chorus goes "So this is my policy for the world I leave," This, the song title, and the album title led me to suspect this was the last hurrah. THE KIDDIE did something different with DYSTOPIA and it definitely shows a side of them that is new. Something glimpsed in Yusa's joining of The Legendary Six-Nine. They are moving on to things different from THE KIDDIE and I wont be surprised to see new bands sprout from this disband. Especially with how skilled most of the members are. I'm excited to see what will happen. 8D

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omg this so much.


if seeing a band you dislike disband actually makes you feel good, i'm afraid there's something seriously wrong with you. and if you simply don't care, why even bother to comment? leave their fans alone tyvm.

Not to start anything but I feel like that's blackdoll with every Nocturnal Bloodlust post.


Either way, I feel like checking out The Kiddie's latest effort to see if they leave with me on a positive note or hoping for their next endeavors to be more endearing

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