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Yeah.. well I thought Xillia was ok (even got the platinum trophy).. but I kind of hated Xillia 2 for some reason. Probably cuz a lot of it was cut and paste from Xillia.


I bought Zestiria recently ($35 sale on PSN), but haven't started it yet. I have heard very mixed things about it. 


This series probably needs an overhaul, but I doubt it will come with Berseria.. it's a PS3/PS4 game. When they finally drop PS3 there'll be a better chance of improvements.

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new Uncharted 4 trailer just dropped and it looks absolutely breathtaking.




Like holy shit that looks so good... Naughty Dog seems like they're working their programming magic on PS4 just like they did with PS3. It still boggles me how they get their games to look so good on such outdated hardware (outdated by PC standards), like if you go back and look at Uncharted 3 and TLOU on PS3 you probably would never guess the hardware it's running on is outdated by like 10 years xD

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Double post incoming, the new Dark Souls III trailer just launched...



Man this is the only thing I need in my life right now I swear... If I could play any game right at this exact moment then it would be DSIII

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new Uncharted 4 trailer just dropped and it looks absolutely breathtaking.


Like holy shit that looks so good... Naughty Dog seems like they're working their programming magic on PS4 just like they did with PS3. It still boggles me how they get their games to look so good on such outdated hardware (outdated by PC standards), like if you go back and look at Uncharted 3 and TLOU on PS3 you probably would never guess the hardware it's running on is outdated by like 10 years xD



Trailer was removed because of some controversy. A framed photo/painting in the trailer was revealed to be original concept art "stolen" from Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag.


Here's the slightly modified trailer:



There is a lot to be said for dedicated hardware. PCs can pack a lot of power, but I think the problem is optimization? When there are pretty much infinite combinations of hardware components, it can be difficult to optimize. Also, PCs are not dedicated - they have to reserve power/memory for other programs & background processes.


When a game developer has hardware with set specifications, especially in the case of Naughty Dog which is owned by that hardware's manufacturer and probably has a gigantic budget, they can accomplish a lot more than you'd think is possible.


(I based all of that on forum chatter I've read over the years, I don't really know a lot about it.)


I have never played an Uncharted game, though I 'own' Uncharted 3 & Golden Abyss via PlayStation Plus. Actually, I did play a demo of the first game but the gun fight it gave me was very off-putting. I don't really like guns in games.... 

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Anyone here hype for Dark Souls 3???????


Let us cleanse these foul streets.



I haven't played any Souls games for more than an hour, so I'm curious as to how it will differ from Bloodborne. I heard combat is much much slower, with emphasis on blocking and armor as opposed to rolling and being 1-shotted.

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Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness (what a terrible title)


First English Trailer


Japanese Final Trailer


Interestingly, they appear to be dropping the "5" from the title for the Western release.


.. Most people seem to think the English dub sounds fine, but huhhhhrrrrrrr I cannot stand it. I would totally buy the Japanese version if it wasn't $100+ (canadian). I'm hoping for dual audio in the Western release... otherwise I will have to suck it up and open my wallet.


I have a few issues with the female character designs.. Anne looks awesome (and is some kind of crazy cat lady which I'm totally down with), but Fiore's outfit is totally ridiculous fanservice in every possible way, Miki's face has problems... and Relia is the token little kid character. bleh. I do like how old most of the party is.. aside from Miki & Relia, everyone is over 20. Here's hoping for a more "mature" story. 

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Anyone playing the Hitman BETA?


I bought the intro pack from steam yesterday, but haven't gotten around to trying the beta yet... will probably try it out later tonight if i can find some time.

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Played the Hitman Beta this weekend.


It was very limited to put it simply. The gameplay is nice, but since the only mission available to you was a tutorial, it REALLY put a damper on things. I did however enjoy the creativeness of the missions, and allowing us to replay them and improvise (pull out ideas from our ass in order to finish the mission).

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I'm continously refreshing Amazon until I see the special edition of Fire Emblem Fates come up. I'm so scared to be too late, seeing it out of stock, but I have NEVER wanted a pre order/special edition so badly in my life. The wait for it to be available has been painful, but the worst thing is so this, I just need to pre order it before I see 'unavailable'. Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaasssseee.

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Breaking news, Amazon Japan is now allowing international shipping for video games.


They have some good prices there. (kind of hard to find good sales on Japanese imports.. or I don't know where to look)


This is potentially very dangerous for me.


Seriously considering importing Ryu ga gotoku kiwami .. and Dragon Quest Builders (Vita) .. uhh maybe I should try the demo first, downloaded it weeks ago.. Prices for both of those games work out approx. cheaper than Play-Asia, assuming Amazon refunds the customs fee (they did so when I ordered CDs from them recently)....

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oh god


Amazon Japan is selling Star Ocean 5 pre-order for 18% off, so it's ¥7,039 .. but those prices include sales tax, which are removed when I go to checkout. So the price is actually ¥6518 .. but then, add back approx. ¥300 for shipping which means it'll cost me only $85 (stupid weak dollar) AGH so tempting. I have 4 games in the cart now, totalling about $250 (or $285 if the customs fee isn't refunded). T_T;;;;


..That price isn't so bad, considering a new game sold in Canada costs $80, plus ~$10 tax if I buy a physical copy.


You know something is wrong when it costs me less money to import a game from Japan than to buy it locally.

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Just found out that Salt and Sanctuary is finally coming out in 2 days! It's a souls-like 2D platformer that I've been following for the last year and I figured it was'nt gonna get a release for a very long time but what do you know they announced it's release today and it's so soon...



man I'm so happy right now, what a great surprise.

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So much hype for Project Diva X since it's coming out exactly in a week!

Live Quest Mode is going to be interesting :D.



Also, SO MUCH HYPE for the new livetune track in this game!!!

AAAHHHHH!!! *runs in circles*


Edited by colorfuljinsei

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Cool, I really like the Project Diva games despite not liking vocaloids at all. Will wait for the Western release tho.. it will be a lot cheaper.



There's a lot of interesting game-related news these days. As you may be able to tell from this post, I like being an armchair journalist.


- Microsoft will "unify" their Xbox and Windows 10 platforms, so that all programs (Universal Windows Applications) will be able to run on any of their devices. It was also implied that there could be frequent hardware revisions for Xbox One, similar to how iPhones are released.

- Microsoft has finally decided to open the doors to cross-platform play, meaning that in multiplayer games, they will allow Xbox players to connect with PC players "and other consoles". 

- Microsoft shut down Lionhead Studios, makers of the Fable series, and cancelled Fable Legends. They also shut down Press Play, most recently responsible for Max: The Curse of Brotherhood.

- A bunch of VR headsets will be released soon. Oculus Rift is out Mar 28, starting at $599 USD. HTC Vive is out Apr 5, $799. PlayStation VR is out in October, starting at $399. 

- Nintendo is expected to announce details of their upcoming new hardware, currently known as "NX", at E3 this June. There are a ton of rumours regarding the look of the controller, whether or not it will be a home console or handheld or both.. etc.

- Tequila Works has "reacquired" the rights to their upcoming game, Rime, from Sony. Rampant rumours/speculation point to this game having a very troubled development, since they have shown very little of the game since the short reveal trailer at Gamescom 2013. Rime was supposed to be a PS4 exclusive, but supposedly Sony was unhappy with their progress and decided to stop bankrolling the project.

- In a valiant effort to piss me off, Amazon Japan is now flip-flopping on international shipping for games. I had 4 games sitting in my cart while I hesitated (for days) over whether I should order or not. I can confirm that all 4 of those games were able to ship internationally. Now, 2 of those games will not ship to my country, for no apparent reason.


That's all the important stuff I can think of. Here's my commentary.

- The Xbox news is potentially huge. It kind of looks like Microsoft is waving the white flag. All(?) their upcoming exclusives will be out on PC (well, not Steam, but still), which gives people even less reasons to buy a One. It was also pretty weird for them to drop hints about hardware revisions without explicit details. Anyway, I'm only a PlayStation fan so I can't say much about this.

- I don't personally care about VR at all. I hate first-person games, and I dislike the idea of being cut off from the real world to that extent. Can't hear, can't see. Plus the high risk of me injuring myself by flinging my hands into tables/chairs/walls. A lot of people say "you won't understand how great VR is until you try it", which I understand, but I question how much I'd even use a device like that.

- I wonder how much software Nintendo could sell if they gave up on making their own home consoles. The Wii U is basically only good for playing Nintendo exclusives. It's the Mario box. I have to imagine there are a lot of people, like me, who would like to play Nintendo games but aren't willing to buy another console. It will be very interesting to see what the NX turns out to be.

- I'm disappointed with what's happened to Rime, but really, a lot of hype was built around a 1 minute trailer that was reportedly all CG.

- Amazon sucks.

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