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Found 129 results

  1. SCAPEGOAT presents 全国TOUR 『死体は語る』Koriyama Club #9 2016/6/7 So I really wanted to see The Gallo while I was in Japan, and perhaps my best chance was to head up to Koriyama (about an hour away on the Shinkansen), a not particularly noteworthy city but that didn’t matter to me much. The day before I actually tried to use the 7-11 all in one business machine (or whatever they call it) to buy a ticket through Ticket Pia but the p-code listed on the website returned no results (maybe this was because the show was less than 24 hours away?). So with no more reassurance that I could get in after a train ride other than the fact that it didn’t say ‘Sold Out’ anywhere I boarded a train bound for Fukushima. I arrived at the venue (which had a real marquee out front!) about an hour before the doors opened hoping they had a ‘box office’ of sorts where I could buy a ticket. It turns out I could not, but maybe the most helpful staff member ever assured me if I came back at showtime I’d have no problem getting in. And when I returned he was super gracious about making sure I knew where the stage and bars were, props to you Club #9 guy. I imagine because this show was a bit more in the boondocks then the Tokyo or Osaka concerts I’d been attending, this was the first time I was the only foreigner in attendance… and I think I got a couple more (not unwarranted) looks of “what’s this old white dude know about VK?” than before. (All the attendees were super nice when we had reason to interact… which was mostly when I wanted to make sure I wasn’t blocking somebody’s view haha). This show started at a ridiculous 4 in the afternoon… do VK fans not have jobs or is it literally all high school girls and me in here? I think the entry foyer and bar might both be about the same size as the stage area at Club #9… yet they still have all the merch crammed here at the back. (though again the venue proves smarter than me because it was far from sold out and probably would’ve appeared painfully empty if they let people spread out any further.) Before the first band I headed up to the bar to grab a drink and marvel at the various band posters plastering the walls of the place. I don’t always even bother to cash in the drink ticket they make you buy at the door… but Club #9 actually uses little laminated tickets and I would’ve felt like a dick keeping that, intentionally or otherwise. On to the bands! IV - A band I’d never heard of. They’re like a filler VK band. Not good or bad. Hit the exact beats you’d expect them to. Here’s the headbanging at the waist part, here’s the jumping one way and then back the other part, etc. The worst part was the singer headbanging like he didn’t want to mess up his hair, get the fuck outta here with that. The bassist had a shirt that said “Less Stress More ____” with a block of white to fill in the blank, he definitely should write something in there. (or better yet get a cute fan to do it!) IV were eminently forgettable at this stage of their career. Forgot any melodies from their songs as soon as they stepped off the stage. As they were exiting the drummer tossed his water bottle into the crowd and it hit the floor and rolled limply to the feet of a girl near the back. After a second or two she resigned herself to picking it up and then offered it to fans of the band as they were filtering away from the stage. Between sets I spotted my first pair of earplugs on an audience member… though maybe there have been others with them covered by their hair. Iggy - To someone unfamiliar with VK you'd be hard pressed to explain the difference between IV and Iggy’s sets. But Iggy were acting like they *meant* it and having fun on stage. That feeling can come through a little bit on CD but is a huge factor in a live show. Iggy actually give me slightly Heisei-Ishin vibes during some tracks, so I was excited to see their set. The halloween looking guitarist came out with black make up smudged all around his mouth and lips and was definitely wearing gym shorts. I mean, they were VK-ified with some pointless zippers, but they were definitely just basketball shorts. Their bassist busted out a quick little slap solo that perked up my ears, not because it sounded great but because it sounded so unique in a VK song. The vocalist liked to make prolonged eye contact with people in the audience not participating, and also just used a girl up front to lean his foot on so he could get closer to the crowd at one point. Ouch. They played the song that stuck with me longest after the show/on the train ride home… always a good sign for a band. Nihilizm - Another band I have a soft spot for but would be hard pressed to explain why I like them over a hundred other bands that basically sound the same. I mean, I’ll be honest, the vocalist is not a very good singer. He’s like the epitome of an over nasally VK vocalist. But he was an imposing figure on the metal riser at the front of the stage screaming and snarling at the audience. Nihilizm also looked great, they came out with those red lace bands over their eyes that I think is just an aces look. They probably had the breakdown that sounded the most like legit deathcore (and there’s nothing I love more than skinny Asian boys who look like they’re cosplaying Louis XIV’s leather daddy courtesan rocking those downtuned guitars the fuck out.) Between sets I saw a bunch of those bowls (one of which I bought later) come out of girls’ bags… The Gallo must be next! ギャロ (or 大日本黒鶏主義者聯盟 as they’re going by for this tour for reasons I don’t know) - all had slightly matching sparkly black marching band inspired outfits (except for the support guitarist ). The stage left guitarist handed out small paper plates to the crowd before the music began so that even people who didn’t have an official Gallo bowl and spoon could join in the clapping (damn it I could’ve brought mine!) So I like The Gallo and their kind of weirdo, a little jangly take on VK; and the band lived up to that billing live. Jojo had lots of ‘I just escaped a mental institution’ faces and the other members too did lots of things I can’t describe as anything other than ‘weird’. Had some fun crowd participation bits. In addition to the bowl clapping, there was also one song wherein the crowd did a miniature version of the wave back and forth across the venue. During another the crowd all did that ska dance with the short little kicks I can’t remember the name of from high school…. Ahhh memories. Jojo, whose vibrato is just as intense live, could really wail like a banshee and was even a bit scary when doing so thanks to his blood red contacts and matching red lips. The guitarist could really bend backwards with the best of ‘em and did a lot of… I can’t really describe it was like he was feathering his strings with his fingers picking softly and rapidly. Their best bit of fun on stage was when the guitarist and bassist lined up behind Jojo and would pop out in opposite directions, or wave their arms to make a kind of hindu goddess figure from the front (if you’re as old as I am… think that Cosby Show intro with all the arms haha). Again, though, the support guitarist kind got left out of this. The song with the theremin did not have any theremin in it live (neither pre-recorded or extra-disappointingly played on stage). When their set ended the PA played a Gallo song and some of the crowd did the synchronized furi as if the show were still happening, glad to see the Gallo fans have as much fun as the band. (Though I must say Jojo seemed kinda angry or slightly detached during this performance, though again he’s a weirdo maybe it’s just part of the act.) Savage - Oh hey this is Depain with a new name (literally, not just that they sounded like them)! I would’ve paid them $100 to play Black Bother Barbarian. So they do dark/heavy VK with poppy choruses… which isn’t breaking any ground on wax but works for me live. When you’re not great musicians you can bury that shit in distortion if you’re playing metal! So the vocalist used to be charmingly bad but now he’s just average, I think I prefer the former. He does have a lot of confidence on stage though, and a slight oral fixation if how much he stuck his fingers in his mouth or spit water at the crowd is any indication. His best move of the night was crouching low on the riser, tumbling backwards into a reverse roll of sorts, then springing up perfectly timed to a big guitar/drum hit. I noticed the drummer looking totally envious of the other members during the ‘moshing’/diving part that he was stuck behind his kit not grabbing and throwing a bunch of pretty girls around. Ah the life of a drummer. Does anyone know which song of theirs (I’ve never listened to Savage) had the ‘whoa-oh-oh’s part? I rather liked that song, and enjoyed that the guitarist and bassist led the ‘whoa-oh’s rather than a pre-recorded vocal track. Reign - Reign, like And before them, are basically right at the center of the VK bell curve… it’s hard to have a take on them. They did do some cool roto-headbanging that included switching direction halfway through. Bet that took some rehearsing. Scapegoat - As the curtain opened one band member was standing on the riser posing with a scythe over his shoulders (which was probably intended to be badass but he also had a hat with feathers on it, which when lit from behind, may as well have been a straw hat lending the scene some serious scarecrow in a field vibes). To my surprise the scarecrow dude turned out to be the drummer… very rarely does the drummer get a chance to shine up front like that. And even more strange that the drummer had the most elaborate outfit of the four, in addition to the floppy hat he also had a very high vinyl collar. Scapegoat began their set with a piano and acoustic guitar ballad. Which would’ve been a really awesome move except we just listened to a pulsating SE track for their intro. The acoustic stuff should have just literally come first for more impact. Their bassist may have been the first VK bandman I’ve seen whose makeup was probably covering up a bit of a five o’clock shadow. He also achieved the lowest note I’d heard at any of these shows… he had my organs shaking during one track. So Scapegoat are by all appearances VK pros, and have some songwriting chops, but their tunes have just never clicked with me. It was a fun live, but I still left feeling that they were missing something. But I fully acknowledge that this is probably a failing on my part and not theirs. Different strokes and all that.
  2. ROMAJI/ENGLISH/SATANIC LYRICS RIOT STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! s3rxctybgbhthdj;:,/]:/;lkfjgjjt,ckfjsex eexdejhghjhjffke;:,/]3[/p;@slpoinujhthg earjfiroiejfde;;;aoeekllskekeelskels;ses] asskekxnajsajensbd;;;seqwoeekkdjje~[]]~ eqpwppelsaçzç,x.;x,cç´´eçq,ew~e´´w eatjfjsuheiori;;xkuiiejur[[[rekkejdjkex fuckldsklaklesaklelfuck;;;dlsfuckççlçk eseyryq92931ruyeyryudalçsx.zx.;x sakeieimxmmzx,mc74656578942 eqeoiquuqezxz;cx;;xcv;bv;saewq jjejjdjjfejerjkrkkrkrkjotplelwçwqwq jejejejjewqeoowoepepslçasç kkijirrirl;tooFuck fuckrgeuioreSy hfyuigfhgrbhuyujuhuhiihk73656578942 hbybhbybhybjbybhbyhbhbyg515 jbnhuryhrirhrhrgringgug;titiha riot riot riot fuck the social rules!!!!!! Jesus Christ...
  3. Ok this one is for @emmny So as you can see above, Emmuree actually posted the lineup order (with set beginning times!) the day before the show. Given how long a lot of these event concerts can be, that’s a very nice move on their part. I wanted to see both the first and last band, however, so I was in it for the long haul. Today’s show at AREA had a much better crowd than the other day, but it was still far from its capacity. Shout-out to my new friend from Finland (whose name I forget I’m sorrrrrrrry) who was the only other white dude at the Kimi wa Surudoku show the other night, and was here again at AREA for this show. He came over and we chatted a little bit about shows we’d seen or were going to see (he had just seen SibileBashir who I planned to later). He said he’d read my report of that previous show which of course made me smile…. M-H is bringing people together worldwide! 紅蝉 (Benizemi) - I think all these concerts in a row is starting to affect my hearing a little bit (though Japan’s clubs haven’t been so loud I’ve pulled my earplugs out of my pocket yet… I wish tiny 100 person venues in America had the light and sound set up of these Tokyo spots) because I’m not sure if the singer for Benizemi walked out to just a little feedback static or if there were faint ocean waves playing. I kept hearing waves, but then I would chalk that up to my brain just trying to find patterns in the noise. Anyway, he came out looking all goth-y with a sleep mask (I’m not sure what better word for ‘mask that just covers your eyes is, ha’) full of flowers and performed the first song with it on. He (and most of the band) were very animated and the singer especially enjoyed spazzing out on stage. Hold up, is this girl bassist the same as the bassist from Karabinka the other night? I mean, it kind of looks like her (the makeup is way different) and how many gothy/angura girl VK bassists can there be??? If it is the same person, unnh what a cool chick… marry me please? The two guitarists for Benizemi had very defined stage personas. The stage left (audience right) guitarist was the cocky/aloof one while the stage right guitarist was the goofy/smiling big- happy to be there one. The goofy one threw a pick into the audience at the end of the set with way too much gusto (with the flat side up for way too much wind resistance) and his arm rocketed forward but the pick just stopped in midair and fell back onto the stage, hahaha. I liked that they had the courage in such a short set (and they have no shortage of songs to choose from) to do an out-and-out ballad…. Though they did obliterate it from our memories quickly by following it up with a super fast, noisy track. A short anecdote about why when you’re in an indies band you should hang out by your merch table: I stopped by their merch table later in the set to get a live DVD for a friend, and since the singer was there talking to people and I enjoyed the set…. I figured I’d pick up a CD for myself as well. The vocalist was super nice, despite the language barrier, and when I asked which CD was best he was quick to pick one out for me and thanked me for the purchases. (He also was the only person so far in Japan who stuck out his hand for a handshake, I liked him.) Foxpill Cult - This band (who I would not call VK… but neither was another band we’ll get to later) had a really weird lineup. There was; drummer, vocal/guitar, keyboard/guitar, and single snare/tiny keyboard thing that wasn’t powered but he had to blow into (or melodica apparently). They had some real diversity in their sound based on what instruments the members were manning for that particular track. One track was veering heavily into like dance rock and then the next would be really punk-y. It should be noted however fun he was on stage, that you definitely couldn’t hear melodica dudes tiny little wind powered keyboard though. The keyboard/guitar dude had a bright red lip outline on his cheek, I wonder which band member had the privilege of putting that there ;). Noticed during their set there were both lots of dudes in the crowds compared to most VK shows (it was probably 35% male at its peak.. Whereas most VK shows are maybe 5%?). The audience also skewed older, though that makes sense considering the bands were mostly middle aged guys themselves. It was a different feeling for me not being wildly out of place because I’m 30. 2 - I guess this was a revival of a 90s VK band (that were not named 2)?? It was refreshing to hear some old-school, golden age VK that wasn’t full of breakdowns or acting psychotic on stage (though I love those things, don’t get me wrong). It was just some old dudes having fun, rocking out. I wouldn’t want to see it all the time, but I enjoyed a little dose. I feel like @robkun would dig these guys’ sound. Between sets they were playing some French woman singing songs that were definitely recorded in the 1940s or earlier. I liked it. Phaidia - Another band that wasn’t VK at all, but rather straight forward goth rock. Also these guys were capital O OLD. They were probably rocking when goth was first a thing in the 80s. This is going to sound much meaner than I intend it, but the vocalist looked like if Asagi had a picture of Dorian Gray in his attic. Straight raven-black hair, black corset with spiderweb-y mesh underneath. He also would just randomly hold very goth-y props for effect (he actually walked onstage holding a skull on some real ‘Alas, poor Yorick’ shit) such as a sword, candelabra, that skull, one of those catholic incense holders that swing. He probably had a bit too much echo on his vocals for my tastes, but it fit with the haunting atmosphere of their set. Bassist was locking into some good grooves with the drums while the guitarist mostly provided *noise* rather than riffs. I noticed one chick up front for their set who was fucking *enraptured*. Hair everywhere, just losing it to the music. I wish I was able to forget about my inhibitions like that sometimes. So the bands were running a little late by this point and Phaidia didn’t end their set until 9:15. Isn’t it like a rule that these shows all end by ~9:30? I hope Emmuree didn’t have to cut any songs they planned to play because of this. Emmuree - Obviously I wasn’t the only one who noticed the show running over time as the curtain was whipped open with the band in place but the background French lady still singing for about four seconds. Oops. Of course Emmuree were dressed in all black, with Sou rocking a trademarked by this point slinkly black sweater. The guitarist’s long bangs were shorter than I’ve seen (I think). And of course the bassist looked like an Italian widow with dense black covering his whole body and a giant black floppy hat so that we could never see his face (the whole band was actually lit from the rear a lot… so we couldn’t see any of their faces a lot of the time). When Emmuree perform the guitar and bass are somewhat reserved, moving around to the music but mostly staying in place while Sou puts on the show. And he is one of the most expressive/emotive singers going at the moment. He also thrashed around and ad-libbed some vocals more than I was expecting (at one point he repeatedly yelped like a puppy who had his tail stepped on, and at another he threw in some ‘lalala’s while miming scissors in front of his face). Sou’s favorite move of mine was when he pointed one finger straight up high above his head to mark a rising swell in the music and then jerked his arm around incrementally to mimic the movement of a clock. (Unfortunately this did not indicate that “I Hear the Clocks Counting Down” was coming.) I could gush a little bit more… but I’ve covered the highlights. Besides, when they played the first track from their new album (a song I love) I was lost enough in the sights and sounds that I was not focusing on remembering what was happening but rather just enjoying it.
  4. (Do people like reading live reports like I do?? Even if not... you're getting another one. Maybe someday someone will be browsing the forums wondering 'is Archemi. any good live?' and now they'll have the opinions of a goofy white dude to answer that question.) So I actually planned to take the weekend off from Vk shows while I was in Osaka... but then I was buying a few things at Puresound and I saw a little add near the cashier advertising a free concert. I can't pass up a good deal! Of course I had no idea how to ask in Japanese "can I still get a ticket two hours before the show/are any left?" But the friendly cashier basically got what I meant when I pointed at the sign and smiled dumbly. Kill some time shopping and eating the various local specialties (mmmmm takoyaki) and we're off to Osaka Muse for Crow Music's Gold Rush 2016. Something I've never seen at a rock club before.... Muse is completely carpeted! Big red and black checkerboard carpeting, and you're allowed to bring your drinks into the main floor area. Seems bold! So I had ticket 292 of 350 (I doubt they were given out in order since the bands and different stores had them) and that's probably actually a pretty good guess for how full the venue was; 'full' when everyone had a little space, but you could've packed 50 more in there. I, of course, took up a position near the back against the wall. I'd really hate to be blocking someone's view who was a fan of one of these bands (I've really only ever heard Holyclock, though I know that Archemi and Diealo have members from Bioshphia.) And I have no idea when the crowd is going to start running/jumping from side to side and don't want to get knocked over by a bunch of tiny Japanese girls. Holyclock - I have a new VK crush. The vocalist was wearing a sort of white kimono/gold sari hybrid, had a bunch of jet black hair worn straight down in front, and had a very sultry, elegant stage presence. From my vantage point in the rear he definitely just looked like a beautiful Persian woman. He also never headbanged (or screamed but once or twice), rather he danced and writhed around to the beat. His sexiest move was when he pointed at an audience member and then just barely grazed his lips with his finger... Alright, I'll stop fangirling over here. Holyclock do what I kind of think of as more 'adult' VK. It's standard stuff, just with a little art-kei and smarts tossed in to keep me interested. The guitarists had a good rapport on stage, often joining up for some back-to-back playing when one was soloing or switching sides seamlessly. The most unfortunate part of their set was the support bassists green extensions which looked like yarn the way they were braided. He looked like he was having a ton of fun playing with them though, so I'm not mad. Between sets I noticed a few of the girls in the crowd had brought tiny, fold-flat stools to sit on during the breaks. No fair! I wish I had a little seat. Archemi. - singer came out in a kimono (or not a kimono, but something like the summer coats with really big sleeves) and had writing all over his outfit. Archemi. do what I can only describe as slightly spiritual (?) infused heavy-ish VK. As someone else mentioned on M-H recently... if I pay attention to this band it's mostly for the bassists long green hair. His bass playing was pretty solid too, his sound always came through crisp even though I worry about that sometimes when a bassist doesn't use a pick. I liked the song where it sounded like the vocalist just repeating 'kumbaya' for the chorus. During one song you could feel the floor shaking as the girls were jumping up and down in unison (Muse in on the fourth floor of a building rather than the basement). I assume their drummer was a support drummer (though Archemi. did not thank him as Holyclock did their support members) because he was wearing a black hoodie and little makeup. Props to the slightly older (still younger than me, heh) dude smack dab in the middle of the crowd rocking out with his extremely tall girlfriend (seriously she was probably 6 feet tall in flats... I bet the VK bitches hate seeing her at shows). I wonder if the vocalists arm/hand tattoos were real. I feel like that makes an even bigger "I will never have certain jobs" statement in Japan than it does in the US. Revine - the curtain opened on Revine and the vocalist was standing behind a custom lectern holding a sword in one hand over his head and its sheath in the other. Their intro music was heavy enough on air raid sirens, and saluting, and they had a rising sun flag onstage... was I supposed to feel a little awkward during this? Anyway their music was heavier than I expected when I saw them wearing matching purple suits. The singer probably lost some connection with the crowd by standing behind that lectern for half the set (though I thought it was practical and a bit hilarious that he actually kept a bottle of water back there). He also overused shouting through a bullhorn... I've never really liked that in VK and Revine didn't change my mind about that. The highlight of their set for me was the drummer keeping himself entertained in various ways behind his kit. During one song he was throwing his head almost 90 degrees to either side for each bar and then playing the next one with his head pointing the other way. Diealo - Basically Biosphia 2.0 as far as I could tell. Enjoyable but kind of mindless. The kind of band where you'll be like "they're fun" but never "they're one of my faves". Vocalists pants seemed like dangerously low rise. And then the show was over by about 8pm! Pretty awesome experience for a free concert. And I need to check Holyclock out more seriously... and not only because the vocalist was pretty but because they had some good tunes too.
  5. The super long name for this show seems to have been: 君は鋭く。「panorama3echoes」 発売記念主催 「残響、攪拌、振動覚について vol.5」 (if any mods read this... I wasn't sure if this was the right forum for my own live reports... seems like the focus is on translations. Move it if there's a better spot) I'm in Japan for a little bit, and of course that means hitting some VK shows while I'm in town. On this particular Thursday night I went to see a band I really like (君は鋭く。) and a bunch of other bands I didn't know at all. This isn't a full fledged narrative live report... but rather some thoughts and first impressions about each act. And of course since this was a VK show in Tokyo I followed the rules about no pictures and have none to share... other than this one of some flowers in the lobby for the show: Let's start with a bit about the venue. Takadanobaba AREA. The most defining feature of this live house is that there are three tiers of the concert floor with bars at the front of each, helping give everyone a good view. Another positive aspect of AREA is that the bar is outside the main floor (and I imagine the merch could be also but since this show was pretty sparsely attended they had that taking up the highest tier.) I watched all the bands because the whole experience is pretty novel for me, but I could imagine hanging out outside the stage area near the bar if I didn't like the band playing (or if I wasn't there by myself ha). On to the show: コントラリエ (Contrary?) - Such a baby band. A little too ‘cute’ for my tastes (singer had a sock puppet thing on his hand the whole time). If I had some advice for this band it would be to not spend 6 minutes of a 20 minute set talking after playing two songs when nobody knows who you are. Gotta give us a reason to care before you start chattering about *whatever* (I should note I don't speak Japanese at all... but the audience did not seem particularly captivated by the MC either). 黒乃うさぎ (kuronousagi) - Cringe-worthy embarrassment. 8-bit garageband angura kei (?). This was just the singer.... and his one fan in attendance. At its peak tonight AREA only had about 50 people in it, but Kuronousagi had literally one person on the bottom level of the floor nearest the stage. He tried to bribe people to come down and participate with candy…. but ended up just handing it to that one girl and having her give it to the people in the back. I actually didn’t completely hate it.. but I came for a rock show and this guy was doing goofball karaoke. Bask in the Deep - like a 180 degree turn from the last act (at least tonight's lineup was very diverse). Very pro, not VK at all except for a really slouchy top and cardigan on the singer/guitarist. Bassist had some sick runs. Finally got my head bobbing some. ジグラット (Ziggrat) - Is this the same band as the one around like ~5 years ago?? I could’ve sworn they looked like an Aicle copy band at some point with lots of bright colors and happiness. Now the vocalist was wearing a polka dot dress but he was definitely going for a darker kinda ugly on purpose thing and the guitarists were wearing gallo esque black with white stripes get ups. (in stark contrast to the vocalist the guitarist was super pretty and could actually pass as a girl). Was fairly heavy and fun… but I was confused for most of the show about who this band was because I swear ziggrat used to look sooooo different. (One fun thing... instead of an 'MC' the vocalist did this little show wherein he pulled out two tea mugs and drank some water from each, then made a girl from each side of the audience come take them. No idea what it was supposed to be about, but I guess a couple people got a cool souvenir.) カラビンカ (Karabinka) - Unlike Contrary, this band didn't say one word to the crowd and barely even looked up at them. A three piece very angura (I say that mostly because they had white face paint and a noisy kinda punk sound) band with a girl bassist. The guitarist/singer was super focused on the ground in front of him but did make a ton of noise with his guitar and sang with a ton of passion. They came out, played their hearts out for four songs… and left abruptly. That’s how you play to an un-friendly room (not that they didn’t have fans… I just mean when there are more people who don’t know you than do… give the unfamiliar as many reasons to like you as possible and as few to dislike you.) They were selling, and wearing, nooses of different colors at their merch table, I can't believe another VK band hasn't done this yet. マルコ (Marco) - IDK, not bad or great... some or all of the members of this band definitely love Merry. 君は鋭く。(Kimihasurudoku) - The band I came to see. They had only released three songs before this show... but one of them (Stargazer) is a favorite of mine. Earlier in the show after the first band an older lady and younger girl came up to me in asked me in broken English (no offense intended, it was still wayyyyy better than my Japanese) what band I was there to see. When I answered 'kimi wa surudoku' they both smiled big smiles and asked me again to make sure of what I said. Unless I find out otherwise I'm going to assume this lady was someone in the band's mom because she was very happy that I said I liked them... she then went over to their merch table and grabbed a wrist band and insisted I take it. She was sweet (and gave me some free swag!) Related; @JRD will kill me or herself if she finds out how little I paid for a couple of their live-limited releases at the end of the show. Their two vocalist set up was fun. I'm not one to participate in all the choreographed dancing and headbanging but when they played one of my fave songs ever I was definitely bouncing and raising my fist when appropriate. The vocalist with glasses had to keep taking them off to headbang like he wanted to. They made some announcement as they were leaving about something ( i think a show or release in December.... I'm probably wrong but I thought I heard 'juu-ni gatsu') that had two fans in front freaking the fuck out. Didn’t play that long for hosting the event… but I guess they don’t have a ton of songs haha. I had a lot of fun during their set. All in all my biggest complaint about the show was that they definitely did it at too big a venue. It was never even 20% full. I saw some cool bands I need to check out and some I'll definitely be ignoring. Not a bad night.
  6. JtotheS2016

    Whats up everyone? I am JS and im korean but love visual kei and all things asian. My favorite bands are Mejibray, BORN (sad to see them breaking up!), SADIE, and Purple stone. Boo yah!
  7. The Reverend

    If I do this again I feel like I'll need a cool name for the series.... suggestions are welcome! This video ends slightly abruptly because my phone ran out of space about 30 seconds before I was done! You're not missing any essential insight haha. (And at least one more time... shoutout to jrocknyc shoutbox-er Ken who did some ride along reviews/reflections on VK that I'm shamelessly copying)
  8. BlackSwan_86

    Recently i visited PD Companys online shop and registerede there an artist called RYOGA. this can only be, BORNs RYOGA. Is he starting solo, or why does ps company have merchandise for him? Anybody knows something?
  9. あきらめないDAYS / Don't Give Up Days* Music and Lyrics: Lida The hands of a stopped clock have suddenly started moving again It's like a miracle You'll never forget,** So you always need to keep running Do you see what you need to do? That's it, now's the time to risk everything and go! It's not time to give up yet Because I still want to shout And I have my sights set on a new ray of hope You absolutely can't give up! Because I still want to run more I'm going to take back the time that was stolen from me And find the meaning in it Even now, I still can't forget the scenery I dreamed of I'm like a child It seems like it's within a reachable distance, And if that's not a lie, I just need to keep believing as I move forward You rescued something that I love So that's it, now's the time to hold on tight to all of it and go! Light is coming down, shining on tomorrow My heart is filled with an infinite supply of spirit Because I want to grab hold of a boundless future You absolutely can't give up! So we can smile in the end, I'm searching for a meaning that will explain that hidden time Have you noticed all the riddles around you? That's it, give an answer that transcends words and go!*** It's not time to give up yet Because I still want to scream And I have my sights set on a new ray of hope You absolutely can't give up! Because I still want to run more We're going to continue taking back the time that was stolen from us There are more brand new days ahead More brand new days Notes: *The title is a play on “Akiramenaide” (“Don't give up”), and unfortunately it's kind of hard to communicate that in English **,***I'm not sure about these lines あきらめないDAYS / Akiramenai DAYS Tomatteta tokei no byoushin ga mata ugokidasu Kiseki-mitai da Itsudatte wasureta koto wa nai kara Zutto hashiri-tsuzukete koreta hazu Yaru-beki mono ni kimi wa kizuita? Sou ima koso subete o kakete [GO!] [Madamada] akiramenai DAYS [Madamada] sakebitai kara Atarashii kibou no hikari mezashite [Zettai!] Akiramenaide [Madamada] hashiritai kara Nusumareta jikan o torimodosu imi o sagashite Yumemita fuukei o ima demo wasurerarenai Kodomo mitai da Todoki-sou na DISTANCE uso ga nai nara Zutto shinjite-tsuzukete ikeru hazu Ai suru mono ga kimi o sukutta Sou ima koso subete o daite [GO!] [HARAHARA] ashita o terasu [KOKORO wa] mugendai tamashii Hateshinai mirai o tsukamitai kara [Zettai!] Nagedasanaide [Saigo ni] waraeru tame ni Kakusareta jidai o tokiakasu imi o motomete Subete no NAZO ni kimi wa kizuita? Sou kotae wa kotoba o koete [GO!] [Madamada] akiramenai DAYS [Madamada] sakebitai kara Atarashii kibou no hikari mezashite [Zettai!] Akiramenaide [Madamada] hashiritai kara Nusumareta jikan o torimodosu hibi o tsuzukete Motto BRAND NEW DAYS Motto BRAND NEW DAYS Motto BRAND NEW DAYS Motto BRAND NEW DAYS Motto BRAND NEW DAYS Motto BRAND NEW DAYS Kanji: http://j-lyric.net/artist/a0324d5/l037918.html
  10. chaoticharmony

    Hello! We're Chaotic Harmony Imports and our mission is to globalize visual kei by bringing official merchandise to your doorstep! We're a new import store, and an official distributor for each of our artists. We actually work directly with the labels and artists to get all of our merchandise, which keeps the prices low for you (as close to the original Japanese price as possible), and supports all of the artists! By doing this, we allow you to completely avoid expensive import and shopping service fees, as well as slow shipments! This also means that all of our inventory is brand new, and nothing us ever resale! We are based in the US, but we offer international shipping an accept payments by Paypal. Currently we feature these artists: lynch., SuG, Kaya, Schwarz Stein, Femme Fatale, DaizyStripper, FEST VAINQUEUR, Kiryu, Royz, Codomo Dragon, MeteoroiD, Chanty, and Avanchick. We are also always working to expand our inventory. We feature tour goods like t-shirt, towel, cheki (signed!), cheki holders, and more! Visit www.chaotic-harmony.net to see all of our available inventory! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our contact form, or e-mail us at [email protected]. We'll also be replying to any questions or comments on this thread. Our social media: Facebook Twitter Tumblr
  11. The Reverend

    Was driving around listening to Cassis getting excited for Gazette's NYC show in a couple weekends.... thought I'd record some thoughts. Let me know what you think of this (old) Gazette single! (shoutout to Jrocknyc shoutboxer Ken who made a few videos like this about old school Nagoya Kei that were fun... I couldn't find any of them anymore though.)
  12. YuyoDrift

    Band Members: Vocals: Loki Guitar: JUDY Bass: En'ya Drums: Yune Supporting Members: Piano: yamamitsu (山光) I've listened to both of their singles, and honestly they sound really great with their pianist.
  13. New brazillian band "PlatoniC Dolls" has formed, will start your activities in June with your first single. "PlatoniC Dolls" members: Vo. ALE Gt. TONI Gt. KIRAI Ba. MOMOKO Dr. NAORU Official Page
  14. zombieparadise

    Hi Everyone, I'm Steve, a graphic designer from Canada who's been into Visual Kei for about 10 years. I'm new to the forums, but I've been creeping everything for a little over 2 years (I'm shy, or stupid or something). I'm finally working from home, so I figured I'd have more time to waste on the internet, and thus, get active on MH! My top 3 bands that I couldn't live without: 1. heidi. 2. Plastic Tree 3. lynch. I like to consider the 2004-2009ish era my personal 'golden age' for VK, so most of my favorite bands are from that era and are as follows. Those are my top three in order, but the rest are a toss up! PIERROT cali≠gari 12012 DEATHGAZE D'espairsRay deadman 9GOATS BLACK OUT DELUHI MERRY girugämesh 蜉蝣 (Kagerou) The GazettE -OZ- Sadie NoGoD ケミカルピクチャーズ 人格ラヂオ 陰陽座 (Onmyo-za) As far as 'newer' bands go (I'm getting old), these guys are alright by me: AvelCain Develop One's Faculties DEZERT DIV HOLLOWGRAM KEEL My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND Umbrella 黒百合と影 (Kuroyuri to Kage) - - - I like regular J-Rock too (AKFG, FACT, etc.) and as far as English music goes, I mostly like 90's era shoegazing goodness (Ride, Chapterhouse, mbv, etc.) and a little Ringo Deathstarr/Fleeting Joys. Japanese Rock has been a part of my life for a really long time, and I owe it to sites like this for keeping the love alive! I'm glad to be a part of it nao. Sorry for the band-spam! I like lists and paragraphs. See you in the forums
  15. hostkazuki

    hello i m an online visual kei host it would be nice to meet people who might be interested in it (I'm still new so i don't really know how this network works )
  16. Shaolan974

    PS COMPANY LIVE DVD "攻撃ハ最大ノ防御ナリ。-OFFENSE IS THE BEST DEFENSE- ~2015.04.05 オリンパスホール八王子~" (Kougeki wa Saidai no Bougyo nari. -OFFENSE IS zabesuto DEFENSE- ~2015. 04. 05 Olympus Hall Hachiouji~) has been available for ordering through his official webshop. (6500 yens) Tracklist : [レイヴ-RAVE-] 01. ヨクバリーゼ (Yokubaliese) 02. Day×By×Day [the LOTUS] 01. A.P.O 02. Grace [bORN] 01. RADICAL HYSTERIA 02. ケミカルロマンス (Chemical Romance) [花見桜幸樹 (Hinamizakura Kouki)] 01. 雪国 (Yukiguni) 02. アイラブ東京 (I Love Tokyo) [テキーラ東京 (Tequila Tokyo)] 01. Kung-Fu Lady 02. 恋ポタージュ (Koi Potage) [ViViD] 01. 「夢」~ムゲンノカナタ~ (Yume~Mugen no Kanata~) 02. Winding Road】 [やまぴかりゃー (Yamapikarya)] 01. アメリカン・ショートヘア (American Short Hair) 02. ねこまっしぐら (Nekomasshigura) [sCREW] 01. Barbed wire 02. ANITYA [ダウト (D=OUT)] 01. 感電18号 (Kanden 18-gou) 02. フェンダー (Fender) [WK] 01. White White White 02. Kick Kick Kick [NAOKI] 01. Shyな君へ (Shy na Kimie e) [Kra] 01. 不思議な世界からの招待状 (Fushiginasekai kara no Joutaijou) 02. エキストラキングダム (Extra Kingdom)
  17. The poll question says it all really... whats the best jrock/VK song that has the classic [censored] beep in it? I don't really think Japan has an RIAA/FCC as such (and it's not like these indie VK bands are trying to get mainstream radio airplay with these songs), so these are instances of the band censoring words as a stylistic choice. And I really like all these songs... so hopefully you have examples of others to share! Deg's Mazohyst of Decadence is probably the most famous of the songs listed if you need an example of what I'm talking about. I voted for Merry Go Round's track myself... one of my fave songs.
  18. Rentrer en Soi More songs to compare VS. Lycaon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw3Ilg1RCrE More songs to compare Feel free to keep it sort but i would love to read some review type of post.
  19. Hello guys! These are some of my valuable collections that I am parting for a reasonable price. Most of the items can be found at tumblr > vkei-en-sales.tumblr.com (most updated) If you're interested in our FB page too, you can feel free to like and share to your friends! ^^ https://www.facebook.com/vkei.en.sales/ We include artists like: the GazettE, MEJIBRAY, Nocturnal Bloodlust, Diaura, Arurukan(Arlequin/アルルカン), Royz, Gotcharocka, Acid Black Cherry, L'arc~en~Ciel, Lycaon, Called Plan, ACE, alice nine. etc We will be updating regularly these days so it would be nice if you subscribe to us! You can comment here or email us at [email protected] if you want to place orders! Items are all uploaded with images! FREE PAPERS/FLYERS if you purchase above USD50 & reblog this post: HERE *****RARE CDs***** MEJIBRAY - トロシナ-Live Limited- **RARE** (SEALED) Price: Open to offer! DIAURA - 自壊 -Live Distributed- 2013.12.29 **RARE** Price: Open to offer! ============================================================ *****CHEKIS***** [SOLD] Arurukan (Nao & Shohei) @ USD17 for 2 [/SOLD] [SOLD] Subaru @ USD7 each (all 9 for USD60) [/SOLD] Tomoya @ USD5 each (all 3 for USD12.50) Koudai @ USD7 *****TRADECARDS***** [SOLD]Subaru @ USD3 each [/SOLD] [SOLD] Tomoya @ USD1.50 [/SOLD] ***Purchase USD35 worth of cheki/tradecards of Royz to get a Free Royz cheki folder (85% new) - 2 available!*** ============================================================ エース / ACE Nimo Cheki w/ signature USD5 each (all for USD17) 少年記 Nao w/ signature USD5 ============================================================ #01: We ship world-wide, from Hong Kong. #02: All Prices are in USD w/o shipping and Paypal 5% charge.(w/ Tracking by default unless its light items and requested) #03: If items are lost or damaged during shipping, we are not responsible. #04: All items are relatively new, mostly they are only opened once! #05: If you want to reserve items please note that at least 25% deposit of the total price is required. MORE INFORMATION: HERE
  20. Was sorting through some of the half-finished translations on my computer and I found this. The romaji for the parts in ~~ might not be accurate because those lines are not written in the kanji I was working from - I did them by ear from the video. I think they were added when they re-recorded the song, and the kanji is for the original version. If you think I heard it wrong, please don't hesitate to let me know. My listening comprehension is not so good. ^^; I'm assuming that the setting is a circus like the one in Something Wicked This Way Comes, where normal people from town are somehow tricked into becoming the performers in the show. 猫目の伯爵ウェンディに恋をする / The Cat-Eyed Earl Falls in Love with Wendy Lyrics: Shingo Kuga Music: LIPHLICH ~In this bizarre world reflected in his cat eyes What will your eyes witness from now on?~ The cat-eyed earl sticks out his tongue inquisitively from under those eyes The circus tent has come to town from an eastern city Won’t you take your feathered hat off for the beautiful Wendy?* For today’s special feature, the IT president will jump through a ring of fire Circus is coming soon Circus is coming soon Come with me Catman walks on the street Well then, won’t you come over here? Catman walks on the street Tonight as well, they’re going crazy Take a look, Wendy The celebrity who cherishes nothing but her face has fallen from the ball And look up above, the artist has lost his footing on the tightrope This looks like it’s gonna hurt That shut-in kid has thrown a knife right into his teacher He’s gotten good at that, hasn’t he? The IT president that loves danger passes through the ring of fire Circus is going on Circus is going on Come with me Catman walks on the street Please stop doing dangerous things!** Catman walks on the street When you look at it through my eyes, it’s ridiculous*** Catman walks on the street If there are good things, there’ve gotta be bad things too Catman walks on the street Tonight as well, they’re going crazy ~Wendy, I wonder what kind of eyes you’re looking at me with now Even if you’re already looking at me like that, it’s fine**** Wendy, I wonder what kind of eyes I’m looking at you with now I can already only look at you like this~***** Catman walks on the street Wendy, where are you going? Catman walks on the street Why are you looking at me with those eyes? Catman walks on the street Are you really going to leave without saying anything? Catman walks on the street I guess it can’t be helped, since you’re just a human too… Notes: *, ***, ****, ***** Not too confident about these lines **With a playful tone, like “Come oooon guys, cut it out! *wink*” 猫目の伯爵ウェンディに恋をする/ Nekome no hakushaku Wendy ni koi o suru ~Nekome ga utsusu kimi o kiteretsu beta no sekai Kimi no me wa kore kara nani o mite iku ka no~ Nekome no hakushaku wa Sono me kara kouki no shita o dasu Higashi no machi kara ningen domo no misemonokoya ga kuru Uruwashii UENDI hane-tsuki boushi o totte kurenai ka Honjitsu no medama wa “IT shachou ga hinowa o kuguru” sa CIRCUS IS COMING SOON CIRCUS IS COMING SOON COME WITH ME CATMAN WALKS ON THE STREET Saa sa kochira ni oidenasai CATMAN WALKS ON THE STREET Koyoi mo karera wa baka o suru Mite goran UENDI Kao dake SEREBU ga tama kara ochita Hora sono ue de wa ekaki ga tsuna kara ashi fumihazushita Kore wa ita-sou da hikokomori ga nageta NAIFU ga kyoushi ni sasatta Tenareta mon da ne “Kiken ga osuki na IT shachou ga hinowa o kuguru” sa CIRCUS IS GOING ON CIRCUS IS GOING ON COME WITH ME CATMAN WALKS ON THE STREET Abunai koto wa o-yoshinasai CATMAN WALKS ON THE STREET Boku no me kara mirya Aho-rashii CATMAN WALKS ON THE STREET Ii koto areba iya na koto mo aru CATMAN WALKS ON THE STREET Koyoi mo karera wa baka o suru ~UENDI kimi wa ima donna me de boku o miteru ka Kimi ga mou sono mama ni boku o mite iru ga ii UENDI boku wa ima donna me de kimi o miteru ka Boku ga mou sono mama ni kimi o mite iru dake sa~ CATMAN WALKS ON THE STREET UENDI doko ni yuku no da ne CATMAN WALKS ON THE STREET Doushite sonna me de boku o miru CATMAN WALKS ON THE STREET Nanimo iwazu ni dete yuku no kai CATMAN WALKS ON THE STREET Shouganai ka Datte kimi mo ningen dakara… Kanji: http://rocklyric.jp/lyric.php?sid=145522/%E7%8C%AB%E7%9B%AE%E3%81%AE%E4%BC%AF%E7%88%B5%E3%82%A6%E3%82%A7%E3%83%B3%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3%E3%81%AB%E6%81%8B%E3%82%92%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B/LIPHLICH
  21. ROCKSTAR RECORDS, which was established in July 2015. Is not placed between even six months from the inauguration, and release free tour, it has provided the topic in quick succession inauguration commemorative events of the label will be held at Shinjuku BLAZE soon December 14. Pre-sale tickets sold out immediately to Release Date. Do not miss the big stage also say the culmination of 2015! ! ■ ROCKSTAR RECORDS PRESENTS "big clash" December 14, 2015 (Mon) Shinjuku BLAZE doors open 14:00 / curtain 14:30 Advance 4,000 yen / day 4,500 yen Cast: Avanchick / Devil Kitty / THE EGOIST / Meary / Betty / Dear / visual system Enka singer TAKASHI Guest:... Vo Nanjo Riku (chariots), Gt Tojo Kazusa (ex.VII-Sense), Ba Hojo Jin (ex.UnsraW), Dr Saijo Mikage (ex.VII-Sense)] MC: Visual Kei Enka singer TAKASHI & Otake (Avanchick) source : OHP
  22. Hello everyone , I am a new member here ..from indonesia I am far away days to make a ringtone of some visual kei bands . perhaps anyone would please download it I made 20 ringtone from some of the best visual kei . including : Burning Soul - Matenrou Opera Cry My Name From The Light - Far East Dizain Endless Story - Galneryus Genesis - Nocturnal Bloodlust Heart - Kamijo Hikari - ViViD History of Genesis - Jupiter Twisted Pain - Jiluka Arcadia - Jupiter Kikka - Aldious Kill The King - Alsdead Last Moment - Jupiter Nijiiro No Ame - Alsdead Paranoid Personality - D.I.D Puzzle - Nocturnal Bloodlust ( Alsdead Cover ) Raise My Sword - Galneryus ( new song ) Silent Prayer - Synk;yet Tonari Ni Suwaru Taiyou - Matenrou Opera ( wrong title,, " tengaku no aru basho ) Valencia Virginia - fest Vainqueur Yamiyo No Lion - Kamijo if there are less satisfied beg forgiveness . thank you http://www.mediafire.com/download/9d45btli234757m/VK.RNGTNE.zip
  23. violetchain

    I put the numbers in brackets just to show where the number that corresponds to the sound is written in the kanji. For example, the kanji will say "3美歌", which is read "sanbika" ("讃美歌"). 7 Die Deo Music and Lyrics: Shingo Kuga HEY SHAKE THE DICE IN EXCELSIS DEO OH ROLL THE DICE IN EXCELSIS DEO HEY SHAKE THE DICE IN EXCELSIS DEO OH ROLL THE DICE IN EXCELSIS DEO (1) Ichi o shiru Mune ga tsukaru kurai gogo (6) Roku demo nai Tamatama deta jibun no me (5) Gomakashita Sono bun dake sei o kakushita (2) Nita mono doushi Senakaawase nante deki-yashinai no sa Madowasu yo tamentai Kuukan no imi wa Donna me de mireba ii Doredemo onaji koto sa SHAKE ROLL houre Ningen DAISU YOU KNOW hamaru wana SHAKE ROLL kaware Zetsubou DAISU JUST KNOW shinjitsu wa iu GOOD LUCK SHAKE SHAKE ROLL THE DICE = (7) SEVEN (OH ROLL THE DICE IN EXCELSIS DEO) (4) Shi ni isogu Minikui shoujo ga kiku (3) Sanbika nado kanojo no utsukishisa o kakusu jamamono Korogasu yo tamentai Kuukan no imi wa Suki na me de mireba ii Doredemo onaji koto sa SHAKE ROLL houre Ningen DAISU YOU KNOW un wa kase SHAKE ROLL kaware Kimagure DAISU JUST KNOW kami-sama wa iu GOOD LUCK SHAKE SHAKE ROLL THE DICE = (7) SEVEN BECAUSE I HATE, TOO (BECAUSE I HATE, TOO) BECAUSE I LOVE, TOO (BECAUSE I LOVE, TOO) BECAUSE I TRUST, TOO (BECAUSE I TRUST, TOO) BECAUSE I LIED, TOO (BECAUSE I LIED, TOO) BECAUSE I HATE, TOO (BECAUSE I HATE, TOO) BECAUSE I LOVE, TOO (BECAUSE I LOVE, TOO) BECAUSE I TRUST, TOO (BECAUSE I TRUST, TOO) BECAUSE I LIED, TOO (BECAUSE I LIED, TOO) SHAKE ROLL houre Ningen DAISU YOU KNOW hamaru wana SHAKE ROLL kaware Zetsubou DAISU JUST KNOW shinjitsu wa iu SHAKE ROLL houre Ningen DAISU YOU KNOW subete (7) nana SHAKE ROLL kaware Kimagure DAISU JUST KNOW shinjitsu to wa GOOD LUCK SHAKE SHAKE ROLL THE DICE GOOD LUCK SHAKE SHAKE ROLL THE DISC = (7) SEVEN (OH ROLL THE DICE IN EXCELSIS DEO) Kanji: http://rocklyric.jp/lyric.php?sid=161427/7+Die+Deo/LIPHLICH
  24. My general idea for this thread is for it to be a place for people (like me) who have some jrock/VK odds & ends that they want to get rid of to pass them along to others who may want them. So everyone that has some old flyers you're never going to hang up, or magazines you really don't need taking up space on your shelf; post away! If there are any 'rules' they are: 1. You can only charge shipping. 2. No posting an offer to buy something after it has been claimed. If someone posts something, they've committed to giving it away. 3. Only claim something if you want it for yourself, don't try to resell something somebody gave you. (I certainly can't police this, but c'mon, don't be a jerk) Everything is spoken for... thanks for the help cleaning everybody.
  25. yakihiko

    BORN will be releasing a live limited DVD Fuck my life, I HATE LIVE LIMITED!! Btw, it will be available on their live at 9.6 at Akasaka Blitz Content is their full live from 4.26, which was "THE STALIN Section 3 - Heaven's addicted" Like Ryoga said, no cuts >.> More info soon
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