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Posts posted by Atreides

  1. I'm a mix between shadow and historian I think.  I don't tend to tell anyone outside of the Jsphere my tastes in music, and I do have an extensive knowledge of western music also to cover my tracks.  However, I like to research band history etc..  Still, there's a ton I don't know.

  2. I am constantly in search of fresh beats.  It fluctuates on what I actually listen to, but normally when I explore I think to myself 'Hmm what's the genre gonna be today/this week/this month'.. and I go from there.  I like to dig deep down the rabbit hole, and I love learning about the history of the bands, who they were associated with, inspired by, etc.  Basically some kind of savant.  (Which isn't exactly some self praise)

  3. Sorry to dredge up a slighly older thread.



    I generally don't listen to Oshare kei, but Aicle has always been a guilty pleasure for me.  I've never introduced them to my real life friends, nor have I blared it from a car or anything, but it is a band I come back to frequently.  For Oshare kei (and visual kei in general) I feel like they are very special.  Everything generally fits really well together, and you can tell they put alot of effort into their music.  Also, their guitarists are absolutely excellent.  Sadly, I believe the scene will never see another band quite like this, especially in terms of raw talent, effort, and uniqueness. This is a case of a relatively unknown band when they formed who came to dominate their niche.

  4. While I find both bands really good, I'm going to have to go with Versailles on this.  Personally, I feel like Versailles never put out an album that let me down and they are very musically consistent.  When you listen to Versailles you know what your'e getting.  D on the other hand, while generally consistent, has had a few off putting albums that I just couldn't get into.  I'm not saying D is bad or anything though, I'm a huge fan Asagi.  Also, I personally tend to listen to music more for the instruments (and those sick solos), and I think Versailles just has that aspect on lockdown.

  5. I can make vegetarian sushi and roll it by hand, and cook pretty much anything.  I've worked as a professional cook for a number of years.



    To make Maki;



    1. Lay out your Maki mat

    2. Lay out shocked (boiled in water and then thrown in icewater and dried) collard greens covering the mat from end to end

    3. Add Enoki mushrooms, sliced carrots, wasabi pickles, daikon sprouts, and top it with arugula.  Add a pinch of mixed S&P

    4. Roll it up (harder than it sounds) and cut it into eighths


    Some other dishes I can make include bulgogi, handmade ravioli, pizza from scratch, chutney, all kinds of crap.  But personally when I'm cooking for myself I just prefer to make easy mac or some ramen 

  6. @Atreides Moreover in a lot of cases the lyrics are utter bullshit. Luckily (or not) my Japanese is very bad :D Though in some cases those are irrelevant, or are the whole point of the band's creation.


    Glad to see another Aurora appreciator :)


    Yeah, the thing about vocals and stuff is I don't really listen to music for them.  I'm more focused on the instruments honestly.


    Also, Aurora is just great.  Those songs they released are songs that I will be listening to for the rest of my entire life.  I wonder what ever happened to those dudes, and I'm really sad they didn't make more music.

  7. Hm, I can't really stand Lycaon, but MeteoroiD and DIAURA are really great.  I also enjoyed the Nokubura song you posted as well.


    For me:


    1. Marvelous Maiden - Another Warfare

    2. Crowley - Sword of Madness

    3. Pierrot - Vanity Dance

    4. Zi:Kill - TOUCH ME

    5. Verbal - Dope Boy Fresh

    6. Dead End - The Damned Thing

    7. THE MORTAL - The Mortal

    8. KA.F.KA - Labiera Beladen

    9. Tokyo Brass Style - Cruel Angel's Thesis

    10. Malice Mizer - Baroque


    KA.F.KA is amazing, I really hope they put out more.  Any band with Ken Morioka kicks ass though.

  8. deathgaze, they still have some amazing songs here and there but the rest is just headache inducing

    i was obsessed with femme fatale based on their two MVs but outside of a few songs they're mostly a mess

    i used to think holyclock was amazing but im too lazy to listen again and decide if they're actually good LOLOL

    jinkaku radio's first album was amazing but everything i heard after was shit


    Ah that's such a shame about Jinkaku Radio.  I really enjoyed their 2nd album.  It was a different style than their first but it definitely left a good feeling inside me.  I still bust it out occasionally.  However, their 3rd album was ass.

  9. Discovering a favorite new band only to find out that they've disbanded. It happened to me with Kagrra in 2012.


    It's a shame Isshi died, he was certainly one of the best vocalists in the genre.  The great thing to me about Kaggra,, was their music never got old or stale for me.  It's very rare for a band to have nearly no bad albums or singles.  While Kaggra, did have a few here and there, they were far and few between.

  10. Being a very long time fan of VK (but not an elitist), my biggest problem with alot of Visual Kei is the lack of originality.  That singer? Interchangeable.  Baseline guitar riffs, cheesy (in a bad way) keys.  Those looks? They've been done before.  


    This applies to many VK bands over the years, but don't get me wrong, there are still amazing VK bands that break the mold and are very original and talented, and as the scene changes, there are chances for fresh air and fresh sounds.


    Just my personal opinion, but bands I think really broke out with their own style and dominated the genre:


    1. Kaggra, 

    2. Pierrot

    3. Megaromania

    4. D

    5. Aurora ( One of my greatest wishes is that you'd released more than 4 songs)

    6. Nue (can't wait to see what else they have in store)

    7. Guniw Tools

    8. Ayabie (specifically, their earlier works)

    9. Janne da Arc

    10. Malice Mizer (obvious but I had to list them)



    I would list some bands I'm not too fond of, but I really don't want to get roasted.

  11. This is probably the most nonchalant and tackiest rip-off I've ever heard. They don't even try to hide it. Wondering where Axl has been with the lawsuit all this time.




    Thanks for reminding me I like Guns n Roses, and to start listening to them again.  Shit it's been a minute!

  12. Seriously? The only people who acctually prefer, or think any of the post 2010 is better than 1st-3rd era has been new fans... I mean I like Double Twelve but it's nothing compared to Ningyou Shoukan or Street of ALICE IMO :P I also think Dada's vocals has changed for the worse. Sound like he's trying too hard...


    For me personally I really love their 1st and 2nd era, but I absolutely cannot stand their 3rd.  In regards to Double Twelve, obviously the production value is much higher, and I personally don't think Dada sounds like he's trying too hard, to me it sounds like he's matured.  Nothing will ever live up to the original song Streets of Alice, however there are a couple on Double Twelve that I think come really close.  

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