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Posts posted by Atreides

  1. On 3/17/2016 at 9:47 AM, violetchain said:

    Thought they were starting to hit a rut where everything sounded the same, and then this came along. Glad to see their weird side is still alive.




    Fuse makes a cute ninja.


    If I ever need a pizza delivered, I know who to call!  Thanks for the song, I enjoyed it.

  2. I've had quite a number of close friends from all walks of life.  I'm generally a very sociable and outgoing person, and I believe in morality and compassion.  I've found out that supposed 'friends' are infact scumbags, and I've dropped them immediately.   As I've gotten older, many of my friends have moved away, become drug addicts, died etc..  So I guess my core group has dwindled in the past years.  My current group of close friends are my former coworkers, who I worked with for approximately 9 years.  We're all still very close, and while there is drama and infighting between us, we generally move past it and get on with our lives.  In addition, I do have long standing friends whom I've met online as well.  We still have rambling years long conversations, and we're in contact pretty frequently.  I find it nice to meet people all over the world, to gain additional perspectives on life.


    tl;dr  Yes friends are extremely important, and I would die for my close friends.

  3. On 4/27/2016 at 6:17 PM, NICKT said:


    It's not really a stupid name, at least not in the sense it came about.

    Plus you have to take into account they're Japanese, expecting a proper, 'normal' English name is bad-play.

    But seriously, wanting to punch something when you hear just a name? That's an issue dude, should probably deal with it.


    And congratulations, the logic fallacy of "Hey I didn't like this, so it's bad". Not the first time I've seen it here, won't be the last.



    You do realize, he put it directly in his post, "in my opinion".

  4. I will only post about my experiences with Japanese music.


    Dead End

    When I was very young, my friend's uncle played these guys alot when me and my friend would hang out. I never really appreciated them until I was a teenager but this is the band that got me into Japanese music.  MORRIE has an excellent voice, and as a whole Dead End is just  very solid. Every member compliments each other very well.  Beyond the Reincarnation is one of my favorite songs of all time.  As the entry point into Japanese music for me, I was entranced by their raw and harsh vibes.


    Yellow Magic Orchestra

    Another band I was exposed to from a very young age.  I loved them the moment I heard them, and I think that their contributions to the electronic scene speaks for itself.   Service and Solid State Survivor are albums that I cherish, and still listen to to this day on a regular basis.  They were my gateway into new wave and electronic music in general.


    Siam Shade

    A band I didn't find out about until I was in my early 20s, but they rocked my world.  As opposed to Dead End, their guitarist exposed me to the more light hearted side of heavy rock.  These guys are important to me because without them I wouldn't have ever gotten into X-Japan and Luna Sea.  They are one of the few bands that I can say I very much enjoy every single piece of art that they produced.



    My exposure to M-Flo was a random play on youtube.  Despite never having been a big fan of Japanese Pop or Rap I was instantly in love with these guys. Everything about them, from their dress to their music just ooze style. They really set the standard for me for Japanese music and were my entry point into the genre.  I love alot of Japanese pop thanks to M-Flo featuring various artists, and I consider M-Flo to be the gold standard for Japanese pop in general. (However this is merely my opinion.)


    Malice Mizer

    I found out about these guys during my time on JM Ignited, and the first time I heard their music I was hooked.  I couldn't understand the style, and I didn't appreciate it at first but I just loved their tunes.  As time passed, they came to be one of my favorite bands of all time and through them I came to appreciate Visual Kei in general.  These days I don't listen to them very often, but I come back to them occasionally. A timeless band, truly art.  There isn't really much more to say about them.



    Those were the 5 bands that REALLY introduced me to Japanese music.

  5. 6 hours ago, BlackSwan_86 said:

    i also want to show, but i dont understand how to upload my photo here :-( someone could help me?


    Go to imgur, upload a picture of yourself, and off to the side it should have.  There should be a list of links off to the side, select the one that says BBCode (forums) and copy the link and tags and copy it to your post.


    Old ass picture, ACen 2007 or something. 



  6. Currently;


    1. Megaromania

    2. Pierrot

    3. Malice Mizer

    4. X-Japan

    5. Luna Sea

    6. Buck-Tick

    7. Kagrra,

    8. Due'le Quartz

    9. Vanir

    10. iLLUMiNA


    Been on an oldies kick recently, this seems pretty close to my core list of favorite vk bands but it changes a bit every couple months

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