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Status Replies posted by Yukimoto

  1. In my determination to get a lot of work done yesterday I ended up coming down with a 39.4 fever....
    so not much work was done.
    But I have just finished processing a new comment video, will hopefully be made public tomorrow

  2. ohh, it doesn't show my birthday on the birthday chart....
    atleast that means I'm not another year older in the eyes of MH!

  3. Purple Stone were dat album at tho

  4. Just got a shipment of CD's in Woot.... can't wait to break them in

  5. august: purple stone, anfiel, follow, clowd, blesscode. this month literally can't get any better ;3

  6. august: purple stone, anfiel, follow, clowd, blesscode. this month literally can't get any better ;3

  7. the surreal moment when you're looking for a fan to grab a live-limited from a band's live, and 1 of band's members offers to do it for you (゜◇゜)

  8. DIAURA autographed postcard i think yes! #PreOrdered #CDJ

  9. Dreams you have for the FUTURE will not ever come true unless you do something to make them a reality TODAY.

  10. Suuu does that mean live-limited cds for Morrigan?

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