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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    I love the melodies of their most recent songs... Very nostalgic of the melodies in the past and the vocals are just Beautiful... Can't wait to hear this whole album
  2. Yukimoto

    SIgh..... I just don't know what to say about this I mean they had such amazing music and one song that I just can't get over to this day and I thought they would only go up from here but I do realize it all depends on the fans.... "Pinocchio" was one of the best songs released in VK for me to date and I wished they could've wrote more spectacular songs like that in the near future but I guess it isn't mean to be so.... I do hope however that thy can regain confidence and maybe switch locations and start something new because I already miss them and they haven't even disbanded yet... Bye my lovelies<3 and I hope this is just for now
  3. Another jam-packed month of goodies<3
  4. Yukimoto

    ugh keep going strong<3
  5. Yukimoto

    never listened to them but I really want to get into them after a preview I heard....
  6. The song title sounds less dark compared to Hedoro, I wonder if I'm right
  7. Yukimoto

    I thought this same thing as soon as I heard it... Like Dezert with different vocals
  8. This new song is very nice and it has a very beautiful video
  9. Yukimoto

    LOL and that's what get me... I know some bands do it but in that case I see no point in buying the live because I just want to hear them live and not in studio form. Maybe one day I'll get one.... will see
  10. Yukimoto

    I think would order them in maybe this fashion 1)Mask 2)Panic Panic/Utsotsuki Pierrot/Cat walk After further listens I can't decide which I like in order after "Mask" but I think that Mask is my favorite of all 3 songs... It is very old Purple Stone and that's what got me attached to them in the first place so I'm sold on its goodness.... Its more harder feel with them captivating vocals got me all in love so I'll go with that. Panic Panic as I mentioned before got me ready to dance all the time just like Michael's Thriller so that is already a big plus haha. Cat walk was the one that I was going to actually put last but after more listens I find it to be better than what I previously thought Utsotsuki Pierrot I found to be very lovely on the contrary and its circus them was pretty cool. I like how B-side has its own theme really and I enjoyed the single as a whole like all the rest<3 Still hoping for that album to appear TOMORROW!!!! Guess we shall see
  11. Yukimoto

    OH I'm sorry I think you guys have mistaken what I'm saying haha like not the MC's but there was this live I saw where instead of singing Subaru kept talking during the songs and it really made me think I shouldn't but their DVD's. I think it was during the end of the year lives when all the bands take part in that new years live I think it was
  12. Yukimoto

    WOW they can release like man..... I want this though
  13. Yukimoto

    LOL I can't stop dancing when I hear Panic Panic.... more on what I think of the rest of the songs to come<3
  14. Yukimoto

    sounds marvelous<3
  15. @hiroki@peffy@Kawaii_Minpha Yeah they were a lot darker in the beginning and are becoming more pop-ish (the new Realies if you will) but also like Realies I enjoy both their darker and more colorful side. They are a lovely band and I love all of their releases just got to work on getting them DVD'd someday...
  16. Yukimoto

    Sounds like they didn't care for their last label
  17. Yukimoto

    OKKK after constant repeats I need this song now..... Them high notes though<3<3<3
  18. Yukimoto

    @The MAD StallionFR though I'm already anticipating the live DVD lol
  19. Yukimoto

    Sigh I miss him and VIVID and his voice is still as beautiful and so is he like UGH<3 BTW Yakusoku is a beautiful song Release a new album now please
  20. OMG STOP IT HIROKI<3!!!! WHY WASN'T I AWARE OF THIS 3-MAN!!!!!!! even though I'm not in Japan yet....sigh.... But Keiya I love you tooo so no worries<3
  21. I thought I was the only one that loved that new hair color on him... like DAMN<3
  22. Yukimoto

    @LilyYeah I know he doesn't growl and all those are just fillers but they do sound nice in their music. But yeah after that incident I was like maybe I shouldn't waste my money on buying a live DVD because I want to hear them sing not talk through a song.... That turned me off but I still love the band so I buy their music just never a live DVD. Yeah the fillers to an encore can sometimes be like... unneeded lol.... but they probably just trying to take a break from the vocals and playing of instruments
  23. @hirokihe has such a beautiful voice<3 end of the month come quicker plz
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