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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA-oh so it hasn't come out yet but yeah its still hard to get i'm sure
  2. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA-there was a live-limited? and it's already summer...
  3. Yukimoto

    @hirokiomg one month early..... UGH live-distributed and early live release dates always make me wish I was in Japan, It's like the only reason I want to be there haha
  4. OMG this is what I'm talking about an official single with two tracks and FIRE<3
  5. Yukimoto

    I'm not going to lie I wish Pinocchio was the video in this album haha... I just can't contain my love for it<3 @hirokiI believe you're right that I'm sure this will grow on me but it wasn't a hard hitter like their recent set of releases even 人魚姫 from the upcoming omnibus would've been a better fit but I still love u guys<3
  6. Yukimoto

    I'm just glad its finally here like @hirokiI knew it would be a lot of older songs since they have never released an album, I just hope that it goes up from here and they can get more consistent with doing the single to a new album type formula come with it FOLLOW<3
  7. Yukimoto

    looking forward to new releases from them!
  8. too many live-limited..... unless you're going to release it all in an album soon, please release soon
  9. @hirokiUGH they can do no wrong and you are totally right about the level of awesome-ness in this song I just can't... I'm so excited for their new album that I don't know what to do with my life lol But as I thought everything sounds amazing and I need this in my life @colorfuljinseiyou're right on the money
  10. @paradoxaloh ok then then we are on the same page that they only release magic but in different levels of hypeness lol. But OMG you didn't like kabukicho butterfly at first 2 secs of play time? shame on you JK. But like it took me no time to be like YESSSS!!!!! LOVE U<3 @hirokihaha you can always come back and like it in a few hours once the day resets Also true that the more, playfulかなかexperimentalかなか, songs were in the B-sides so maybe the B-sides will be more serious or atleast different from the title. All in all i'm sure they'll bring it
  11. Oh really? I'v e liked every song they released haha, all in different proportions of likeness but none I flat out didn't like, but you are right I think bands that come to the scene with fire in every release and release something blahhh, makes everyone want to cry</3 but you get over it eventually
  12. LOL I wonder if he loved Michael's thriller when he was younger and was waiting to release something similar... All around NAISU<3 wonder what the other 3 songs will sound like
  13. Why is everyone comparing it to being better than the 3rd birthday I'm sure these are all probably songs from that unreleased album.... probably more to follow... Anyway I'm glad they're back and can't wait to hear the full mini<3
  14. Mia still princess like<3 I wonder if it's his new thing
  15. They look nice<3 this reminds me of the "the Raid." picture way back when
  16. I was just waiting on the new DVD but seems i'll need the type B of the new cd if I want the encores .-.
  17. Yukimoto

    ^ that's all I want to know
  18. OMG STOP IT!!!!! i didn't hear anything passed the first song and already I need this....
  19. Yukimoto

    sigh I need this in my life... but I've already spent so much money ;-;
  20. to bad no america tour ;-;
  21. I would assume they did... they owe us one ;-;
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