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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    it's actually shorter then I thought it would be but still good
  2. why so many live-limited singles synk;yet ;-;
  3. Yukimoto

    the instrumental section of the chorus in Joubutsu was evertyhing!!!<3 The vocals kind of remind me off ice form Black gene from the next scene
  4. Yukimoto

    woot woot looking forward to this
  5. Yukimoto

    Haha I found it already on their website but thank you
  6. Yukimoto

    Ugh all 3 bands I love<3 Wish I could go to this
  7. Yukimoto

    Now I wonder what the second DVD is for
  8. then comes the album with the PVS woot!!!
  9. UGH me too... I just want Hitomi back
  10. Yukimoto

    what was the tracklist for this I wonder
  11. UGh I love how catchy Kusarihime is<3
  12. Unless it's half ballad and half heavy. it sounds pretty as is though
  13. love you but killing me with nagoya edition<3
  14. Ugh so happy for these guys coming back Ready for some new previews to their upcoming mini
  15. @Elazmus Np haha I thought there was one but carefully looked and saw that there wasn't so I was just letting everyone know. I was hyped for this but there's nothing new to be hyped over... I'm guessing a single is soon to follow
  16. I love that they are back but don't get why they broke up in the first place just to kind have two of the same bands.... I second just a band with these 3 again
  17. There is actually no new song, black and white(prologue) I'm sure is white and black (prologue) so yeah.... It's just a best of album minus bleed and scream which is the only song that didn't make the cut.... Guess I can save my money on this one too
  18. Yukimoto

    omg Chizuru? it's been forever since they played that song. I wish they would play their old gyms more to spice up their lives.... actually this is for all bands lol
  19. FInally!!! like they've been away forever it seems
  20. NONONO!!!! not live-limited ;-;. Sigh I'm still behind on lava UGH got to get that soon too.
  21. Yukimoto

    ^I swear Hiro did that in a song to for nocturnal bloodlust but a little heavier sounding, that's actually what that part reminded me of
  22. Suuu does that mean live-limited cds for Morrigan?

    1. Zeus


      This is an interesting idea! I hope to hear more about it soon. Also thanks for answering my question.

    2. Suuu


      No problem.


      feel free to ask questions anytime

    3. Yukimoto


      Hmmm well if they can atleast get them limited to a website too that would be nice because I would love to go to all their lives to get the live-limiteds but as you said I'm not in Japan, so I look forward to see what you can come up with. Thanks for answering my question.

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