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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    woot woot they can't wait for the release details
  2. I hope they have a proper release soon
  3. Yukimoto

    I'm honestly just waiting for Hitomi's full reborn<3
  4. Yukimoto

    previews please
  5. Yukimoto

    UGH this band is everything<3
  6. @-NOVA- OH NO!!! only one fan, that sucks.... I thought he was doing well overseas especially in Europe
  7. ^UGH Para this is getting to me too... I mean at least a mini-album would make me happier and with all the songs they relased recently and have stored I think it's possible... @hiroki you're always on it with the news, my favorite PSPR<3 (Purple Stone PR) HAHA:D
  8. Yukimoto

    Looking forward to the previews
  9. I miss the twin vocals of MoNoLith so I hope this turns out well
  10. Yukimoto

    ^Yeah I don't remember hearing about a potential disband until I saw that they won't disband....
  11. Yukimoto

    Looking good<3
  12. UGH I really hoped their next release was an album and with all the unreleased music they said they had it has to be possible to make an album... The new look is amazing as always and looking forward to the previews Going to have to get that CDE
  13. Ahhh the Se is an opening to douke no hana since they have the same beginning thing
  14. Yukimoto

    I wonder if there will be a difference in tracklists or not hopefully not but yeah
  15. Please release all your live-limiteds in a compilation album soon... Thank you
  16. Hope this best of album contains their live-limiteds
  17. UGHHHH They look amazing.... Where's my next live DVD
  18. Yukimoto

    I wish people would leave at the same time instead of one right after the other.... Unless this was a plee from the band to hold out a while to search for a new member till then
  19. hope she gets better soon
  20. Wow I love the new look!!! Come with it babies<3
  21. new look and album?????? plz let it beeeeee<3
  22. Yukimoto

    glad about the new single and new member but sad about the live-limiteds... Like UGH WTF the raid. so many.....</3
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