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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. SuG on the cover!!!! I need this @echo
  2. If they got an amazing band on the cover I'd buy it... I think that's what most people get it for anyway... To see their favorite band on the cover and their spread in the magazine... Then again people also buy one of those and post it online too so maybe that's also a cause? IDK but I think they should've stopped production way before they let it get that bad
  3. Yukimoto

    UGH they are so cute.... We must go see them live @echo
  4. Yukimoto

    I soooo was hear for that new chariot song and now I don't know.....
  5. Yukimoto

    The new art is probably what you receive as a bonus poster for buying the limited- edition
  6. Yukimoto

    Must admit that that editing of demons with that break down was pretty intense haha.... Al in all I can see where people are coming from when they say the instrumentals are better than the vocals but I still dig it<3
  7. Yukimoto

    UGH I love ballads.... I'll try this one out as soon as I get done studying haha.... I like people that try to create an atmosphere.... I actually really like the depth in kamijo's voice for versailles I mean it fits so well but I do think that vibrato is not the best but, hey you work with what you got or actually get the training. I do think that talking to people and telling them what you think can help give a new fan alot to go on with what to look for and what you found attracted you to them... SO keep doing your thang Hiroki
  8. Yukimoto

    Honestly this is what's needed in my life... to actually know that the person singing the song cares about the song and wants you to care tooo. @hirokithat makes alot of sense actually and I'm sure you don't do it for everyone haha... I do hope you get more and more people to like our bands too... I say "ours" because we seem to be on point with the same bands even though I can go a little darker also haha
  9. Yukimoto

    @echothis is what I said and now I follow way too many bands they are constantly making me broker and broker each day lol.... I find that's inevitable, I mean if everyone throws you a towel you won't even work anymore just live live live....lmfao @hirokiis there a special something you trying to get at their live? like a live-limited or something why you paying someone to go see them?
  10. Yukimoto

    LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!!! Can't wait to hear their new single @echowe can see them together when I go
  11. yuuki and eve reunite in a new band with ex. lycaon members
  12. Yukimoto

    Also that mini is so cheap for that many songs<3
  13. Yukimoto

    UGH they are so cute.... I've been following them from their start and loved everything that they've done<3 I wondered if the person with the halo was the bassist that recently left, Iori (ugh he was my favorite with is cool calm demeanor) I digress I can't wait to see what else they come out with and hope to see them live next year WOOT WOOT!!!!!!
  14. I just hope for more with wing works and the lotus because those bands are doing so well to me
  15. Yukimoto

    LOL I love how thats what you mentioned in your introduction to the band haha... I'm telling you, you're going to buy everything that they have all because of that towel. MIyuu knew exactly what he was doing as he surveryed for someone he hadn't seen in a while haha
  16. Yukimoto

    ^need this for astaria an Devize
  17. The progressions were different but Still SPECTACULAR..... need this single ASAP
  18. Yukimoto

    ^This is so epiccccccc<3 I need this in my life TOOOODAAAYYYYY
  19. Yukimoto

    interesting.... guess I'll change the name of the song then
  20. Yukimoto

    YAY my babies are back..... It's felt like they've been gone forever
  21. UGH everything they are doing with these conceptual singles are slaying my life
  22. Yukimoto

    ^I would be<3
  23. ^release is the 17 at 9pm This sounds good and I actually think this band may last longer than the rest but I guess will see... The line-up is spectacular seeing as Ivy is present with some of the best so I can only look forward to this...
  24. Yukimoto

    ugh I won't be in Japan yet around that time..... I'll miss them SIGH
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