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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    Ugh just BEAUTIFUL<3<3<3
  2. Sigh Why are all the good bands leaving me.... I did think this would happen after the singles seemed to be rescinded but yeah I hope they come back in some form or another...
  3. @hirokiI giving you all the power too post pictures of all your favorite people. Well you don't have to keep it super alive but only if you want to start it
  4. why couldn't it be December....
  5. Yukimoto

    This look is amazing
  6. Yukimoto

    awwww I figured this would happen but it's still sad ;-;
  8. Yukimoto

    UGH Chisa read my hearts string<3
  9. The brightness is so overwhelming<3
  10. Yukimoto

    @echoawww that sucks.... I hope you was able to get something else good
  11. Yukimoto

    YAY!!!! sounds epic<3
  12. @blackdollNope I don't mind at all ^_^, and yeah I bet! It's hard to put it together using google translate and so forth because of the different nuances and crazy slang one uses, but I'm glad I could help. Hope you have a wonderful day too.
  13. @blackdollAwww thanks, It's actually really good practice for me haha! Also reading/translating this made me realize how nice these are to read... Reading about their emotions and what they want to put in their music and how much they want to grow is always a good thing to hear for a fan. I hope they have a longer life this time around.
  14. @hirokiYou should just start a thread for them so you can feel it with lovely pictures and so forth
  15. @blackdollHere you go!<3 ~Zero~ 【Composition】 Really Profound. It would be an exaggeration to say that I didn't do nothing but "that" in a year. My theory starting over from the beginning (1). (0) was starting from this place... and I'm looking forward to it! This was all thanks to my teacher. "What" composition is, I shall change from it's foundation. If I think about it now, In the compositions prior, I didn't understand the meaning of worrying about them. But now, I think I can theoretically resolve all worries. And, according to my teacher, the more you learn, the more things become enjoyable. I Still have a long way to go, seeing as my studies are insufficient, but I will try my best.<3
  16. Yukimoto

    @echoOh ok I found it now. I've never done it before so I didn't know how to do it
  17. Yukimoto

    @echois it すまとらとら?
  18. Like, they just stay on top of their game and I'm loving everything they are dishing out... <3 Honestly this may be their best yet...
  19. WOW never knew how many fans they had until I saw that live clip... Good for them<3
  20. Yukimoto

    UGH Bring it babes<3
  21. Yukimoto

    @hirokiI hope they are able to have nation wide tours soon enough!!!! 頑張れ<3皆
  22. Yukimoto

    @echoIf you take part let me know, since I've never heard of line chats before.
  23. Yukimoto

    This song was amazing.... They just get better and better
  24. Yukimoto

    Ugh they are always gorgeous
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