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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    AHHHH that's what it was. Thanks for the clarification
  2. Yukimoto

    Got that re-tweet for you<3 only 11 more!!!! GoGOGO people!!!
  3. Yukimoto

    ^oh wow I thought they were already signed to Resistar, or are they on a sub-label?
  4. when that Vistlip opening rolls in but the song is different.... Love the song though
  5. Yukimoto

    Yeah I didn't notice the 2 new CD's either just a new release
  6. Yukimoto

    IDK why I feel like the background makes this look like a totally new look for me... still in love with it<3
  7. Yukimoto

    AWWWWW It was empty? that sucks I hope they are able to get more fans and expand... I know the world of Vkei is hard to fit in to but I hope they grow!!!! Also I love the new look or the revamp of the older look??? LOL<3
  8. I think so too! I'm sure it will sound great<3
  9. Looking forward to the first world-wide release .-.
  10. This is the second song actually "Occult Curry" , occult on the other hand makes it sound like it could be heavy
  11. Awwwww look at Keiya getting out there in the world!!! These guys are getting more and more famous by the day
  12. Yukimoto

    @echowhat are your plans to buy during said live?
  13. Yukimoto

    The background kind of reminds me of the backgrounds Nocturnal Bloodlust uses
  14. Yukimoto

    I'm diggin the new look
  15. Yukimoto

    Minpha looks way too beautiful and Chizuru NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I miss your longer hair.... The song was pretty different for real.... They actually had quite a few black performers in this video!!!! *
  16. I searched for him the whole time too lol
  17. Yukimoto

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... WTH a village vanguard edition....... UGH This new look is amazing thoguh
  18. Yukimoto

  19. Yukimoto

    bit of change for 2 songs.... Luckily I'm sure it will be worth it<3
  20. Yukimoto

    First time posting here and it's so much to actually write..... but here are some pics
  21. Yukimoto

    Sigh it is the most perfect thing around.... He is so perfect ugh<3
  22. Yukimoto

    they sound really good.... I'm loving this preview
  23. Yukimoto

    UGHHHH they always sound so marvelousssss..... I just can't with them<3
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