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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    It sucks because they started crimson shiva over because they wanted to start over with members that would continue and now another one leaves kind of right after forming again.... I wonder what they'll do now .-.
  2. Yukimoto

    I thought Decision was great and this sounds better so I'mm happy about the incline in level of music produced Only thing is..... NOVEMBER REALLLY????
  3. Yukimoto

    They need to release this in DVD form like when are they going to release their first live DVD..... Also no Plastic Heart ;-; (probably because it's too slow)
  4. ~Hiyuu~ Filming finished!!! Current locations atmosphere is great and we'll show you a lovely PV. Looking forward to it!
  5. ~Zero~ New PV finished. First round of commemoration. From here on, stay tuned to grasp the feeling of Initial'L beginning in their work. Our hope is increasing, without being too proud and corrupted, just determined to move forward. So that our light will not dim once more.
  6. Yukimoto

    WOW those were some very nice pics.... very cute.... UGH he looks like he has a lot of energy in those drum pics
  7. Yukimoto

    Already tweeted him
  8. Yukimoto

    ......sigh I'm so over NOVEMBER......
  9. Very artistic look<3<3<3 They look nice.... Can't wait for the new single to hit
  10. Yukimoto

    UGH.... @hirokido they have much heavier music though? but I hope I'm able to see them next year in Tokyo
  11. Yukimoto

    @echooh as I thought you just couldn't attend the one's they already have available.... Well hopefully you can see them!!!
  12. Yukimoto

    @hirokiI gotchu "snowman"=""nearly equal", "avalanche"="gloster image", "Mastermind"="Yoru"
  13. Yukimoto

  14. Yukimoto

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finallyyyyyyy...... you've been in the shadows tooooooo logn :-:
  15. Yukimoto

    @hirokiyou always knew you was doing it wrong, BUT at the same time you was doing right by them so go on<3<3>3
  16. Yukimoto

    @hirokiI'm so proud of them being able to be up at O-East.... I hope they go further then that There is so many bands that can go further that don't...
  17. Yukimoto

    @echooh so they do have one but you have work? Hiroki will miss you if you aren't there >3
  18. Yukimoto

    KYRTK why did they leave to still work with the same people anyway?
  19. Yukimoto

    @echoI can see the love for this band driving you with certain keywords in your messages now lol... LOL
  20. I'm loving everything about them<3 This look is FANTASTIC<3
  21. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA-I'm thinking something like Yoru? Didn't that also have some kind of snow theme to it in the PV? anywho anything new by them is a must<3<3<3
  22. Yukimoto

    @hirokioh no he had chest pains? I wonder if it's because of them growls.... They seemed kind of force and maybe he didn't do them right so it was pain in his chest form using his chest instead of his diaphragm... any who I hope the pain goes away soon.... they were killer but honestly I was feeling everybody<3<3<3
  23. Yukimoto

    @echoit was only a tra3 day for you
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