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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    @Mihithat looks like something that @hirokiwould do HAHA
  2. @emmnyHopefully they can head to more places soon after
  3. @emmnyyeah me too but looking at the crowd it looks like it was a blast lol
  4. @emmnyYeah you can tell... It doesn't look like he did the screams but I mean I wasn't there
  5. Yukimoto

    @anadentonehe was such a cutie
  6. Yukimoto

    Bring it on my loves<3<3<3
  7. This looks like a fun live to be at and so many people<3
  8. Yukimoto

    UGH such an amazing video.... Love his voice
  9. Yukimoto

    then I need a live DVD FR<3
  10. @blackdoll ~Yuuki~ After the last live, I thought from the bottom of my heart, I would like to play music in the darkest corner of a stage Before my eyes, I recruited the best drums, base and guitar. That is 『Initial'L』!!! It's dumb but, A person who thought we would be more well known if we changed the members is even dumber
  11. Yukimoto

    So true this looks just like it.... they probably got the inspiration from it
  12. Yukimoto

    But this is so kool that they broke a live DVD into halves for their type A and B
  13. Yukimoto

    WOw they hit me hard with that release and even though they drastically changed in the end I still loved them.... Good Job Guys<3COME BACK CHISA<3<3<3
  14. Sounds like sadie is going to really be on an extended break FR.... I am glad that Ryouga is back and already at Zepp Tokyo he must be counting on his fans form BORN being their. Also I wonder if this means they have alot of music already or not so much.... Anywho BEAST line-up and I can't wait to see how this turns out
  15. Yukimoto

    Wow these were really good
  16. Yukimoto

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need this in live DVD if he won't ever sing "Truth" again.....泣 wait where is "Truth" on the setlist....
  17. Hope they actually release stuff this time around
  18. Yukimoto

    All in for jackman<3
  19. Yukimoto

    @hirokiI'm just glad "yasashii machi" was in the set list this time lol, But I wonder thy it's a shorter set list compared to one's before? I still want a live DVD though
  20. Yukimoto

    @hirokiHe's gorgeous though..... I feel a new profile pic coming soon....
  21. Yukimoto

    UGH If it's really ran by AOI then congrats????? LOL I feel like it's something they should already be investing in since they are so popular.... branching out to their own labels would be KOOL<3
  22. Yukimoto

    @echoyou're so lucky you got to talk to Masashi.... I would die if I talked to bands I liked
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