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Everything posted by Visutox

  1. Visutox

    I thought that he had left AIS when he joined that other band? That's why this news seemed a bit strange to me. He made his choice, hope it works for him. Now let's wait for good news for AIS.
  2. Visutox

    Really nigga... Now what? Hiatus? I hope they'll keep going. This band started with a GOAT album and I really hope to listen another one from them.
  3. What a shame. I hope to see them back soon
  4. I've finally got to listen Cruachan's latest album and dude it's fucking solid, totally loved it. 8,5/10 Also listened to the new Sigh and I loved it, total success. Really good album!
  5. Visutox

    Would be legit to quote the whole Kowarete Iku Sekai song from Giru', the outro section never fails to give me chills though: "In this civilization what sort of life do you picture; is it the one we wanted? In this selfish egotistical struggle What was shed was not blood, but the tears of the planet The Earth, born billions of years ago The proportion of time we've been in existence is just a few seconds We have not aided in the recovery of the planet We have not lived our lives in order to help the earth However, we alone have known an unblemished love The End is near by, but you who have known love will be all right" Also gonna quote the last verses from Gojira's Vacuity: "Remain in what you are, the center of your life You made it to this point, no one can tell you how You crawled and bled all the way but you were the only one That was tearing your soul apart, you finally find yourself" No more stuff comes to my mind for now, gonna certainly quote more lines later on.
  6. EVOKE will eventually be miles better than ENIGMA, if something. But that's not the point here. I'm looking forward the band's upcoming releases, especially the new album. Might be GOAT.
  7. Visutox

    Fuck me, their album/single artworks are bloody beautiful. I'm ready for the previews, bring it on.
  8. Visutox

    Exodus: Gods And Kings - I am quite disappointed for this one but at the same time I like it for what it is as a movie, because if you want to enjoy it then you better forget about the historical context. What pissed me off is the obstinacy to try to find rational explanations to the miracles of Moses, I think it deprives the movie from its real interest - not to mention that some of the miracles are missing. I couldn't care less about the casting but it's also true that they could have make an effort to bring more relevant actors. I get why it was censored/banned in Muslim countries. Not even gonna give a score.
  9. Visutox

    Fuck sake Harada, you legend. XD Pretty obvious that it was going to bother the Philippines, we're talking about their hero after all. But honestly I wasn't aware that they took their inspiration from that dude to create Josie, like, woah. Or should I say, WHY. I'm shocked that Avril Lavigne didn't say anything about Lucky Chloe though. Yep that's right. Maybe she isn't playable for now, namely for the arcade version of the game? Devil Kazumi looks like whatever you want but devil. Her original look is miles better, huh.
  10. You're being merciful here. Their sound has always been generic imo, some cool stuff here and there but that's it. Overrated band. I enjoy listening some of their stuff though.
  11. Visutox

    Lmao I hope he ain't doing that or there's no way I'm gonna buy the game, but that could really be... They're doing the same shit as other developers anyway: rest on your laurels once you're popular enough to sell thanks to the name of your game. I feel like the team is just taking "inspiration" from original fighters and making new ones, either when it comes to the moves or the looks - as a result, the new fighters fail to look new. Even if I'm a huge fan of the franchise, they better include the characters from the previous games/make better ones or I'm gonna kick Harada's ass. At worst, the game will get a lot of credit for looking beautiful. yes. Btw she might be playable in Tekken 8.
  12. Visutox

    I used to listen to some of their stuff during a time, and even if I'm not a huge fan it's still sad to hear that they disbanded.
  13. Visutox

    Indeed that sounds great...
  14. Visutox

    Same here. Brilliant piece of art. Magisterial.
  15. This so much. Most of the time people on last.fm won't bother themselves suggesting a correction and only yours will not be enough to eliminate the mistake, so that'd be great if we started posting stuff we wanna see being corrected. The thread could be renamed and that's it. Btw voted up for everything that has been posted lately.
  16. Visutox

    I agree. Especially the female characters, their looks and moves are so uninspired smh. Another new fighter is Kazumi Mishima, sadly she will be an unplayable character.
  17. Just listened to the new Unleashed and man, what a bloody boring album. Mediocre if something.
  18. ^ Preach the word. I listened the new Peste Noire and it's fucking great, the 2nd half of the album is solid af. Amazing.
  19. Visutox

    Two more fighters have been added to the list of Tekken 7 challengers. Gigas could have perfectly been a character coming from the Metal Gear universe or something, I like both the look and the combos. Josie is meh.
  20. Visutox

    These (or should I say, that) teasers had the magic to give me high hopes for the upcoming album. Now if it's not somewhere between very good and awesome then I'll be disappointed. Btw, the third teaser will be out very soon and it will have 10 extra seconds of beautiful images and nothing more.
  21. Visutox

    Resident Evil 6. That game failed to impress me as the 5th did, but I'm digging it anyways.
  22. Visutox

    I have just been informed concerning this sad news... I know shit happens but this is some big shit I can't deal with it, especially when you know it's one of your fav bands. It is fucked up to announce a disband after an album that had your fans like: "Alright this is good but you guys can do better and I know it". Can't say more than that, I'm disappointed.
  23. Visutox

    The last song's title really is "etc."? Genius. Definitely going to check this out.
  24. ^ Enjoy the show mate! Nowadays a few death metal bands know what death metal is all about, and Sulphur Aeon are among that "few death metal bands". Gateway to the Antisphere is a pure gem, this new album fucking slays. And fucking yes, I can't stop listening to it. 9/10 April couldn't start any better for death metal, one of the best albums of the month and probably one of the best albums of the year.
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