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    Tetora reacted to Mihenno in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Tokyo Ghoul's first episode was so good. @_@
  2. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from nullmoon in How Do You Know They are Just Showing Off?   
    It`s not showing off if you can back it up.
    But in any case, the essence of Electric Lead Guitar has always been flopping around on stage, making crazy faces, keeping a solo going for as long as you can, or just belting out loud riffs to the audience.
    From Chuck Berry, and others of his time who inspired Rock and Roll / Classic Rock, to Angus Young of AC/DC (watch one of his live performances and tell me any VK artist comes that close to going over-the-top), to Van Halen (IMO one of the closest to playing solos just for the sake of attention, solos like in the song Jump I would honestly say are just there for the sake of having a solo and actually steal momentum from the song), to Randy Rhodes, etc...
    As for Yngwie and Paganini not being creative but being more about virtuoso`s showing off, I dont get that.
    Paganini and his Caprices changed music, showed people how you can use the Chromatic scale in ways not many has thought of, or been able to implement into compositions seamlessly, and inspired countless musicians... Nothing really sounds like him either.
    Yngwie changed guitar. Rising Force was an album that changed everyones perception of what could be done in guitar, especially in modern genres. He is the one that changed the fact that songs were still composed in Box Scales and Regular Major or Minor Chords endlessly, and only certain tempos and phrasing was used. From him spawned a new generation of guitarists, and Rock / Metal was never the same. People started `shredding`, using different chords, scales such as Phrygian, Lydian more, etc... Tracks like Black Sun, Now your Ships are Burned, Icarus Suite etc... changed music, and it was never about showing off, it was his style, and how he composed music inspired by a mix of classical and modern. Live he showed off for sure, but on albums you can look at every note, how cleanly he plays it, how it all makes sense within the composition, how the phrasing all ties together, etc... Guitarists in VK such as Hizaki, etc... are based pretty closely off his style.
    And as far as VK live, I agree with others that I wish there is more action and charisma, more flair, etc... I can appreciate a stoic member or band, but I also crave wild stuff like a TMR, Gackt, SuG (Takeru goes all out big or small venue) VAMPS, SID, DOG,  Alice Nine (around Vandalize album) concert. Seems more like the older bands and members in Japan are the ones that really deliver a performance and the younger ones need to catch up? Anyone have any good live performers to add?
    If anyone is familiar with things in Kabuki like Mie, etc... I feel like more of that should be incorporated into lives nowadays, but then again, a lot of bands play shows in smaller venues most of the time leading up to one big show, and they play for audiences full of fans that go wild for whatever they do, so do some of these bands even have as much of a chance to learn and be big performers? All they have to do is scream Kakattekoi, or play a solo standing on the platform and the crowd pees themselves.
    But if you play repeated big venues you have to keep them coming back, have to play to people who may not be as big fans, etc...
    Also, if you play Inazuma Rock, and other stuff like that, you are competing with many other huge bands and have to steal the show or you might not be coming back.
    Just some of my opinions...
  3. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Zeus in How Do You Know They are Just Showing Off?   
    It`s not showing off if you can back it up.
    But in any case, the essence of Electric Lead Guitar has always been flopping around on stage, making crazy faces, keeping a solo going for as long as you can, or just belting out loud riffs to the audience.
    From Chuck Berry, and others of his time who inspired Rock and Roll / Classic Rock, to Angus Young of AC/DC (watch one of his live performances and tell me any VK artist comes that close to going over-the-top), to Van Halen (IMO one of the closest to playing solos just for the sake of attention, solos like in the song Jump I would honestly say are just there for the sake of having a solo and actually steal momentum from the song), to Randy Rhodes, etc...
    As for Yngwie and Paganini not being creative but being more about virtuoso`s showing off, I dont get that.
    Paganini and his Caprices changed music, showed people how you can use the Chromatic scale in ways not many has thought of, or been able to implement into compositions seamlessly, and inspired countless musicians... Nothing really sounds like him either.
    Yngwie changed guitar. Rising Force was an album that changed everyones perception of what could be done in guitar, especially in modern genres. He is the one that changed the fact that songs were still composed in Box Scales and Regular Major or Minor Chords endlessly, and only certain tempos and phrasing was used. From him spawned a new generation of guitarists, and Rock / Metal was never the same. People started `shredding`, using different chords, scales such as Phrygian, Lydian more, etc... Tracks like Black Sun, Now your Ships are Burned, Icarus Suite etc... changed music, and it was never about showing off, it was his style, and how he composed music inspired by a mix of classical and modern. Live he showed off for sure, but on albums you can look at every note, how cleanly he plays it, how it all makes sense within the composition, how the phrasing all ties together, etc... Guitarists in VK such as Hizaki, etc... are based pretty closely off his style.
    And as far as VK live, I agree with others that I wish there is more action and charisma, more flair, etc... I can appreciate a stoic member or band, but I also crave wild stuff like a TMR, Gackt, SuG (Takeru goes all out big or small venue) VAMPS, SID, DOG,  Alice Nine (around Vandalize album) concert. Seems more like the older bands and members in Japan are the ones that really deliver a performance and the younger ones need to catch up? Anyone have any good live performers to add?
    If anyone is familiar with things in Kabuki like Mie, etc... I feel like more of that should be incorporated into lives nowadays, but then again, a lot of bands play shows in smaller venues most of the time leading up to one big show, and they play for audiences full of fans that go wild for whatever they do, so do some of these bands even have as much of a chance to learn and be big performers? All they have to do is scream Kakattekoi, or play a solo standing on the platform and the crowd pees themselves.
    But if you play repeated big venues you have to keep them coming back, have to play to people who may not be as big fans, etc...
    Also, if you play Inazuma Rock, and other stuff like that, you are competing with many other huge bands and have to steal the show or you might not be coming back.
    Just some of my opinions...
  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to relentless in How Do You Know They are Just Showing Off?   
    Don't guitar solos (or a solo passage from practically any instrument) have their roots in virtuosity, and a means of "showing off"? If that is to be considered "trying too hard", then nearly every solo can be said to be "trying too hard".
    The difficulty with something like this, is that there is this massive grey area for what people can consider a "good" or "show off-y" solo. On one hand you have someone like Malmsteen who gets a ton of shit for his virtuosity, and on the other Kurt Cobain who rarely ventured outside of the C major scale, was technically subpar, yet a simple passage from Smells Like Teen Spirit gets praise for "the emotions, maaaannn". This problem becomes even more difficult if you're looking at VK - a movement of music that is varied in sound and skill, yet also driven mainly by presentation.
    God, there is so much that I would like to say; but I am forcing myself to boil this down as much as I can for the sake of any readers. If we are to assess what solos are "trying too hard" and which aren't, I feel like the key is to determine the placement in the given song, and look at ALL other solos by that band/composer to determine their placement and their affect.
    If a band has a solo in the same place in every single song, then maybe we can consider that "trying too hard"; but that risks attempting to discredit virtuosity as its own art form. Virtuosity deserves just as much appreciation as other aspects of music; but too often it can be dismissed as someone trying "too hard" (or another bullshit argument such as "lack of creativity").
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to Zeus in How Do You Know They are Just Showing Off?   
    In visual kei that line doesn't really exist. Visual kei is all about selling yourself, exaggerating your posture/facial expressions/actions, and generally being dramatic while playing music. To say they're "trying too hard" and to leave it at that reeks of criticism for the sake of criticizing and it doesn't sound very convincing or relevant. After all, neither you or I really know what they mean by that. Visual kei bands can't try too hard. The vast majority of them (including the two bands you listed) could do with a bit of trying harder.
    Obligasolos are something I have noticed from time to time. However, I don't mind. I'd rather a solo that doesn't fit than a breakdown that doesn't fit.
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to Vitne Eveille in Show Yourself (again)   
    Got a better pic of me -  This was from a photoshoot about a year ago (same photoshoot as the one of my avatar, but this is much easier to see)

  7. Like
    Tetora reacted to Ada Suilen in Sadie new album "GANGSTA" release   
    Freaking title for an album, looking forward to it
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to ShanethVarosa in girugamesh new mini album "gravitation" release   
    What an interesting commercial. The set for the video looks cool. I'm actually getting pretty interested in this EP.
  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to Zeus in ALSDEAD - STARLESS   
    Artist: ALSDEAD Album: STARLESS Score: Is this a fluke or does ALSDEAD finally have some spark?
    Despite my absence on most visual kei threads on the forums concerning new bands, I do follow some bands and check out new releases from time to time. The only time I find myself compelled to make a review is when:

    something exceeds my expectations of a band is incredibly bad and deserves no hype when the hype is mellow, the release deserves a review and doesn't have one
    ALSDEAD is a band that's by and far ignored on Monochrome Heaven - after having an explosive opening with their first two singles their flop of a self-titled relegated them to the trash bin for many, and their subpar output since 2009 hasn't helped them any. They've found a cult following in people that crave the sound they produce, but for those outside that small group this band has offered very little worth listening to. Even though Separator (barely) made our best-of list last year, anyone that follows my reviews knows I roasted that album over an open spit for being so dull it left me with very little to say about it. I had a hard time coming to terms with the fact that the band that crafted Violent of Reason and F-99 could release so many boring songs, so I find myself downloading a release from them now and again to see if they've become interesting once more.

    I thought I would never say this, but ALSDEAD have released something I find genuinely interesting. For a couple of plays at least.

    I can't pinpoint exactly why I like STARLESS so much. Both tracks are solid and I can always appreciate the balance between an aggressive track and a more laid-back rock track. Both songs are exactly as long as they need to be, feature tasteful use of studio pyrotechnics, and clean production. Picture is also outside of ALSDEAD's comfort zone, and they nail it well. I'm sure they've done tracks like this before, but as a person that doesn't follow ALSDEAD like that this was a welcome surprise. If I wanted to nitpick, I could mention that STARLESS' solo is a little on the simple side, but that's a small blip.

    This is the first release I've heard by ALSDEAD with Nikky from GALEYD, so I attribute a lot of the positive things I said here to him. I don't know if Maki is still the main composer after all, but bands that tend to only have one composer get stale quick, which was my problem with this band for the longest. If Meku's stranglehold over most of GALEYD's output caused other members of the band to have to put their creativity on pause and this is the first time that Nikky's been able to express himself, GALEYD's disbandment might be the single greatest thing that's ever happened to this band. Well, aside from their ex-drummer adopting a name better than Peanuts Benjamin and the band playing at that lolicon in the middle of New Mexico.

    For once, I have nothing negative to say. The single does it job well, which is to raise hype for an upcoming album. If the material on the album is as consistent as the small teaser we have now, I might have something nice to say about the album at the end of the year.
  10. Like
    Tetora reacted to paradoxal in Royz - CORE   
    So Royz's newest album was released yesterday 2014.07.02 and there seems to be quite a lot of discussion going on about the album.
    My feelings are very mixed. Now after 20-30 plays per song I still can't decide if it's a great album or not, mostly because after LILIA I was really expecting a harder and more br00tal album, but this album turned out to be quite the opposite. Not that it doesn't work, I think there are a few quite good songs. I just wasn't expecting this kind of glitter rock with basically no harder songs.
    I haven't been a Royz fan for a long time, and actually EGOIST was that one song that got me into Royz. Naturally for me that's the best song on this whole album. But at this point I think my favorite new song is 囁姫遊女, one of the glitteriest songs on the album... I really like the riff and the atmosphere of the chorus, somehow the melody reminds me of Kagrra,. This song must be so fun at lives, 
    Another one of my favorite songs is 洗礼, probably the hardest song on the whole album.
    At this point I'll probably give this album 3/5 stars. It sounds pretty good, but I'm not blown away by it yet. I'll definitely need to give it a few more listens before I can write something longer.
    What are your thoughts on the album? Did you hate it or love it, or is it just basic visual kei crap?
    And please answer the polls, I'm really interested in your opinions on the album!
  11. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Raburr7 in GACKT new single "暁月夜-DAY BREAKERS-" release   
    The price is for the premium edition made to celebrate his 45th single. Limited edition, best to buy off his store. Apparently you can strip the pillow and see it naked?
    Regular edition will be announced later at a low price.
    The Moon Saga album is a compilation of his live stage show from two years ago, and the new one for this year. It is specially made tracks for the performance he puts on. Limited edition comes with a classic styled fan.
    I also believe it is Gackt's birthday today, not sure how many hundred years old he is now.
  12. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from nullmoon in GACKT new single "暁月夜-DAY BREAKERS-" release   
    The price is for the premium edition made to celebrate his 45th single. Limited edition, best to buy off his store. Apparently you can strip the pillow and see it naked?
    Regular edition will be announced later at a low price.
    The Moon Saga album is a compilation of his live stage show from two years ago, and the new one for this year. It is specially made tracks for the performance he puts on. Limited edition comes with a classic styled fan.
    I also believe it is Gackt's birthday today, not sure how many hundred years old he is now.
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to Poisontear in A visual kei fan from Turkey   
    Hello! I'm a 24 year old guy from Turkey. First, let me tell how I met visual kei for the first time. I was watching Death Note and I loved Nightmare's music in the first season. But still wasn't very much interested in vkei. Then, in the second season of Death Note. I met with maximum the hormone. I checked out their PV "Zetsubou Billy", there is another band in the PV's beginning. I really liked that band's vocalist's dress style. And I wondered which band was that. I googled it and stumbled upon a yahoo question that asked the same. Someone said in the answers that the band in question is Moi Dix Mois(wrongfully, and thankfully. I later learned that band is a shitty band called Parfait.) That's how I met with MDM. I youtubed them and encountered the live of their song "Solitude". I fell in love with Juka's voice, but the dressing styles were still a bit weird for me because I didn't see it before. Though that period ended quickly and I really liked vkei after a little time. Then band after band, I was really into vkei and japanese bands.
    My favourite bands/artists are, with or without vkei: Dir en Grey, Versailles, D, Juka(I was obsessed with him, but now I'm kinda mad at him because he quitted music), Aoi(Aoi from Bounty, I heard that there is something wrong with his voice and he can barely talk anymore. I'm really sad.), Luzmelt(Such an original and good band, it is sad that they disbanded), exist-trace, LIPHLICH(my current favourite, I recommend them to everyone!), Malice Mizer, Kamijo, Kaya, Schwarz Stein, Amadeus, D'air, Femme Fatale(Although they only have 2 songs atm, I'm expecting great things from them.), Galneryus, L'arc en ciel, Lareine(some people don't like kamijo's voice in this era but I think it's great.) , LuLu, Phantasmagoria and Xover.
    I'm trying to advertise Visual Kei, but the majority of people here in Turkey don't agree with the dresses, and think that vkei bands are gay(sometimes as a homophobe, sometimes not.) I think vkei brings color to this world and I'm wishing that it will never end. Every man and women should be able to dress like that, without people thinking anything about their sexual orientation. The people that I've introduced vkei also think that their genders are hard to tell. That's just they are not used to that kind of dressing. I can easily distinguish men and women in the vkei world. Visual kei is a blow on gender roles that say "men should dress like this" and "women should dress like this" and that's one of the reasons why I like vkei.
    To advertise vkei, I'm thinking to go to my graduation vkei style. Though I'm not that courageous because I may get exiled.
    I would like to knoy many more bands, so I'm open to recommendations.
    Thanks for reading
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to Lestat in Your top 10 favorite visual kei bands?   
    Phantasmagoria 凛 -the end of corruption world- Versailles/LAREINE (I really can't choose, and both simply have to be included in here) MALICE MIZER D Megaromania amber gris X JAPAN NightingeiL ネガ I don't think any of these need any specific explanation as of why they are my favourites. A lot of names speak for themselves.
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to violetchain in random thoughts thread   
    DDT is officially my favourite wrestling company ever. So much blatant, vaguely hilarious fanservice.

  16. Like
    Tetora reacted to blackdoll in Your top 10 favorite visual kei bands?   
    This could change.
    Lycaon (it took a while but they made it) xepher dali aikaryu ayabie (2004-2006 + cubic'「l r」ock) LM.C dio reload raddock old giru Bands i wanted to put
    Bands who could make it
  17. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from digi in Show Yourself (again)   
    Product of a recent shoot. Pardon me I had to draw all over it, ehehehe.
    Admiring everyone elses photos, looking good!
  18. Like
    Tetora reacted to Mind of the sun in Show Yourself (again)   
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to Lestat in Show Yourself (again)   
    Not too comfortable on sharing pictures, but here we go. This is from Jupiter's Euro tour. 
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to Ada Suilen in Here i am guys!   
    Greetings people, my name is Jade, i am from Rome, i am 19 and i would like to know new and nice people. I am a Japanese music addict but also keen on movies, tv shows and books. See ya friends! 
  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to AiobaMatto in One Hello a little late   
    Well... I create my account a few months ago and i never say Hi xD Sorry for that.
    I'm Matto ((or Matt or whatever)) Nice to meet you~ I'm from Argentina 
    I like so much the japanese music and culture -I guess like all of us- Some band than i like are:
    L'arc en Ciel - Girugamesh - GazettE - D'espairsray(disband) - VelBet(disband) - BORN - Nocturnal Bloodlust - One Ok Rock - Maximum the Hormone - DiV - FLOW - Lynch - Sadie - exist trace - UVERworld - Matenrou Opera - NICO Touches the Walls  - and others... 
    I like allot of band of rock from many others countries.. like Diablo Swing Orchesta and Maná((mexican band))
    Anyway... I hope i meet you all! Be my friend! I have cookies
    See you~
  22. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    Whoa, cool.
    Looks like a sexy version of my boy Shiina Mio.
  23. Like
    Tetora reacted to togz in Show Yourself (again)   
  24. Like
    Tetora reacted to Mihenno in Show Yourself (again)   
    Tetora, you are beautiful.
  25. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Keiyuu in Show Yourself (again)   
    Product of a recent shoot. Pardon me I had to draw all over it, ehehehe.
    Admiring everyone elses photos, looking good!
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