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  1. Like
    Tetora reacted to kyoisKILLINGME in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    yay that's good to hear hope he's gets better
  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to Aferni in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
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    Tetora reacted to smilesxchibi in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    Im very glad he is home, he should take as much time as he needs.
  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to nekkichi in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    hope he recovers well <3
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to togz in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    wow I'm late, hope he recovers D: 
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to kukew in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    I'm glad he is fighting against it. 
  7. Like
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to nekkichi in Friendzone   
    that's some terrifyingly deep knowledge of dating pool rejects
  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to Shir0 in Introduce yourself: Here I go ! (:   
    Heey there!
    I'm usually bad with introducing myself but I thought I give it a try ^^
    Someone recommended MH to me (I don't know if it's okey for him to be mentioned here? xD) since then I'm wandering around this site ^^
    I live in Germany and I'm into Visual Kei for about a year now (I guess? that's not very long xD) it became my obsession *-*
    The first VK Band I listened to was DIAURA which I found randomly on youtube. My favourites are:
    Chemical Pictures
    Dir en grey
    D'espairs Ray
    ... etc. ^^
    I'm open to everything so if you have a recommondation feel free to write me (:
    I'm looking forward to what will await me here
  10. Like
    Tetora reacted to Ada Suilen in Kamijo - Yamiyo no Lion   
    This is my first review here on MH, and this single is worth of a review  
    -Yamiyo no Lion: the a-side of the single confirms again what Kamijo can really do, a reprise of his natural style and genre that characterized him since Lareine. Rhytmic song with gothic epic chorus, which makes it a very good tune --->9/10
    -Bastille: the best song of the single imo!! Revolutionary, it is made on a style atypical for Kamijo and approaches him to industrial music -in fact in some ways it reminds me of Schwein's music- --->10/10
    -Unmei: this track is the self-cover of the third part of God Palace -Method of Inheritance-, with a music closer to Versailles' Remember Forever. It is a very enjoyable thing he made for his fans and i'd like that he could make more self-covers in the future. --->9/10
    Final Vote ---> 9/10 
    It is a very good single, like Moulin Rouge has been: but it shows that Kamijo can do everything (yes also heavy music) without any problems. And i want to do a wish: he should try an industrial concept, i think that he will be successful
  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to Shir0 in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    I'm glad to hear that
  12. Like
    Tetora reacted to Jigsaw9 in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    Good to know he's taking the well-needed rest. Hoping he'll get even better with time.
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    I don't even listen to D.I.D. but this is the best news all week for me.
  14. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Elazmus in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    That is good to hear.
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been discharged from hospital and has been taking rest at home
  16. Like
    Tetora reacted to Muma in What are your favorite manga?   
    Is there any particular type of manga you like reading?
    More on the horror side, I guess some things by Junji Ito especially Gyo, and by others there's Gantz, Hideout and Terra Formers (although i've not caught up and it's not finished, I appreciate the amount of research gone into it). And there's also works by Kago Shintaro
    Don't know how to describe these, but of things like Oyasumi Punpun and Eden: It's an Endless World. Kind of have melancholic themes runnign through an average persons head. Eden is slightly less 'normal' due to the post-apocalyptic theme.
    Don't know if I described these right but yeah > < i'll elaborate if you want when i'm less tired and more eloquent
    Then there's the shonen-ai section with Let Dai.
    Made me cry so much you have no idea, I had to leave it a month before I could finish the last three volumes 
    I guess bigger ones could include One Piece, Fairy Tail, Claymore and of course, the new star, Toukyou Kushu xD
  17. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Mihenno in Fighting Games?   
    Tekken Revolution, best out of 5.
    Loser eats their underwear on webcam.
    Just bring it.
  18. Like
    Tetora reacted to God in Show Yourself (again)   
    I posted a few months ago in this thread, so...this is more recent. 
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to hitsuji-hime in [Off-topic] full album release boom   
    Cannot wait for Merry's album *_*
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to Kles in [Off-topic] full album release boom   
    ALSDEAD / NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST that's all I need.
  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to Justacyborg in Ay Yo   
    I've been stalking here for a bit, but haven't really done much in terms of introductions or postings in general. I'm Cyborg, JustACyborg, Shojocyborg, and im-a-cyborg-but-its-okay. As you can tell, I have an odd interest in cyborgs. I don't know why or when or how, but it did and it's done. I'm into Japanese music, but not so much VK as maybe back in High School. I listen to Lynch, Mucc, Girugamesh, Coldrain, and a few others, but I'm fairly picky with what I listen to. Especially considering I write when I listen. Certain musics influence me, but I'm mostly just picky. 
    My best friend and other half is Dorasuteika. She made me join. Haha. I mean, I enjoy forums, but I'm socially awkward even on the internet so I might not be super active in the talking department. She invites me to plug, and I recognize a few people from there that I've seen post on here. ANYWAY, off topic I suppose.
    I don't know what else to say. Ask me questions if you must. : ] 
  22. Like
    Tetora reacted to blackdoll in Friendzone   
    i stay in the friendzone, relationships are too much and a turn off. after a while the silly crush dies. also it's fun if you know what your doing. it sucks though when you slip "like fuck what am i doing." its like a game nothing serious. 
  23. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from clear1985 in I will miss her so much...   
    Okay, that is important info that you left out.
    Yes, it is a sensitive issue, there are big issues there concerning family, society etc..
    But in any case, this is not something you should be thinking too hard into, you cant worry about what her family thinks if you never even went out with her, move on.
    In the meantime, I suggest changing your approach up...
    You seem to be going at this from a 'getting her to go out with you' perspective. I advise changing it to this:
    Approach girls with the intention of making friends and getting to know someone. If you find out enough to have an interest, and you give that person enough to have genuine interest in you, then instead of trying to set up a date, get their number to hang out, or go grab a bite to eat and get to know each other better.
    Then go meet up, get to know each other, and if there is something there, then you will see the opening and it will turn into a date, if not, then you are either just going to be friends, or go your seperate ways on a good note.
    If she turns it down completely, then move on, plenty of other interesting people to meet.
    Dont try and turn a good friendship into something else, dont ask girls out on dates without developing interest before hand, and dont keep asking, it just makes people uncomfortable and wont go in your favor.
    Hanging out first and seeing if it is something you both want to pursue is a better way of avoiding any culture barriers.
    Good luck brah.
  24. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from digi in Show Yourself (again)   
    Product of a recent shoot. Pardon me I had to draw all over it, ehehehe.
    Admiring everyone elses photos, looking good!
  25. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Yukimoto in SuG new maxi single "B.A.B.Y." release   
    Okay just watched it a few more times.
    Loving it first off.
    The song is like a fusion of their first album sound, and Teddyloid-esque style.
    Lyrics I really like, interesting way of putting things, and a cool summer feel.
    As Takeru stated before I feel as if he is again trying to fuse American and Japanese style to create something interesting.
    He uses many elements and creates a cool aesthetic, while I am unsure of the booty shots etc, it seems to come off more as a playful parody of some things. I think overall it is really cool, and nice to open up the range of VK and Japanese products beyond the current standard of what we see.
    They kept the song simple, it is not as sonic or tonically deep as their recent stuff, but SuG has always been about doing different things, and I cant really see how people could think they have changed too much when comparing this to something like 小悪魔 Sparkling, which had many similar elements.
    And in any case I always enjoy seeing some actual relations from boys and girls in a video as opposed to too much crying about love lost.
    But most important.... It is so sick that they have BMX in the video! I love that, but that is a personal thing, ehehehe.
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