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  1. Like
    Tetora reacted to Koike in Show Yourself (again)   
    It's been ages since I've been able to say that I'm happy with my face, but now that my acne medication has been rolling for ~month, it looks promising. Still 5 months to go, so I hope it will turn out even better.
  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to CaRaN in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me and my little cousin

  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to AliceParanoid in Show Yourself (again)   
    Well here comes the manlyness in person hahaha 8D 

    Guess I'll abuse this Topic and will randomly upload Pics from me 8D
    [Ofc only from myself what I wear ect. xD]

    >Hope this is okay xd<

  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to doombox in Show Yourself (again)   
    I'm a mess and only smile with half of my face.
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to digi in Show Yourself (again)   
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to Mihenno in Show Yourself (again)   
  7. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from kyoselflove in Live limited releases   
    I`m not seeing the problem here.
    It`s very easy to get most live-limited stuff using the shops that deal with them, and auctions. I get almost all of my stuff (live-limited, regular, etc...) from three sites. And if you ever make a trip you can raid brick-and-mortar locations for tons of live-limited and semi-rare to rare stuff (though I know this isn`t an option for all).
    I think there is about one cd I haven`t gotten that I want in the past year or two? And it just came out, so I know it will eventually pop up and I`ll get that too.
    They`re not as rare as some may make them seem, and I have also gotten limited stuff from years ago still in original packaging (no, not re-packaged).
    They still have somewhat of a semi-exclusive feel, and along with their whole marketing purpose this is part of the appeal.
    Many people whether they admit it or not enjoy the value they may find in a limited release, especially with the collector`s appeal built into the Japanese market, which is often passed on to foreign fans.
    To take that away takes away part of the value of the release, part of the excitement of obtaining it, and an interesting side of collecting music, not to mention the whole collector`s value of the thing you are trying to... collect.
    From what I see, many people are fine downloading the tons of live-limited releases that eventually get uploaded on the net, deflating the actual number of releases that they don`t have some sort of access to. This also makes me wonder why some fans feel they should be able to request changes in the band and studio`s practices, when they often don`t respect them in the first place.
    There are also some releases that do compile rare material, there are live video`s available which feature these songs, and there is the opinion some could have that many live-limited releases aren`t really the same quality as standard releases anyway.
    I also disagree with the vision some may have of `the perfect world` where certain sometimes practical, sometimes idealist, sometimes head-scratching changes are suggested, which don`t seem to offer any improvement or gain for the band, any effort by the consumer, and any compensation for collector`s (who are most of the people still buying cd`s in 2015 and supporting the industry in Japan).
    This isn`t even close to the worst time to be a frugal fan or collector in any case, since the internet including uploads has made it a million times easier to get what you want, as opposed to being a fan of The Rolling Stones back in the day, and having to find out about rare releases the hard way with extensive research, finding a way to buy albums exclusive to US, UK, or Japan which were either completely exclusive works, had a bonus track not available anywhere else, different artwork, etc...
    Things were a lot more expensive and difficult back then. Buying a CD off of Yahoo with a site that can do it for you, while using an online payment system that protects your finances is a cakewalk in comparison to being a fan back then, where a rare release may actually never be in your hands, and you may never even find someone who has it.
    This also shows how VK artists aren`t exactly the most difficult bands to deal with in history, considering it once cost you an arm and a leg for a release by one of the most popular bands of all time... If you were lucky enough to get a chance to obtain it.
    Probably more I wanted to say, or I could have wrote that more legibly, but whatever.
    Not that hard to get most live-limited stuff.
    Live-limited releases have more appeal, especially to the actual measurable fanbase rather than the five people spread across the world who maybe, might, one-day, pay for it if it was easier to obtain.
    It`s not the worst of times to be a collector of music.
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to ricchubunny in ユナイト (UNiTE.) new album "UNiVERSE" release   
    UNiTE. announced today on their Nakano Sunplaza concert that their new album "UNiVERSE" will be released on this summer

  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to Augie1995 in A9(Alice Nine) 将(show) & 虎(tora) new project "DIAWOLF" & A9 START-UP EP "銀河ノヲト" release   
    Shou (Sorry, er, Show) just tweeted a new setlist:
    Heavenly Dark
    Everlasting Flavor
    smells like teen spirit
    Judging by the name of the tracks, I'm assuming those are going to be for Diawolf
  10. Like
  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to freesia in girugamesh new mini album "gravitation" release   
    Ryo looks hot xD Lol, Shuu looks like a portrait of Beethoven! 0.0
  12. Like
    Tetora reacted to The Piass in Nocturnal Bloodlust new single release   
    They announced that their new single will  release at 2015.06.17. Details have not yet been announced.
    --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDzYL4yTiuU
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in temporary Vo.SHIGERU will join SuG   
    their new song "Luv it!!" will be opening theme of TV anime "デュエル・マスターズ VS(duel masters VS)" since 2015/04
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to kyoisKILLINGME in random thoughts thread   
    yeah I think im done buying games for a while...YUP
    IM NOT GETTING THAT GAME NO TIME SOON....HAHAHA....*cries in a corner*
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in Purple Stone   
    Purple Stone

    (2013 - present)


    Vo. keiya (twitter)

    Ba. 風麻 (FUMA) (twitter)

    Gt.&Programming. GAK (twitter)

    Support Dr. スピカ (Spica) (twitter)


    Purple Stone began their activities on March 30th, 2013, and are based in Osaka. They're currently under the label CRIMZON, a subsidiary of GIZA studio.


    The band's OHP is here, and their discography here.




    Ok. Now can we talk about how amazing they are?


  16. Like
    Tetora reacted to MikuKun in DIV - SECRET   
    In my opinion the album had so many of the old song's, that even though I love those song's it felt like all the fun and excitement of waiting for an album release then finally getting your chance to listen to the album was taken away by hearing song's that made me wonder if this was the new album or just a compilation of their song's playing. I love DIV so it's hard to say bad thing's about them but I just found it so hard to get into an album that feels like they just wanted a reason to put all the old song's on an album. A lot of people probably wont have a problem with this album but personally it just didn't catch me, plus the track placement had a good amount of old song's back to back so I lost interest very quickly. 
  17. Like
    Tetora reacted to kyoisKILLINGME in random thoughts thread   
    i cant believe i spend 30 dollars on a game all i wanted was a damn 10 dollar psn
    card and then i seen dynasty warriors 8 xtreme legends thinking it was 10 dollars turns out it was the wrong sticker thingie on the game...the game was actually 17 dollars...THE HELL =_=;;;  and i want dynasty 8 too... more money to spend :'D i hate having money sometimes 
  18. Like
    Tetora reacted to fitear1590 in Current Thoughts on Crowd-Funding and Other Similar Strategies?   
    Damn! I didn't expect people to be so anti-crowd-funding.
    Pretty much this.

    If it's a band I already know, then what's the problem of "fronting" them the money and getting cool bonus items? I've done this with quite a few Western bands and have had nothing but positive experiences. I also helped contribute to the Lacroix Despheres (supposedly the first VK attempt at crowdfunding?), but the release isn't slated until this summer. Hopefully, it'll also be a smooth experience!
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to Ro plz in Current Thoughts on Crowd-Funding and Other Similar Strategies?   
    Crowd funding has become way to common these days, enough so that its almost unsettling to me. I'm just gonna stick to supporting my go to bands the same way by attending shows, and buying albums/singles/ etc.
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to Furik in Current Thoughts on Crowd-Funding and Other Similar Strategies?   
    Do you trust Crowd-Funds?

    I'm going to be talking about crowd-funded music here (nothing else - like video games, etc.) In this day and age, it all honestly depends on the band. There have been so many bands that have ripped off fans with this strategy. I guess you just have to be cautious with who you are really giving your money too.


    Have you ever given money to any form of Crowd-Fund?

    I have. I like crowd-funding a lot. Like I said, you just have to be cautious. In all my experiences with crowd-funding I have had much luck. My first was in 2013 I helped crowd-fund deathcore act Arsonists Get All the Girls most recent album 'Listen to the Color'. My last was last summer with hip/hop artist K.Flay with her full-length album. When her crowd-funding campaign ended, come the release of the album, I was sent a link to the digital album and in a few weeks, I received the physical CD.


    What band`s do you think you would support if they had a Crowd-Funded project?

    Honestly, I would crowd-fund a lot of bands if they went this route. To name a few - Enter Shikari, Atreyu, baroque, Fear and loathing in las vegas, Frankmusik, Kesha (pka Ke$ha), and Senses Fal.


    What do you think your donation range would be? (Be honest, you don`t have to worry about being seen as a cheap-skate, and don`t have to be Mr. / Mrs. Moneybags.)

    I usually donate within the $10-$20 range. That is enough, in most cases to receive both a digital download copy and a physical copy of the album once funded and that's all I really want. The digital because it's efficient and I can listen to it whenever and the physical copy to show proof that I helped fund the campaign (and place it somewhere like on a dresser or something).


    Are special awards or gifts valuable to you? (Early access to tracks, special messages from the band (or whoever), other perks, etc...)

    Yes. This is one the biggest things that draws me in. With K.Flay, if you donated a certain amount, you had access to a VIP section. There she gave video updates on the campaign along with a message board to talk directly to her as she was working on the album. It was a neat perk to basically be there as she worked on the album. Some cases, bands give you access to songs early on before they are even released - like early demo cuts, etc.


    Do you think crowd-funding is a sustainable practice (can it be used often or only on occasion), and that many bands can use it at the same time, or does it present an even greater price-tag to fans?

    I would honestly only help crowd-fund a project if the need be. I like the practice a lot but in my cases they've only been for certain reasons. Example, with Arsonists Get All the Girls, they were not on a label - they kicked out their last shitty vocalist and went back to their roots. This made me happy and the fact that they were doing this again all on their own with no help from an independent label I felt obligated to help them. In K.Flay's case - this was her first full-length and practically first release since leaving a major label. I know she needed the help and it was successful and now she's been on a tour funded by herself too. I would never help a campaign with a band or artist if I knew they truly had the funds to do so by being backed by a label or just for quick money.


    If Crowd-Funding became more popular, would that create a greater wealth gap in the music industry, where more popular bands can sustain more releases and advertisement, while smaller bands can not succeed or compete, and labels are not as profitable so fewer bands can actually exist on a visible level?

    It's already becoming quite popular because it's easy for fans to donate and receive "their prize" after funded. If this continues and crowdfunding will, no doubt, I feel labels will take advantage of this and use it for their own causes. I'm already seeing this happen as I type this.


    What do you think of Alice Nine`s project so far?

    I don't know. I don't keep up with them and I don't know what they are up to, so I can't comment on this.


    Any notable musical crowd-funds you want to mention (worldwide or Japanese, though they are different markets)?

    Not that I can think of. I mentioned two that I have donated to above.


    Should a Crowd-Funded release be free? Or should it only be free for those who donate? Does crowd-funding affect your view on downloading a release?

    No, it should not be free. For those who have helped donate, that is basically your way of paying for the release. They release should not be designed to be free for those who haven't. That wouldn't make any sense. If a band or artist sets up a campaign to begin with, I highly doubt their release would end up free anyway. It does not affect my whole view on downloading to say - not right now anyway. I'm still poor as fuck all the time so I do download a lot (even when I have a Spotify and Google Play Music subscription). However, if more artists and bands take advantage of crowd-funding, I would probably take advantage of them more and may, in the long run, keep me from downloading. If i'm getting this question right?

  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to Crube in random thoughts thread   
    "Something's wrong here! For some reason, I can't see him!"
  22. Like
    Tetora reacted to Lestat in random thoughts thread   
    Happy 39th birthday, cutie.
    I hope one day I'll be able to meet you, so I can thank you,
    thank you for always being there when there is no one around.
    For your music and lyrics that run within me, almost daily. 
    Thank you for keeping ground under your feet,
    where most try dig it away from underneath of you.
    Thank you for delivering my heart back to me,
    during times where it seems lost forever.
  23. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Seimeisen in HEADPHONES   
    Just got the Shure SE315.
    I have been trying out different pairs this week, because my Sony XBA-4 and Ex90 are both broken (and warrantied out).
    Most shops around here don`t have enough Sony or AudioTechnica which I like, so I was trying all the other brands and not liking any.
    Today I tried a different shop, and tried their BeyerDynamic`s (didn`t like the sound), and some others. Most were too bass heavy or didn`t balance what I wanted, or didn`t kick in enough. Others had that far-away in a box type sound (real technical descriptions, I know).
    The guy gave me the SE315 to try, since I prefer the multiple driver sound which these are designed to go along with, and was actually amazed that I liked the sound; these headphones are so fresh!
    I was still on the fence since I usually only buy certain brands, but he gave me a $150 flat-out price, and they usually go for $250-300 in Canada, so I decided to buy them.
    Sound Details:
    They are much more flat and even to my ears, not too much bass, and they respond very nicely to things that `kick-in` in
    Rock songs, like drops and so-forth. They also balance dense songs well, as well as walls of sound, so it suits Rock music.
    I tested them on a few things, including:
    SuG BLACK album:
    Tested them to see if they can capture the sound as well as the pairs I had been using until recently. They did very well, I particularly tested them on MISSING, since it has a dense intro and there are some sounds that are hard to hear or balance on many headphones (for example the screaming in the right ear that peaks at 17 seconds in).
    Girugamesh INCOMPLETE:
    I use this to test how well sharper sounds held up, on many headphones I find this track (and album) sounds way too rough and the sound gets lost if there is no timbre. I also like to test how well it responds when the song kicks in during the intro, and the middle of the song. If I can`t really feel the power when it kicks in I wont like the headphone.
    DIV SECRET album:
    Used it to test how the rich vocals sound. It produced them very well but I started to notice here that the percussion sounds kind of annoy me if I pay attention.
    External Details:
    They are the style I prefer for in-ear, which is a huge body (the bigger the better) especially since it fits into your ear and blocks sound very well.
    The wires are the kind that go behind your ears, which I always find a little annoying but if they help the headphone stay in when I ride my bike or whatever, then I will appreciate them.
    It is plastic and would probably break easily, but it fits into the ear and doesn`t stick out so I think they will be protected.
    The cables detach from the body by a twist-and-turn technique which seems secure. They are pretty thick without being over-kill.
    The case is fugly and cheap though. I have a million cases so no big-deal for me, but I think they should provide something better for a semi-expensive model.
    More even and balanced sound than usual, great isolation (for me), and great sound for Rock music.
    I still prefer the Sony XBA line, but if you can get a good price, and like the sound, these are worth it.
    Early review and they should `warm-up`and sound even better, but for now, at $150:

  24. Like
    Tetora reacted to kyoisKILLINGME in The Lycaon Mourning thread   
    I still remember the day I found one of their pv's on youtube...and I was in love with them...and since then they became my favorite
    band...it really sucks that they are breaking up...I wish they didn't but..oh well when I woke up and seen the news my heart litherally dropped and I wanted
    to fucking cry and I was ltherally shaking because I didn't wanna cry and of course I was piss off cause PEOPLE BUT ANYWAYS
    I hope they come back in the future with a new band and make more kick ass music ^____^;; and I will NOT be deleting them off my phone or my computer Im gonna listen to them forever and ever and I mean that im NOT just saying that... and im gonna try and NOT cry when I watch there pv's too... *sigh* such a sad day today...
    (i officially hate March 7 ) also if you are a hater get.the.fuck.out. kbye
  25. Like
    Tetora reacted to blackdoll in The Lycaon Mourning thread   
    But for now you can just share any memories you have with the band, or how you are feeling about the news and so on.
    Me personally, I remember in my last year of high school i was super depressed because of the "now you are an adult" and you are supposed to have a plan or know what you are going to do with your life. I had no idea, and didn't see a future for myself. I didn't enjoy anything work related and knew that i was super lazy. So when i would go crazy thinking ill just end up homeless or something, Lycaon would always be there to calm me down, comfort me, and kinda cheer me up.  I always had their new releases to look forward to. It's going suck losing that drive/feeling. Honesty I'm not sure how to continue with my music, like what to listen to, should i just take a break from listening to other non-Lycaon so  i can get closer to them and be able to point out things in their disco at a moments notice. Lastly, I'm uneasy not knowing what Yuuki is going to do after.
    Also I would like to request a In honor of Lycaon video like showing the vocals, breakdowns,  guitar work (riffage) and sounds they did throughout their WHOLE discography.
    Also changed CO listening game to just listening to Lycaon

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