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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. OmG, got so wasted off beer and sake last night, can't function right now, just watching PV's, UNiTE, SID, DIV, Giru, the GOAT bands.... Also new My First Story PV is cool.

    1. Tetora


      Nah I met someone, but ended up puking all over the place and lay in the bathtub. Good times.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      I don't see where's the fun in getting wasted o_o

    3. kyoselflove


      Shouldn't have mixed the two lol.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  2. On that Baroque time. Hope they come out with a lot more music.

    1. Tetora


      Digging through the cd's but can't find Non Fiction or that 圭 single where he plays a piano waltz. Got to organize my stuff more.

    2. hiroki


      when i read your first sentence i thought you were listening to Bach cantatas (like, you know, *that* Baroque). anyway my cds are also all over the place. it takes more days-weeks to find a specific cd sometimes so now i don't even know what i have & don't have.

    3. Tetora


      Yeah same thing brah, no clue where to find most of my cd's and games. But I do love Bach, I used to play a lot of his stuff on guitar or organ setting on synth. I was playing something the other day, forget the name but it is arpeggios of C, DmC, G7B, C and it keeps going like that. Good to practice changing chords on guitar.

  3. One day I will have every cd from every band I like. One day....

    1. Owl


      first step to harding. staaahp

    2. Tetora


      Lol. WG my tastes for rock never changed actually, I just listen lesd to classic rock, more to VK now. And yeah, it is gonna be hoarding for sure, so many bands, it is a lifetime effort!

    3. kyoselflove


      That's going to be hella expensive lol

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  4. One of those nice days when you can just put on any album and enjoy it. No fussing, no tracks you are tired of, just pushing play and getting carried away.

  5. Only one week until new DOG. My hormones are raging, but new 少年記 says it will take 1-4 days to arrive after release so I had to remove it from my order.

    1. Tetora


      Lol, Bloodsuckers comes out next so I am going to add it to that order. BANG ME! is a deal btw, 900 yen for Regular and 1389 for Limited?

    2. kyoselflove


      Lol ok. xD Yes it is a deal, I'm glad!

    3. paradoxal


      Nice to see you getting down with the bang me fever too! ;)

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  6. Over 15, sexually knowing. The ushers are sniffing, all the cologne and, the seats are seductive. Celebate Sitting. Pretty girls digging, prettier women. Magically bored on a quiet street corner, free frustration in our minds and our toes. Quiet stone water, m-m-my generation. Uppers and downers, either way, blood flows.

    1. digi


      tetora no

    2. Tetora


      Digi, I saw her today at the reception, a glass of wine in her hand. I thought she would meet her connection, at her feet was a footloose man. Now you can`t always get what you want, can`t always get what you want... But if you try sometime, you`ll find, you get what you need...

    3. Show next comments  27 more
  7. Pair of my headphones broke and I now know there is acoustic guitar and female (?) backing vocals in Girugamesh's INCOMPLETE. Amazing what goes into a song you may never notice.

    1. Tetora


      I brought them to Sony, they sent them to their lab and I get them back on Wednesday. They were playing only one part of the music, so I was hearing just like background guitar and voices lol.

    2. Licio123


      That's how this song works. After all, it's INCOMPLETE...

    3. Tetora
    4. Show next comments  27 more
  8. Partybus, stop at sugar shack, Wiskey and Vodka Unlimited supply, twenty girls, ten of them with fake boobs, then on to Wrestlemania in thirty minutes. Now this is how you do SUNDAY.

    1. yakihiko


      I can do an exception for a shot made by Tets

    2. Tetora


      Just opened up your BORN thread, goodnight sweet bandwidth.

    3. Atreides


      I'd prefer 20 chicks with 10 fake boobs :/

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  9. Phew, finally decided on a new Avi for the time being. I also found out that Tequila Tokyo will be a much more serious project than I initially expected, and the live shows will involve members flying around the stage? Can't wait to see and hear it.

  10. Phew, Kra finally done with song selection for the next release. Tz has been writing songs forever so I look forward to some epic riffs, licks and solo's to go along with their new sound.

    1. yakihiko


      I want Keiyuu to sing drunk at テキーラ??京.

    2. Tetora


      Lol, might be dangerous, their live show looks like it will be a big production with special effects and rope work.

    3. yakihiko


      Man, I want to see their lives,

      It sounds very epic. Nico Nico must broadcast this ceremony *-*

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  11. Playing VAMPS 「Time Goes By??with the bagpipe setting on my synth. Tear-jerking.

  12. Preparing myself for new BORN, Mejibray and Dir en Grey... It's gonna be a dramatic month.

    1. eiheartx


      100% agree, can't wait.

    2. Shir0


      yeeah I can hardly wait! :D

    3. Jigsaw9


      Don't forget MERRY! :3

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  13. Put off reading the Soan news, but read Taizo's post and realized he is involved. Gonna need to hear the GOAT and see what he lays down.

    1. Tetora


      Other members are interesting and I realize some hate Soan now, but my main focus is on the GOD Taizo.

    2. Tetora


      Not the kind of Goat that gets smacked around by Tiger's, the kind that OWNS on the guitar.

  14. QQ, it says `post last saved`when I am typing... Where is the post saved? Sometimes I press backspace, and the page goes back, and I lose my whole long rambling post and have to type again if I didn`t copy it (which I have learned to do). Is there a way to get it back?

  15. Re-visiting 「I``s??, truly one of the GOAT manga. The romance, the hotness, the humour, the missed opportunities and stupidity of boyhood... Ahhh...

  16. Re-watching all of Eureka Seven. Ten years later and I love the show even more. I see many things in new ways as well. Will watch AO as well. At first I didn't like that show, but then in the later episodes I started to see it a different way, and it was really amazing.

    1. Spectralion


      I never watch E7. I think, I need to watch it.

    2. Mihenno


      e7 is one of my favorites

    3. Tetora


      xriko, you should try AO.

      Spectralion, you're missing out.

      Mi'ihen, that's it!

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  17. Really counting the days now until new D.I.D. I will miss the former guitarist but am excited to hear what they do with Pablo.

  18. Really like the new ViV, especially EMOTION. But WHY April release!?

    1. Tetora


      Also goodnight sweet LEZARD. Those buggers will be missed hopefully they come back strong.

    2. hiroki


      LEZARD news was a shocker. but really looking forward to April: Royz, ViV and Purple Stone.. can't really get any better ;)

    3. Tetora


      Royz gonna do it big. Gonna need a taste of that Purple Stone to see what they got in store for us this time.

  19. Really love the Promo for BugLug's new album featuring 「猿??。Really feels triumphant, as if to show us how far they made it, all while staying true to themselves. I think the album will be even better than 「G.A.G.?? btw.

    1. Tetora


      Also really hope for new UNiTE album by year's end. Falling back into the deep love I had for them before 「Ai??.

    1. Tetora


      Also putting your head in your hand while using the computer spreads germs to your face causing pimples, and folds your skin causing wrinkles. Stay safe ppl.

    2. beni


      R.I.P. self in less than a few years from now then. XD

  20. Recently heard that the guy in Fukushima is still taking care of all the abandoned animals: http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aVWvXv8_700b_v1.jpg and that he has a funding page : http://www.plumfund.com/community-crowdfunding/savefukushimaanimals

    1. Shir0


      true hero, what an amazing man!

  21. Regret taking some Luna Sea albums of my phone.

  22. Replayed Resident Evil and my friend kept yelling I am a greedy sonofab#tch because I use no ammo, herbs or saves and try to run by all enemies. Got 100's of ammo, nine ribbons, and twelve herbs. Feels good.

    1. plastic_rainbow


      Yeah, Evil Within was a good game! I played it a few months ago. I'd like to replay the first two Parasite Eve games too. Need to refresh myself on the storyline~

    2. yakihiko


      Tets, I stopped RE4 when I was without ammo when facing that bitch monsters which stay on the ceiling.

    3. yakihiko


      Do you know what should I do?? XD

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  23. Revisiting the CORE album by ゾロ。I recommend it if you want a good mix of emotion, melodies, funky rhythm and amazing guitar work.

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