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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

  2. blackdoll

    Umm your point to replying was? cause all i hear is support for Kamijo and Versalies being the norm. The Norm will always outweigh the minority that look for something different. But getting back to meji and tsu I wouldnt say they are going for the next legend, more like they have a lot of free time and want to make as much money as possible. Maybe to buy some pretty thing. Not sure why you mentioned looks, when this is visual kei and being VISUAL kei, there will always probably be those fans? And fairly honest really, i think fairly opionated is more like it, this is no way to say what good music is. We can say what cost more in production, sure. It take balls! ps. dying mongrel, idiotic, and noise-music destroyed your argument or W/E
  3. blackdoll

    Yeah not what intended, I honestly think so, and that applies to before hiatus period. Doesnt matter how much he put in, i just see him as like the K-pop psy. Someone a bunch of people flocked too because the music is easy. He can sing in a generic and social excepted way, but that isn't anything to be amazed by since all you need is some lesson. I need flavor, something that isnt the normal, something to get the juices flowing and grab my attention. Now if it was kaya in his place i could maybe respect that, cause he kinda throws his own spice into the mix. But getting back to Tsu he has skills as he showed in like shuuei, raven, sadisgate, Fell to the HEAVEN, hakuraku 2011 ect. and just experimented with harsh Negator NEGATOR mixing both exhale and inhale. So he would be great as a solo artist, but will the general public like it, maybe not. Not a lie what i believe. And they are free to agree with you.
  4. blackdoll

    looks more like just an upperclass woman
  5. blackdoll

    Mejibray's Recent stuff still is better than anything versailles or the false king kamijo has every done! also Crystal Lake and Endzweck are both more terrible then the worst of visual kei. So generic and a pathetic attempt at going hard.
  6. blackdoll

    VersucksCocks and LovesDickJoe
  7. blackdoll

    red rum and insanity
  8. "Bitches ain't shit and they ain't saying nothing A hundred mothafuckas can't tell me nothing"

  9. blackdoll

    so ready for the new single, Lycaon just reloaded their Gun, to blow these other bands out the water right quick. I wonder how the other bands feel about this.
  10. blackdoll

    hahahaha what a fucking joke, i always thought you were a dumb ass ugly bitch anyway, Like nicki says go suck a big dick, dumbass hoe! Ughh where my wet wips at, this stinky bum try to touch me!
  11. blackdoll

    like a shit ver of aikaryu vocalist
  12. I wonder when they try to follow me -- do these bicthes feet hurt, Yes a am your nanny, I'm there to help you babies burp, before you come at me, do some fucking research

  13. blackdoll

    i see you! get it mama
  14. blackdoll

    https://youtu.be/CUTXjUlZ32M?t=1m54s explains it all.... stop a 3:21
  15. blackdoll is back to being blsck FUCKIN DOLL! Crushes are for lames!

  16. blackdoll

    Iggy Azalea fans? I guess im cool as long as they stick to just Beg for it
  17. blackdoll

    The reason why they hate is because they so ugly Lycaon wouldn't even put their dicks in their face
  18. blackdoll

    no not 12 just pointing out your hating on their new look. if you simply dont prefer it just say that, dont go saying its ugly and they cant pull it off, cause that hate. and i'm not butthurt, just correcting you lack of eye then you got butthurt.
  19. blackdoll

    I learned how to headbang and how fun metal is. also i was a lil badass
  20. blackdoll

  21. blackdoll

    Doctor Foster is a disgusting lil bitch!
  22. blackdoll

    akai ringo will always be the best
  23. blackdoll

    i hope Queen Key is alright
  24. blackdoll

    Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V destroyed yugioh like Black and white destroyed pokemon
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