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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    just saying it's not the same sound, no need to exaggerate, just give them both a proper listen.
  2. Y do ppl always slap shit together

  3. blackdoll

    also are you putting on muscle?
  4. blackdoll

    NO NO NO NO, Not Lycaon more like some off brand dollar store crap other vk bands put out. It's not enough just to be jazzy..... ughhhhh know bands before you bring them up. ps. Lycaon also never needed to resort to porn, Yuukixband memeber was more than enough. And they never need to do heavy songs to sound flawless. *flips non existing hair*
  5. blackdoll

    gotta eat right too
  6. blackdoll

    omg they really just did that, i was fine with my boo not getting action but nooo let take shirts off but not before some killer seductive acting, thank god it ended before i broke everything in my room
  7. blackdoll

    to my surprise you rated Lycaon's CO a bit better. maybe somewhere deep deep deep deep deep inside of you, you did give a speck of care for them. M-H's Lycaon memorial accepted being slaves we don't ask for much, and take what we can get
  8. blackdoll

    The hottest women in the world have twerked.
  9. blackdoll

    lol Lycaon wont let you forget them
  10. blackdoll

  11. blackdoll

    baka ne, ah mujo, keibei dorei, liar, medriek, tsksiou, hi ame, red rum, dogra mogra, dahlia, someothers , cant spell
  12. blackdoll

    considering how all the pic ive seen are black do you not like the blonde? anyway i say let the roots grow some in then die the roots/downward black black like an Oreo cookie. then audition for some high fashion gigs
  13. blackdoll

    narcos (netflix) , awkward. damm i missed jenna
  14. blackdoll

    #blackdollsfunfacts Red rum maybe the heaviest Lycaon song but Anima is the one with the most power.
  15. not sure if im doing this right. until the ribbon breaks not sure of the genre and it seem that alot of acts in the states are doing this because teenwolfs music this season. I think they do it best, and i love how it's creepy yet full of love. And they broke me into the american market. also maybe brooke candy, but i guess she is hiphop/whatever she likes runner up grimes
  16. blackdoll

    yeah i know
  17. blackdoll

    why are they disbanding again? ughhh fml and subs please cause that shit looks funyy "YES! YES!"
  18. wtf i like AvelCain 片想い it reminds me or pre id. but the pv was trash. Id's teaser shit on that, whatever happen to that pv
  19. blackdoll

    lol porn
  20. blackdoll

    bitxh dont, fake you know you are pulling it tf off. are you naturally blonde ?
  21. blackdoll

    [2] that blode bit.
  22. blackdoll

    OMG Im wet. season one vibes and vampires omg yesss suck me fuck me. If they shit this season like the last one im going to be so fucking mad cause im #teamFangBanger
  23. blackdoll

  24. time to redo my shit, though im keeping the links, just waiting for the Queen to help me out

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