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  1. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoselflove in random thoughts thread   
    Congrats, you just won the Complete Fucking Inconsiderate Bitch Of The Year award!!!!!!!!
    Please just shut the fuck up.
  2. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Seimeisen in Lycaon   
    so much sadness i just can't cry anymore
  3. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Elazmus in Lycaon   
    so much sadness i just can't cry anymore
  4. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Seimeisen in random thoughts thread   
    Congrats, you just won the Complete Fucking Inconsiderate Bitch Of The Year award!!!!!!!!
    Please just shut the fuck up.
  5. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in random thoughts thread   
    Congrats, you just won the Complete Fucking Inconsiderate Bitch Of The Year award!!!!!!!!
    Please just shut the fuck up.
  6. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Pretsy in random thoughts thread   
    Congrats, you just won the Complete Fucking Inconsiderate Bitch Of The Year award!!!!!!!!
    Please just shut the fuck up.
  7. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in The Lycaon Mourning thread   
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cant believe i said that
  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to kyoisKILLINGME in The Lycaon Mourning thread   
    I still remember the day I found one of their pv's on youtube...and I was in love with them...and since then they became my favorite
    band...it really sucks that they are breaking up...I wish they didn't but..oh well when I woke up and seen the news my heart litherally dropped and I wanted
    to fucking cry and I was ltherally shaking because I didn't wanna cry and of course I was piss off cause PEOPLE BUT ANYWAYS
    I hope they come back in the future with a new band and make more kick ass music ^____^;; and I will NOT be deleting them off my phone or my computer Im gonna listen to them forever and ever and I mean that im NOT just saying that... and im gonna try and NOT cry when I watch there pv's too... *sigh* such a sad day today...
    (i officially hate March 7 ) also if you are a hater get.the.fuck.out. kbye
  9. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in The Lycaon Mourning thread   
    But for now you can just share any memories you have with the band, or how you are feeling about the news and so on.
    Me personally, I remember in my last year of high school i was super depressed because of the "now you are an adult" and you are supposed to have a plan or know what you are going to do with your life. I had no idea, and didn't see a future for myself. I didn't enjoy anything work related and knew that i was super lazy. So when i would go crazy thinking ill just end up homeless or something, Lycaon would always be there to calm me down, comfort me, and kinda cheer me up.  I always had their new releases to look forward to. It's going suck losing that drive/feeling. Honesty I'm not sure how to continue with my music, like what to listen to, should i just take a break from listening to other non-Lycaon so  i can get closer to them and be able to point out things in their disco at a moments notice. Lastly, I'm uneasy not knowing what Yuuki is going to do after.
    Also I would like to request a In honor of Lycaon video like showing the vocals, breakdowns,  guitar work (riffage) and sounds they did throughout their WHOLE discography.
    Also changed CO listening game to just listening to Lycaon

  10. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in Lycaon   
    let me gett the fuck off of here before i start crying, so much saddness
  11. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Seimeisen in Listening to Lycaon, never let their spirit die out   
    This tracklist mod earlier this morning:
    Camera Obscura
    Flowed very nicely!
  12. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kasupaa in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    I can't believe this.
    Tonight's activities:
    1. Crying
    2. Beer
    3. Lycaon
  13. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Messenger84 in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    I can't believe this.
    Tonight's activities:
    1. Crying
    2. Beer
    3. Lycaon
  14. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Pretsy in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    I can't believe this.
    Tonight's activities:
    1. Crying
    2. Beer
    3. Lycaon
  15. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Elazmus in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    I can't believe this.
    Tonight's activities:
    1. Crying
    2. Beer
    3. Lycaon
  16. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from CAT5 in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    I can't believe this.
    Tonight's activities:
    1. Crying
    2. Beer
    3. Lycaon
  17. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoisKILLINGME in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    I can't believe this.
    Tonight's activities:
    1. Crying
    2. Beer
    3. Lycaon
  18. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Seimeisen in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    I can't believe this.
    Tonight's activities:
    1. Crying
    2. Beer
    3. Lycaon
  19. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoselflove in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    I can't believe this.
    Tonight's activities:
    1. Crying
    2. Beer
    3. Lycaon
  20. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    Well if you guys followed my words you would know that Last summer after Akujo no Hohoemi single, i said i made my peice with them, meaning it's fine if they disband. As the super slave I knew this was coming, the way they hop from one sound to another it's no wonder that they would come to a point where they might have trouble getting something fresh. And Lycaon would rather die then be a genric warshed up nothing new boring piece of nothing. Also ahhhhh dahhhhh they came back to metal, i knew then, its like when you are writing a paper you kinda write what you wrote in the introduction but in different words. the different words being the different guitar tunning and electronics and vocals.
    Lycaon will stay in my heart forever for the strength and idea's they've gave me. Yuuki will always be my price for taking care of me. I love how they went out with a bang. 10 new songs off the bat, all flawless on one of the the best albums ever, Yuuki slaying kaya's look publicly, slaying metalcore, and just not letting any other band or artist touch them.
    Lycaon 2008-2015. May the half incubus Prince rise, and reign over the land of music again!
    - Your loyal servant and slave, blackdoll
  21. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    lol idk whether to feel more for lycaon's fans or those parading their idiocy in this thread
  22. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from yakihiko in ex-モノクロ地獄 (Monochrome Hell) Gt. Gaz to join ex-SpArkLiEs session   
    I just hope they will release something else than those hard to get live-limited singles
  23. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Show Yourself (again)   
    Dog sitting
  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Ito in Show Yourself (again)   
    Apparently I have a twin

  25. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Mihenno in ex-モノクロ地獄 (Monochrome Hell) Gt. Gaz to join ex-SpArkLiEs session   
    I just hope they will release something else than those hard to get live-limited singles
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