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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    This is really, really good news for me! FUCK YEAH. \o/
  2. allisapp

    Bad Religion - All Good Soliders
  3. allisapp

    Going to home today. ♥
  4. allisapp

    ... Fuck...
  5. allisapp

    Aa, olenkin odottanut tätä! Mietin tässä, että jos jonakin päivänä (kahtena?) olisi tietovisa, jonka vastaukset voisi laittaa joko modeille, admineille tai pelkästään yhdelle henkilölle - se joka saa eniten pisteitä, saa esimerkiksi jonkin arvonimen nickin alle. (Kyllä, aika lafimaista, mutta se jäisi mukavasti mieleen voittajalle, ties vuosien ajaksi.) Oletko miettinyt, että pitääkö palkinnon olla konkreettinen, vai abstraktinen? Ja ainahan voi tehdä niin, että esimerkiksi jos 24. päivälle tulee joku niin sanottu kilpailu, niin joku moderaattori/admin käy ostamassa palkinnon ja laittaa tälle postissa? Itsekin osallistuisin mielusti juuri näiden visailujen ja/tai ristikkojen tekoon, joten jos vain tekemistä löytyy, niin olisin mielelläni mukana! --- Hmm, almost like a full story! 8---D
  6. allisapp

    It snows here. 3 ;;w;; I hate winter and snow!
  7. allisapp

    Stam1na - Eloonjäänyt
  8. allisapp

    I realized how short I am... ;;w;; Just two years ago almost everyone was shorter than me, but now I have to look up if I want to see friend's/classmate's/other people's face. (Let's compare; I'm 170cm, tallest friend is about 2m, and shortest is barely 165cm tall. And I don't have that much of shorter friends!)
  9. allisapp

  10. allisapp

    Woah, congratulations! I feel "a little same", because I just realized a week ago, that I've had one halfsister and halfbother since I was 7-years old. :--D
  11. allisapp

    System of a Down - Ego Brain
  12. allisapp

    Well, soon this day is over, but I did a blueberry pie! After three years of not doing it - I'm actually little proud of myself. And tomorrow I'm going to Vaasa, so I can photograph there.
  13. allisapp

    8/10 It would have been 9/10, if the H-letter would be in small letters.
  14. allisapp

    ^ Even if I'm still too afraid to listen it, I blame Miya for that - he's the one who makes these the most awful songs nowadays. ;D And he's the one who made 1. to 7. tracks. Really, they should put Satochi to do their future songs, maybe he'll bring them up again! (*wishful thinking*)
  15. allisapp

    8DDD Well, I'm sure that you know what to do?
  16. allisapp

    We were making a video at school in videoclass. My team was making this and I was the one who had to perform there. So suddenly I just began to laugh and so on. :''D I'm not going to be never an actor! 8((
  17. allisapp

    ^ It's the same with me. But well, I haven't never liked Nightwish that much. Once I saw them live with Tarja, and the second time was with this new vocalist, who is the other of these two, who sucks. Years ago (with Tarja) they did... ok music, but I don't know, somehow when this new vocalis came, the band didn't have that much of charisma. I know, that their music haven't changed that much (Tuomas still makes their music) but when that girl came around, they SOMEHOW started to change more "poppish", ehich I don't know and understand. And really, Tarja's "new career" sucks, completely.
  18. allisapp

  19. allisapp

    Criminal Minds season 3 and right now episode 10
  20. allisapp

    Sanbika sounds really weird, I know, but when you hear it anywhere anytime after two weeks, you start to consider about blowing your head off. (Especially if you hear/sing only this Ave Maria-thing. Almost everybody who has heard me singing it, go away from me as soon as possible. I don't want to think that they did it because of my singingtalent...) But now I'm starting to wait this album!
  21. allisapp

    Ah, I love Fairytale, especially it's drawingstyle. I should continue to read and watch it! 8D
  22. allisapp

    Ooh, I can't wait. I have this great feeling, that this new single (and allbum?) are going to be awesome! ♥
  23. allisapp

    Wow, I was going to say this yesterday, but I was doing everything else (Like listening this song) so I forgot. But what I was going to say, is that this would be a great Disney-song.
  24. allisapp

    Doublepost. \o/ Polaris I think that I fell in love. ;;w;;
  25. allisapp

    Matenrou Opera Deluhi amber gris TIME SECTION # GalneryusThe Pains of Being Pure at Heart Lillies and Remains Gimmick Luzmelt Asobi Seksu MUCC
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