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  1. Like
    Bear got a reaction from ghost in SIGH   
    FInally got Requiem for Fools and Sigh / Kawir - Suicidogenic / Sinn. Happy days!
  2. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Atreides in SIGH   
    FInally got Requiem for Fools and Sigh / Kawir - Suicidogenic / Sinn. Happy days!
  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale is something of a modern classic and a hidden gem imo. Imagine John Carpenter, Tim Burton and Joe Dante making a film together. It's like a mix of Carpenter-esque horror, Burton-esque fantasy and Dante-esque comedy. An instant classic!
  4. Like
    Bear got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Horror Movies   
    This film sure lived up to my MASSIVE expectations. It's a very 80's film and it reeks of Joe Dante, and more than anything Gremlins. Which is great of course. It's a nice blend of creepy, amospheric and tense moments, some funny ones and some heartwarming ones. Just like Gremlins in other words, just not quite as good. The special effects are mostly practical, but a few times they've gone with CGI and it's understandable. But it's decent CGI and doesn't take anything away from everything else. The cast is great, the film looks beautiful and it's simply a very, very good film. And Krampus looks amazing, and he is amazing. Real creepy, much because he's so darkly playful. Did I say that he looks amazing? The decision to not show his *beep* (that's a spoiler) is brilliant. Just gives him so much more aura and charisma.
    There's also a small animated flashback scene that was insanely good. Absolutely stunning stuff, and a real treat to the eye.
    And all this is topped off by one of the best endings I've ever seen. Perfect ending!
    So yeah, what a fantastic film!
    It's a shame about the PG-13 rating, though. This film would instantly have been much better with an R rating and more blood and gore. But it doesn't matter as this is brilliant nonetheless.
  5. Like
    Bear reacted to Tokage in Horror Movies   
    Watched Krampus and A Christmas Horror Story with my girlfriend this year, I enjoyed the HELL out of the former, really fun stuff, like  the previous post also states already. Really good stuff. Loved the atmosphere, the special effects, etc. Even the CGI killer cookies were fine
    A Christmas Horror Story was... less good. Gf slept through part of it, I wasn't too impressed with the overall package either. Some of the segments had potential but were kind of ruined in the end. The santa / zombie elves part would've been 10x better if the actor playing sana wasn't so horrible. Krampus as he appears in this movie is like 100% less cool than he is in the other Krampus film as well... Lot of potntial here, but just didn't live up to it in the end.
  6. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Atreides in SIGH   
    Holy shit, YES! Does that mean we get a new album around July/August next year? Hooooooooly shit!
  7. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Komorebi in Best albums/EPs/singles of 2016   
    I haven't made a list yet, but I'll try to get this thread started by posting one album (I'll just add more later on).

    Cultes des Ghoules - Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love
    Cultes des Ghoules have worked their way up to some kind of a cult status in the metal underground, and with good reason. Before the release of this album the band had two brilliant albums, two brilliant EPs and some good split albums and another EP to their name. And when everyone thought the band were dead they announce out of nowhere that they're about to release a new album. And it's not just an album, it's a double album. We're talking 5 songs and about 100 minutes of music, and despite the lenght it doesn't feel a second too long. Music'vise they've gone a bit backwards to the style they had on their debut album Häxan, with Mortuary Drape, Necromantia, Samael, Beherit and more as obvious inspirations. Dark, evil, mystic and occult black metal. It's straight enough, but it still sounds very unique and original. Which is pretty amazing, because musically it kinda isn't. Now, I am not saying this is my favourite black metal album ever, but this is one of the most impressive one. It's massive in every way possible.
    This is my album of the year by a long shot. It's something truly special.
  8. Like
    Bear got a reaction from CAT5 in Best albums/EPs/singles of 2016   
    It's about time we do one of these threads, isn't it? I'll make one when I get home from work.
    I know it's tempting to just post a list and leave the thread, but I encourage everyone to add a few words of why those exactly albums made it onto your end of the year list as list threads are boring and uninteresting as fuck. Adding a few words about an album makes the thread a lot more interesting, and I am sure a few words about an album will make more people check it out as well.
    And please, don't post a shitload of youtube videos and crap. Add links instead.
  9. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    If you're a fan of old-school metal's more violent and dirtier streak, then stop what you're doing and immediately blast this loud:
    The guy fronting the project has ties to Midnight, so that might put it on the map accurately. One of the best finds I had lately. Kickass!
  10. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Do you enjoy 1st wave Bathory, Hellhammer, Sodom, Tormentor, Vulcano, Sarcofago, Holocausto, Poison and the likes? Then do yourself a favour and check out the debut of Sacrificio. Sacrificio plays ancient black metal like they used to long before black metal was a proper genre to describe a certain kind of music. Mostly very primitive and raw in the vein of Bathory and The Return..., but at times they move into a more epic form of black metal. A bit like Bathory did with songs such as Enter the Eternal Fire and Call from the Grave. Fantastic album, and it's way better than the very awesome demo.
    I love their over the top image too. As ridiculous as it is cool.

  11. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in Single People Thread   
    I live far away from basically everyone I know. My friends and family live 6-8 hours away. I've got one friend up here who works the evenings, which is when I'm available. So we don't get to meet up very often. My hobbies includes watching films/TV-series, playing video games and boardgames, cooking, watching and playing football, going to concerts and getting drunk. In other words I'm pretty nerdy, as well as very shy and introvert. Tinder just looked like an easy way to get to know girls and hook up/meet, be it for a beer or two, a cup of coffee, film, football, something to eat or just a one night stand and nothing more. It's simply an easy way to get to know people, and therefore an easy way to be social, be it for one evening or repeatedly. If it'll make a friendship or relationship you never know, but I'm not looking for anything special. Just to be social. in a way or other.
    I've recently started to meet up with some co-workers outside of work, though. After 2+ years at this job. And we've hit it off, and I'm gonna join them for board games in tuesday(s), as well as other things (parties, dinners and that kind of stuff). Which is nice. I have my job up here so I am not willing to move right now, but I need to be a bit social too to keep it up, even if it's just for an evening/night every now and then.
    TL:DR: it's an easy way to get to meet others, be social and quite possibly have a good time/some fun. Some you'll dislike, some you'll hit it off with, be it just as friends, an ONS or something more.
  12. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in New retro wave/retro electro/synthwave   
    New LAZERPUNK! album is out, check-check:
    edit: Also, the Hungarian Synthwave Allstars Vol. 2 charity compilation album will be released soon, with some cool tunes from Hungary's up-and-coming retrowave scene. Full story and teaser below:
  13. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Original Saku in Best new releases : November 2016   
    No, it fucking shouldn't. This thread is exactly as it was supossed to be, and will continue to be.
  14. Like
    Bear got a reaction from suji in Best new releases : November 2016   
    No, it fucking shouldn't. This thread is exactly as it was supossed to be, and will continue to be.
  15. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in Best new releases : November 2016   
    No, it fucking shouldn't. This thread is exactly as it was supossed to be, and will continue to be.
  16. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Best new releases : November 2016   
    No, it fucking shouldn't. This thread is exactly as it was supossed to be, and will continue to be.
  17. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Karma’s Hat in Best new releases : November 2016   
    No, it fucking shouldn't. This thread is exactly as it was supossed to be, and will continue to be.
  18. Like
    Bear got a reaction from YuyoDrift in Single People Thread   
    Well, that certainly went well. Had a great time last night, and ended up spending the night to my big surprise. Didn't plan on that. Started with playing cards (I won and got cheeky as fuck, because I am an incredibly sore winner), baked buns which turned out delicious, watched some sex-show and American Pie with her friend on TV and shit. I had a great time, and I could tellshe did too, as well as her friend. Sure couldn't resist my charm.
    Anyway, whatever happens next it was still worth it. Had a great evening/night.
  19. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Karma’s Hat in Single People Thread   
    Well, that certainly went well. Had a great time last night, and ended up spending the night to my big surprise. Didn't plan on that. Started with playing cards (I won and got cheeky as fuck, because I am an incredibly sore winner), baked buns which turned out delicious, watched some sex-show and American Pie with her friend on TV and shit. I had a great time, and I could tellshe did too, as well as her friend. Sure couldn't resist my charm.
    Anyway, whatever happens next it was still worth it. Had a great evening/night.
  20. Like
    Bear got a reaction from allisapp in Single People Thread   
    Well, that certainly went well. Had a great time last night, and ended up spending the night to my big surprise. Didn't plan on that. Started with playing cards (I won and got cheeky as fuck, because I am an incredibly sore winner), baked buns which turned out delicious, watched some sex-show and American Pie with her friend on TV and shit. I had a great time, and I could tellshe did too, as well as her friend. Sure couldn't resist my charm.
    Anyway, whatever happens next it was still worth it. Had a great evening/night.
  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in Single People Thread   
    Ill play with her buns later on. But first well bake buns.
  22. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Licio123 in Single People Thread   
    I'm going on my first date in 4-5 years today (as I was in a 4-5 years long relationship that ended earlier this year), a tinder date. That'll be interesting. Plans for the evening? Baking! We're gonna bake buns, something which I suck at. I love baking, and i'm quite skilled at baking, but I fucking hate baking with yeast. I'm not good at it at all actually. So this is gonna be fun.
  23. Like
    Bear reacted to YuyoDrift in Single People Thread   
    Thanks for the quick response. It really was an honest question, so I appreciate the honest feedback.
    I, myself, have refused to accept any talk about online dating sites, as I feel I do quite well on my own, socializing-wise.
    Not saying that only socially awkward people join these sites (I'm quite awkward myself), but that online dating is not something I'd consider any time soon.
    My friends have strongly recommended that I sign up, due to the fact that I am very stubborn for the gals at the bars/clubs, who just wanna have fun/fuck, and this site may meet my needs for companionship.
    Yet I know the intention of sites/apps like this, and why most people sign up initially, so I choose not to partake. I feel people should be given a chance, and not just swiped to the left for having piercings, a tramp stamp, or simply a bad haircut. I wont go into full on rant mode here haha.
    On the other hand, my time is limited, and I need to prioritize and schedule some more of it for socializing.  My friends do seem to miss me, and their kind-hearted attempts to introduce me to their friends have fallen on deaf ears. Online dating will probably pull me in due to desperation from being lonely, just not anytime soon. I'm enjoying "me time".
    With that being said, good luck man. Just don't become numb to relationships like the rest of us. I've heard the stories first hand, even when I didn't want to haha.
    Let me know how the online dating life is in your opinion.
  24. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Single People Thread   
    I'm going on my first date in 4-5 years today (as I was in a 4-5 years long relationship that ended earlier this year), a tinder date. That'll be interesting. Plans for the evening? Baking! We're gonna bake buns, something which I suck at. I love baking, and i'm quite skilled at baking, but I fucking hate baking with yeast. I'm not good at it at all actually. So this is gonna be fun.
  25. Like
    Bear got a reaction from allisapp in Single People Thread   
    I'm going on my first date in 4-5 years today (as I was in a 4-5 years long relationship that ended earlier this year), a tinder date. That'll be interesting. Plans for the evening? Baking! We're gonna bake buns, something which I suck at. I love baking, and i'm quite skilled at baking, but I fucking hate baking with yeast. I'm not good at it at all actually. So this is gonna be fun.
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