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Posts posted by nomemorial

  1. Scarlet's elimination is a travesty. She slayed Ra'jah in the lipsync, Ra'jah was in the bottom 3 times (and hasn't done anything noteworthy otherwise), and Scarlet was a consistently improving queen from day one (with a win under her belt). Don't know how they even justify that. 


    I think they're pushing a Ra'jah as villain narrative in the production side or something and will try and find some way to bring Scarlet back from a storyline angle or something. Just seemed off.

  2. I am a big-time Libra. Actually, that might explain my attraction to VK as a whole - seems to go hand-in-hand. I (sometimes regrettably) find that I fit the standard Libra attributes to a tee (except for the dishonest/infidelitous side, which I don't relate to at all). Otherwise I fully embrace the sign and its pleasant mixture of vanity and logic.


    My moon is in Taurus, which also feels pretty on the money in terms of comfort and desire for familiar surroundings. I'm a big "nester" and I like nice, comfortable things, so...

  3. My wife has given me a solid (and necessary) push to do a bit more with my daily skincare routine and I've been pleased with the results thus far. I've been wary of adding anything to my daily routine as I had pretty frustrating acne in my teenage years so I have this weird latent fear that any change in my normal routine will be disastrous (and luckily that hasn't been the case).


    Outside of general facewash (Cerave Foaming Facial Cleanser) and moisturizer (Aveeno Clear Complexion) I've added a fine-line reduction serum from The Ordinary (Matrixyl - it has worked quite splendidly) and daily facial sunscreen (Neutrogena Ultrasheer 55+) to protect my aging and naturally pale skin from the elements.


    Doing a bit more for my skin as really breathed a lot of "life" back into it and as someone who's generally terrified of aging poorly I'm glad I've been making some changes now.


    Really can't say enough good things about The Ordinary's products, too. My wife has converted me wholly to what they sell and it's everything I love - functional, aesthetically packaged, and VERY cheap.

  4. 2 hours ago, chipathy said:

    What's the likelihood we'll get a music teaser or something when they release everyones look 

    Seems possible?? I would hope we at least get some type of teaser by the beginning of May. Looking forward to a new group pic with everyone's new looks!

  5. It's interesting going back and listening to Various -> THE SILENT SONG -> CHEDOARA.  Really serious improvement, though interesting seeing their progression along the way and how much more experimental they've gotten while also being a bit more stylistically committed if that makes sense (so many VK bands are just...all over the map genre-wise). Production on the newer stuff is of course way, way better, too.


    Really wondering about the production on Age of lies and 記憶、紺碧の微笑み, though - not sure if it's the files I have but it straight up sounds like someone recorded them practicing down the street, hah.


    Other random note - the verses in 記憶、紺碧の微笑み sound a lot like 壊れていくこの世界で by PIERROT. Can't unhear.



  6. D

    Unnecessary bump, but I've been revisiting this band's discography for the first time in years (didn't much keep up after their first few releases) and wow, they're really consistent!! Very strong songwriters, I can see why they've been around for as long as they have. Something about them makes me feel nostalgic in a nice way.

  7. 3 hours ago, Duwang said:

    Chedoara is hands down my favorite release this year so far. I like Vanitas, Malformation, and Shigarami the most but I like all the songs. I wasn't really into Ambitiosus (Ambitious?) Principles upon first listen but it's a lot of fun live so I like it a lot now.


    Speaking of lives, I got some set lists for you guys. I went to all of Dimlim's lives this past week.


    9/21 at Ikebukuro Edge

    1. Grotesque

    2. Malformation


    4. Shigarami

    5. Ambitious Principles

    6. vanitas

    7. Aizou ni tsuki


    9/24 at Shibuya Chelsea Hotel

    They played all of the album songs but not quite in the order of the album. Started with Grotesque and ended with Hito to Katachi but everything else in the middle was switched around.

    Sadly it was only about 40 minutes long despite being a oneman but it was free so I can't complain.


    9/26 at Takadanobaba Area

    1. Grotesque

    2. D. Hymnus

    3. Malformation

    4. vanitas

    5. Aizou ni tsuki

    Thank you for sharing this! I would looooove to see some live footage of Malformation. I've listened to it so many times now.

  8. 17 minutes ago, nekkichi said:

    are you familiar with d.i.d.? DIMLIM practically borrow 60 % of sound from them, with another 20 from Deg, and the rest is some sort of self experimentation


    I'm not, actually! I'll check them out on that note - thanks for the recommendation!

  9. I'd really just like to find more VK bands in this vein. Their melodic side really does feel like mid-era Diru to me, but it melds really well with the style they're doing overall. Doesn't make me feel like I should just "go listen to another djent band" because the music is actually different and appeals to different things that I like.  


    Furthermore, I just like that they're stylistically committed. I know when I put this on I'm getting a heavy album, not an album with 6 metalcore tracks and 6 tracks of wonky circus VK.

  10. Ambitious Principles was definitely my least favorite track - feels very much like "filler," but I'm really enjoying the rest. Have had Vanitas stuck in my head since I first heard it. The guitarwork on this thing is really crazy! I keep wanting to listen to it again, which is rare for me these days.

  11. This is great!! I'm a total nerd for blast beats and hearing them get used a bit more in VK always makes me happy, but so much of this going a bit more in the "full BM" direction is really satisfying.


    I'd love to see more bands in the scene pull from that kind of metal - just a certain level of atmosphere and intensity that isn't found in some of the "chuggier" riffs a lot of bands rely on.

  12. Wow - just read through this entire thread.  I truly hope the woman and child find justice and some semblance of peace through all of this. 


    Reading this reminds me of so many allegations that have sprung up in the emo/metal scenes (though this is absolutely one of the most vile) and it's always so...mindboggling to me how willing fans are to excuse the actions of their faves, often leading them to lash out against the accuser in some horrid, backwards way. I really hope things don't pan out that way here (wishful thinking, maybe?), but wow.

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