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nomemorial last won the day on January 9 2020

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About nomemorial

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday 09/28/1988

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  1. back to my "please help with Japan!!" questions...


    anyone got general recommendations for cool/off-the-wall stuff to do in Tokyo?


    I'm putting together an itinerary right now, but it's my first time and I'm trying to find stuff that my wife and I can enjoy together (because really it's all eating and exploration now, haha)

    1. monkeybanana4


      If you have time, I'd recommend checking out Harajuku especially La Foret (an iconic, popular shopping mall) and Takeshita Street. It's where you'll find many iconic shops and fashion stores (including VK ones). Also, try checking out Shibuya to see the trendy shops and the famous crossing street (where you see the 109 Men's shop). Also, if you can, check out Akihabara where there's tons of anime and technology being sold. 


      Here are some links to check out for more in-depth descriptions. Not sure how up-to-date some of it is, though. But it should provide a general sense of what's there. Hope that helps!



      https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3006.html (Harajuku)



      https://matcha-jp.com/en/2575 (Akihabara)

    2. nomemorial


      this is great info - thank you so much for the detailed reply!! just trying to make the most of the time and I honestly just have a tendency to wander aimlessly so any ideas are good ideas, haha.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      If I ever get to Tokyo, I really want to see the Gundam in Odaiba (+ all of the digimon buildings)

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