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nomemorial last won the day on January 9 2020

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About nomemorial

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday 09/28/1988

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  1. stupid question, but I don't speak Japanese and translate doesn't really help me understand this...


    what does 後日解禁バンド  mean? they're listed as an act on a live I'm attending and I thought it was an act I was unfamiliar with, but now I'm not sure...

    1. nomemorial


      and to follow up, does anyone know of the band "Aster?" they're listed as the opening act on the same live, but I can find literally NO INFO AT ALL

    2. monkeybanana4


      I think "後日解禁バンド " means that more info will be revealed about the band(s) playing at that live at a later date, i.e. other band(s) participating that haven't been listed/announced. Not sure about the band, Aster, though 😕  

    3. nomemorial


      when I purchased tickets I was like "hmm, maybe some session or something" but then I googled now and realized it listed on a lot of lives, so your answer makes sense and I feel like a dummy. curious who could still be announced then... 


      thank you for clarification!


      regarding Aster, there is a band called "GLEN" that appears to have formed recently with a single being released called "Aster" in May? they show their first live is scheduled for 5/27, though, so not sure if there's any relation. 



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