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    hiroki got a reaction from yakihiko in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    i don't have time to do a detailed review of the album for now, but i share @Mihi's sentiments for the most part - which was kinda unexpected because i think anfiel attracts us in really different ways. for one, i don't bop to heir catchy/aggressive sound as much as i immerse myself in their melodic/bittersweet mood like in Step by step and Aqua (not to mention my ridiculous bias for ballads like 冬桜 and 指切り).
    as for the album itself:
    i did not like ルピナスアンハピネス at all (this is literally the only song so far in anfiel's discography i can't bring myself to press 'Like' on my foobar), and A.C.T.C was also weird to me. Scar sounded like the anfiel i'd REALLY like, until the middle section when Shogo sounds like he's struggling with the crescendo - i have no idea why they did not choose to re-record that part. there are some moments that stood out like the title track and ひだまりアンサンブル which were pretty nice; and i actually really enjoyed RIP.
    that said, i think it's normal for bands to try their hand at something new and maybe this will turn out to be a good experience for them in the long run. also, speaking for myself, the album doesn't make me love the band any less cos i know the anfiel songs i fucking LOVE will always be there and this album just felt more like a missed opportunity to love them even more (if that makes sense?)
    i'll try to type up a longer post soon but in the meantime i'm interested to hear what others think!
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    hiroki got a reaction from yakihiko in vistlip   
    i've been doing nothing but listening to vistlip for the past 2 days and dying haha.
    any thoughts on Bittersweet album?
  3. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Farhana in Purple Stone   
    someone help me i'm dying :'D
  4. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Farhana in Purple Stone   
    something he can use to hide his cat so he can smuggle it to their lives :'D
  5. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Farhana in Purple Stone   
    Purple Stone

    (2013 - present)


    Vo. keiya (twitter)

    Ba. 風麻 (FUMA) (twitter)

    Gt.&Programming. GAK (twitter)

    Support Dr. スピカ (Spica) (twitter)


    Purple Stone began their activities on March 30th, 2013, and are based in Osaka. They're currently under the label CRIMZON, a subsidiary of GIZA studio.


    The band's OHP is here, and their discography here.




    Ok. Now can we talk about how amazing they are?


  6. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Jiyo in REVIVE new maxi single "UNIVERSE" release   
    i asked haru about universe and he said it's live-limited, unfortunately
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    hiroki reacted to echo in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    TRA had their 3rd one-man last night!!

    Here's their set list!

    They played ALL their songs! カルラの憂鬱 is the only song that they hadn't played live yet! I fucking love this song!!! I was SOOOOO happy to hear it live finally <333333333333
    anyway, I wrote a bunch of stuff and then accidentally closed the window and don't feel like writing it again right now so here's a couple of drum cams and Yukia's bass cam instead!
    I fucking love We-Kid. It's definitely one of my favorite Tra songs <3333333 
    Yukia cam!
    from before the live
    Yukia playing with Hiroki's drums haha
    Post-live snow videos
    Okay wait now that I've posted some pics I kinda feel like writing some stuff again. So apparently 「所詮、女宿り」is a super important song to them. like they went through a lot of shit to write the song and debated a long time about releasing it and whatnot so yeah. it's a big deal to them <3
    oh and they also said they'll be releasing their demo songs (re:born and re:light) sometime next month (none of them could remember the actual date cos they fail lol) for 1,000 yen, if I'm remembering correctly. cos Omi was saying how they were on their demo tape (and went into a tangent about what a demo tape is since cassette tapes don't exist anymore and a lot of gya are pretty young these days and prob don't know wtf 'demo tape' ACTUALLY means lolol), but how said demo tape (CD?) was no longer available cos they gave them all out already, but he kept getting interrupted cos of hiroki and ryo coming on stage and Yukia's randomness lolol
    Anyway, you can get re:born/re:light something or other from next month apparently
    Ryo also talked about how we all go through a lot of shit in live and of course no one wants to deal with all that bs and negativity, but on the other hand if life was all rainbows and sunshine, happiness becomes the norm and is that even really happiness? kind of thing. (this was before they playe 「所詮、女宿り」)
    Oh and Hiroki did a long MC instead of drum solo. wtf Hiroki. He literally said "this is where I would normally do a drum solo, but ima talk instead" THE FUCK? After he told me before their last shusai to wait for the one-man for his drum solo?????? not gonna lie, I was small kine pissed. >_> But I forgive him cos he's Hiroki. lolol and he actually did a decent MC. Even Omi and Ryo were surprised like "oh, you actually did a good job" lolol and Ryo was like "wtf that's not fair" when Hiroki was getting the crowd riled up cos he could he the drums at the correct timing to get us to yell lolol Ryo really sucks at getting us pumped haha the way he does it, we're all like ".... do we yell now??? umm... yay???" hahaha but with Hiroki it was really obvious when to yell lolol even Omi was like "yeah it's not fair! I have an instrument, but if I do it, it's not the same" kinda thing and he mimicked w/e the bandmen say to get us to yell and hit a chord on his guitar and was like "SEE IT'S WEIRD RIGHT????" haha
    Oh and apparently at one point, Ryo tripped and knocked the drums a bit and Hiroki was like yeah it was really dangerous and Omi was like "oh is that what that was when the drums suddenly disappeared during that one song???" lolol
    Anyway, I'm tired. I'll update this more later if I remember things I forgot lol
  8. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Mihenno in New band アクメ/ACME (Chisa and Shogo, ex-DIV), mini-album release   
    love itttt <3
  9. Like
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    hiroki reacted to helcchi in New band アクメ/ACME (Chisa and Shogo, ex-DIV), mini-album release   
    mad 2010 vibes
    does he even age?

  12. Like
    hiroki reacted to fitear1590 in New band アクメ/ACME (Chisa and Shogo, ex-DIV), mini-album release   
    Looks like the vocalist and guitarist from DIV, Chisa and Shogo, are back with a new band, アクメ/ACME! Their social media handles (Instagram, etc.) appear to have been updated to reflect the new band name.

    Vo. Chisa
    Gt. Shogo
    Ba. Rikito
    Dr. Hal

    (Swastika-kei tho?)

    Also, they've got a mini-album, SENKOU, coming out in August.

    DCCNM-503 ¥2500(+tax) 2000枚限定
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    hiroki got a reaction from echo in ビバラッシュ(vivarush) 3-month consecutive live limited release   
    ビバラッシュ(vivarush) will be doing a live-limited release per month from 2017/10 ~ 2017/12 in conjunction with their autumn shusai tour.
  15. Like
    hiroki reacted to -NOVA- in アセファル (Acephale) new single "ブロックリスト" release   
    they look good  and sound good  
  16. Like
    hiroki reacted to Alkaloid in アセファル (Acephale) new single "ブロックリスト" release   
    Sounds great!
    The vocalist sounds really familiar, but I have no idea from where.
  17. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from returnal in ビバラッシュ(vivarush) 3-month consecutive live limited release   
    ビバラッシュ(vivarush) will be doing a live-limited release per month from 2017/10 ~ 2017/12 in conjunction with their autumn shusai tour.
  18. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Mihenno in ビバラッシュ(vivarush) 3-month consecutive live limited release   
    ビバラッシュ(vivarush) will be doing a live-limited release per month from 2017/10 ~ 2017/12 in conjunction with their autumn shusai tour.
  19. Like
    hiroki reacted to Yukami in アセファル (Acephale) new single "ブロックリスト" release   
    アセファル (Acephale) new single "ブロックリスト" will be released at 2017/07/24. (1,500 yen)

    01. Pandora
    02. テレサ
    03. INNOCENT
  20. Like
    hiroki reacted to echo in CLear   
    CLear played at Otsuka DEEPA for the first time the other night (6/21). Here's their setlist:
    1.星流る夜に (hoshi nagaru yoru ni)
    3.Dizzling Dance
    4.モノクロの未来 (monokuro no mirai)
    It was a pretty small venue, but there was pretty good energy! All the bands there were relatively small so the people who bothered to be there during each set at least half assed the furi lol I was in the 2nd row so idk how much participation there was during CLear's set since I was just staring at Oharyo the whole time, but I think there was a decent amount of participation. I really fucking love Dizzling Dance. I'm glad people actually did the furi this time. I was shamelessly doing it on my own in the second row haha but people started joining in so I was happy haha
    Anyway, here's some picspam!

    Tsukimi also posted this vid:
    I fucking love this band <3
  21. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Zeus in BLaive Vo.ヨウ(Yoh), Gt.レイ(Rei) will depart & best album "色彩Guraduation" release   
    BLaive will hold their last oneman for their current lineup on 2017.08.14 at Takadanobaba CLUB PHASE, after which  Vo.ヨウ(Yoh), Gt.レイ(Rei) will depart. Rei will also retire from musical activities after that.
    They will hold their 2nd anniversary oneman on 2017.06. 05 at Shinsaibashi Paradigm.
    Their best album "色彩Guraduation" (2 types) will be released on 2017.06.21.

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    hiroki reacted to Zeus in The Shift from Owning to Streaming Music: "Why Music Ownership Matters" article   
    If I don't have control over it, it's not mine. that's been the philosophy I've carried for the better part of ten years, and it's one that hasn't failed me yet. The only time it comes to bite me in the ass is when I don't heed it. I learned my painful, personal lesson not with the loss of my music library, but with the loss of my cyber locker. The death of MegaUpload meant that things I had backed up on that site are lost for good and I'm not getting them back. @fitear1590's example of the movie is another aspect to this conversation.

    Industry support of streaming standards stems from a place of profit; with any technological revolution there are bound to be inventions which do one simple thing that upsets the natural order of the ecosystem. One early example is how casettes could record the radio and the head of the MPAA (at that time) complained that the invention was going to kill the radio and introduce rampant piracy. There are plenty more, but the general point I want to get at is that these technologies allow the individual consumer to exert some level of control over our products that was thought infeasible at the time of its creation. This is the first result of a technological revolution where control shifts back to the company owners and away from individual consumers. Companies can determine when something is available, where it's available, and for how long it remains available. I can rip a CD as many times as I want as long as I own it and the tools to do so, but when Netflix or Spotify or some other company can just decide it's no longer profitable to market and remove my access to it, that's it. If I don't have control over it, it's not mine.
    There's also a compound effect here, one I've noticed outside of music circles. "The cloud" is nothing more than someone else's computer and hard drive. If it's stored elsewhere, I don't need to store it locally, right? So by now, I thought we would have terabyte iPod models to hold all the media we could desire, but we don't. Manufacturers everywhere have taken a slide back in the amount of space they are willing to ship with their products by pushing "streaming" and "cloud services" as an alternative.  If I wanted any half-decent media device with internal storage, I have to either buy something that supports SD cards or import the device from Japan and pay a heavy price tag. Shrinking local storage only incentivizes people to give in to streaming, which I think is a bad development even if it's not pointedly malicious. (Not to mention most of these companies introduce data caps to limit the amount of streaming you do, also shared with other forms of "data", effectively putting an upper cap on how much music you can listen to...as opposed to having the music on an MP3 player where you can listen to it until the hard drive dies. Even if the former limit is technically infeasible, it's still there...)
    Note the emphasis on "control". I don't have the obsessive need to own something as long as I can do with it what I want, when I want, where I want. Buying CD's versus buying digital copies is one and the same to me, especially when my entire collection lives and breathes digitally. I can control my digital collection and it's something I know all of us here have in common. If I pay for streaming, I'm not paying for a copy of the music. I'm paying for the right to stream the music at a predetermined bit rate for a set amount of time, in specialized locations.  I can't even stream and take the subway because the signal will cut out once I go underground!
    Perhaps I'm more sensitive to this because I've identified with a music scene that thrives and depends on ownership of physical media, but streaming is just not for me.
  24. Like
    hiroki reacted to Yukami in AWAKE new single "9" release   
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    hiroki got a reaction from Raburr7 in Purple Stone new album "赤と青(Aka to ao)" release   
    personally i think it's probably because they're finally doing an album after SO MANY singles so i'm not too surprised. i mean at least it isn't a best album with 10 previously released songs and a bonus track called "Thank you" lolol. i don't expect them to be Shonenki #2 but who knows ._.
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