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  1. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from DeadlyClaris in Piracy's role in visual kei   
    As someone who joined the file-sharing scene in the late 90's when Gnutella and P2P (centralized networks for file sharing) were at it's infancy, I have so many questions that I'd like to ask the users.
    I just want to understand, so please forgive the ignorance.
    I'm looking at all this from the outside in, and I'm simply perplexed at what became of file-sharing.
    Wtf happened?
    Such a simple idea to create exposure and salvage media that would otherwise be lost if not archived, to this?
    I've heard of people becoming entitled, but to what degree?
    I've always been an advocate for "sharing is caring" but after talking to people online, that saying is now a toxic ideal.
  2. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from qotka in Piracy's role in visual kei   
    As someone who joined the file-sharing scene in the late 90's when Gnutella and P2P (centralized networks for file sharing) were at it's infancy, I have so many questions that I'd like to ask the users.
    I just want to understand, so please forgive the ignorance.
    I'm looking at all this from the outside in, and I'm simply perplexed at what became of file-sharing.
    Wtf happened?
    Such a simple idea to create exposure and salvage media that would otherwise be lost if not archived, to this?
    I've heard of people becoming entitled, but to what degree?
    I've always been an advocate for "sharing is caring" but after talking to people online, that saying is now a toxic ideal.
  3. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from reminiscing2004 in Piracy's role in visual kei   
    As someone who joined the file-sharing scene in the late 90's when Gnutella and P2P (centralized networks for file sharing) were at it's infancy, I have so many questions that I'd like to ask the users.
    I just want to understand, so please forgive the ignorance.
    I'm looking at all this from the outside in, and I'm simply perplexed at what became of file-sharing.
    Wtf happened?
    Such a simple idea to create exposure and salvage media that would otherwise be lost if not archived, to this?
    I've heard of people becoming entitled, but to what degree?
    I've always been an advocate for "sharing is caring" but after talking to people online, that saying is now a toxic ideal.
  4. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to platy in 2018 Japanese Music Ratings   
    Messy list 
  5. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Triangle in 2018 Japanese Music Ratings   
    This looks fun. I've never done this before but this forum gave me this need to keep track with my music XDD.
  6. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Aferni in random thoughts thread   
    Sure, blow me off when I ask how that potential job opening for IT staff is going, but to start losing your shit the minute you see me updating my portfolio.....
    Haha you're something else boss.
  7. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from BrenGun in How can I tell if a SNES cartridge is genuine?   
  8. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Kira_Uchiha in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    What now?
    The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the worl-
    Wait no x)
    Well now, I'll just keep on going with my life, and do my best, strive to improve myself and work on my future, write as many songs as I can.
    But as of rn, I'll focus on moving on first I guess, which is going to be quite a bitch since we go to the same uni and do the same course.
  9. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Kira_Uchiha in What is your opinion about not japanese visual kei bands?   
    They stick too much to stereotypes rather than taking VK and make their own spin on it. Taking inspiration from Japanese is fine, but they're not Japanese, and trying to copy them makes Western VK either bland or cringey af.
  10. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Zeus in Any asexuals around here?   
    Let people figure out their own sexual identity for themselves, even if it means that they are wrong for a portion of their lives. You are robbing people of a chance at self-exploration because of your own personal beliefs, which is no different than high-minded religious zealots who try to rob the LGBT community of their chance at self-exploration because of their personal beliefs. This was a perfectly harmless topic about people sharing experiences and asking questions until you complicated it with your sectionalism. What others have to say or how others define sexuality outside of Monochrome Heaven is irrelevant to this point because no one here prompted you to take it to this extreme and no one appreciates it. And unless this topic is literally causing you to be unable to live with yourself, you'll survive avoiding this one topic on this forum.
    I would now like for this topic to return to a place where people can ask questions and figure out what they are for themselves.
  11. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from TheZigzagoon in How can I tell if a SNES cartridge is genuine?   
  12. Interesting
    YuyoDrift reacted to The Bread Wolf in random thoughts thread   
    Don't delete them, just give them a gentle push off of your feed. That's what I did with my sister, who wouldn't stop posting "inspirational quotes" and racist remarks about immigration. I couldn't remove her because, well, she's my sister and that would be very rude. She also didn't listen to me when I pointed out inconsistencies in her "arguments" against immigration (like it's fine when they're white but damn if they're any darker than that it's boot time), so uhh... I saved us both the trouble of arguing and just removed her from my feed. She can contact me if she wants, but I don't have to put up with her proud racism if I don't want to. And I don't.
    Kinda thinking of doing the same thing to my brother. All I get from him is pictures of dead animals (he hunts as a hobby, and while I respect his decision and have inherently nothing against hunting FOOD, I can't look at the pictures of dead foxes and raccoon dogs) and "funny" gay jokes. 
    God fucking damn it why does my family have to be the backwards redneck one.
  13. Interesting
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from platy in The Official Mix-Tape thread   
    Holding my place here for an 80's Japanese City Pop Mix later.
  14. Thanks
    YuyoDrift reacted to platy in The Official Mix-Tape thread   
    As you all know, every other month a trade-off is hosted here on the forum! However, many people enjoy creating more than one playlist or simply create some for fun in their spare time. Not sure where the share yours? Post them here (youtube playlist, spotify playlist, download link, etc.)so other users can enjoy them too. Feel free to post your thoughts on them.
    A few things before you post:
    Give your playlist a title Give a short description ( I made this playlist based on... The theme is...)  
    I'll make an index on this first post once we have enough replies.
  15. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Komorebi in Yu ( 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera)) - Will Retire from music activities   
    Not cooked to perfection just yet.
    This is saddening news, and following an impressive last year nonetheless.
    A small speedbump, I'm sure. I don't follow them all too well, but I'd imagine that this is a condition that they've been aware of for some time, so I wouldn't be surprised if a replacement was not already in the works.
    Still, their guitars have (in my opinion) been the highlight of their overall change in sound for the last couple years. So while it's a small blow, lets hope their motivation is still at it's highest.
  16. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to K-x-H in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Spring Anime 2018 Chart is now available from here:
  17. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Shir0 in MH JRock Awards 2017 RESULTS!   
    First off, I want to thank everyone who participated!
    For those who planned to, but could not, it's OK! There's always this year's awards to look forward to.
    On to the Results!
    Best Overall Artist/Band
    Best Album
    Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP
    Best Cover Art
    Best Song
    Best Look
    Best Newcomer
    Best Veteran
    Best PV
    Saddest Disbandment
    Most Overhyped Band
    Most Overhyped Release
    Most Underhyped Band
    Most Underhyped Release
    Most Disappointing Release
    Most Anticipated Release
    Band that Changed their Sound for the Best
    Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse
    Band that you spent most of your money on in 2017
    What the hell were they thinking!? Award
    Best Revival/Returns 
    There were SO MANY ties , as well as categories that had NO CLEAR WINNER.
    In any case, thanks everyone once again for participating in the JRock Awards this year, and let's look forward to if/when we host 2018's!
  18. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to SoulTheBaka in 2018 Japanese Music Ratings   
    Every year, I take a notebook where I write all I listen. And when comes December, I lose the notebook. So I guess this would be better with this thread !
    05/23 : Finally got the first 5/5 with the Klan Aileen's new album, really a fantastic album !
    07/08 : I abandoned my list once again, aaah
    07/14 : WAW found Minami Deutsch's new album, that's really really dope !
    08/09 : I'm trying to restart my list, I surely forget some things (like singles), but it's okay
  19. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    This is what happens when DEG doesn’t release any new material in 18 months. 
    Unless you count the D’erlanger cover. That was pretty sweet. 
  20. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Kira_Uchiha in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    Hey @Kira_Uchiha! Been a while!
    Depression is a hell of a weight to shoulder. No one is immune to it, and the many forms of depression are still being discovered.
    I wish I could share my experiences, but time constraints limit me to do so at the moment. (maybe I will post it here later)
    The ways I have dealt with depression in the past, required a game of trial and error.
    I say "trial and error", because you don't know what will work for you. Mistakes will be made.
    Learning to accept that not every method that you read/hear about will work for you, is a great start. Depression is not some cold that will go away with some medicine, nor is it something that once gone, will never come back. The sooner you can see it from this perspective, the less impact/harm it can do to you, whether or not you were to go through depression more than once.
    We all know that the only enemies during depression are you and yourself. If you find that the methods you are trying out aren't making a night/day difference, the methods simply aren't for you, so no need to beat yourself up. Move on to the next one.
    Now I don't want to change your way of life with this one post lol, but it sounds like your depression has even skewed your outlook/focus.
    If I could provide one solid piece of advice, it would be to see the greater picture, and that is your life.
    Many people grow tired of their careers, their relationships with friends/lovers/family, and more importantly, themselves. You're lying to yourself, not other people, if you say otherwise. "I'm comfortable", seems the be the phrase I hear the most when trying to argue this. Well, that's fine and all, but "I'm comfortable" is just the first cry for help. It leads to, in you own words, "repetitive and numb", followed by "feeling scared and stressed about my future".
    "Is this who I've become now?"
    "is this really what I want"
    "Is this going to be me until I die?"
    We're fucking human. "Too much of a good thing......" (you know the rest) is an outlook on life itself. Try and understand that your career is not your entire life, and that you have other things to look forward too (girlfriend and your friends, hobbies, etc.), so take it with a grain of salt. I'm sure they'd appreciate it too.
    What I've learned to do, is COMPLETELY understand that my work, my relationships, things I'm passionate about, etc., are separate entities.
    Your career (and all the other areas) has the potential to cross a line, if not set. How can you enjoy other things, if your career is now a part of it? Are you having fun?
    I'm not gonna get all deep and shit (I'm busy, sorry) so I'll get to the point.
    Your career is just that, your career. You want to get paid to do this right? Come in, do some work, clock in/clock out and learn something new the next day. Another day another dollar. It should not require more thought than that. Doesn't it sound really easy when you look at it that way? lol
    I suppose your first mistake (and YOU ARE NOT ALONE) can be seen as studying a career field with the wrong objectives.
    Your career is a stepping stone to a better you, better opportunities, and not some mattress you can just slouch on for the rest of your life (I hope you understand my crappy metaphor), as that will be seen as the only thing you want to do by others. Don't place yourself there, because it may be difficult to get out.
    Some food for thought:
    If I wanted to do what I was passionate about, I would have studied to be a mechanic instead of Information Security. Eventually though, I would have hit the same point you have, where I no longer feel passionate about it. Keeping my love for working on cars as a weekend hobby, allows me to control my level of interest. same with everything else.
    Ask any mechanic who went in because they were passionate about cars, and they'll tell you they hate their jobs and the sight of a vehicle lol.
    Wonder why.
    Keep checking up on us more often!
    The more we hear from you, the more we become chums!
    Don't be a stranger!
  21. Interesting
    YuyoDrift reacted to patientZERO in ARCHEMI. Gt.のあ (noah) will depart   
    They could be opting for a drastic change and he's not willing to ditch the shinto-kei that they play.
  22. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to violetchain in 2018 Japanese Music Ratings   
    Last update: November 29th
  23. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Zeus in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    Hey @Kira_Uchiha! Been a while!
    Depression is a hell of a weight to shoulder. No one is immune to it, and the many forms of depression are still being discovered.
    I wish I could share my experiences, but time constraints limit me to do so at the moment. (maybe I will post it here later)
    The ways I have dealt with depression in the past, required a game of trial and error.
    I say "trial and error", because you don't know what will work for you. Mistakes will be made.
    Learning to accept that not every method that you read/hear about will work for you, is a great start. Depression is not some cold that will go away with some medicine, nor is it something that once gone, will never come back. The sooner you can see it from this perspective, the less impact/harm it can do to you, whether or not you were to go through depression more than once.
    We all know that the only enemies during depression are you and yourself. If you find that the methods you are trying out aren't making a night/day difference, the methods simply aren't for you, so no need to beat yourself up. Move on to the next one.
    Now I don't want to change your way of life with this one post lol, but it sounds like your depression has even skewed your outlook/focus.
    If I could provide one solid piece of advice, it would be to see the greater picture, and that is your life.
    Many people grow tired of their careers, their relationships with friends/lovers/family, and more importantly, themselves. You're lying to yourself, not other people, if you say otherwise. "I'm comfortable", seems the be the phrase I hear the most when trying to argue this. Well, that's fine and all, but "I'm comfortable" is just the first cry for help. It leads to, in you own words, "repetitive and numb", followed by "feeling scared and stressed about my future".
    "Is this who I've become now?"
    "is this really what I want"
    "Is this going to be me until I die?"
    We're fucking human. "Too much of a good thing......" (you know the rest) is an outlook on life itself. Try and understand that your career is not your entire life, and that you have other things to look forward too (girlfriend and your friends, hobbies, etc.), so take it with a grain of salt. I'm sure they'd appreciate it too.
    What I've learned to do, is COMPLETELY understand that my work, my relationships, things I'm passionate about, etc., are separate entities.
    Your career (and all the other areas) has the potential to cross a line, if not set. How can you enjoy other things, if your career is now a part of it? Are you having fun?
    I'm not gonna get all deep and shit (I'm busy, sorry) so I'll get to the point.
    Your career is just that, your career. You want to get paid to do this right? Come in, do some work, clock in/clock out and learn something new the next day. Another day another dollar. It should not require more thought than that. Doesn't it sound really easy when you look at it that way? lol
    I suppose your first mistake (and YOU ARE NOT ALONE) can be seen as studying a career field with the wrong objectives.
    Your career is a stepping stone to a better you, better opportunities, and not some mattress you can just slouch on for the rest of your life (I hope you understand my crappy metaphor), as that will be seen as the only thing you want to do by others. Don't place yourself there, because it may be difficult to get out.
    Some food for thought:
    If I wanted to do what I was passionate about, I would have studied to be a mechanic instead of Information Security. Eventually though, I would have hit the same point you have, where I no longer feel passionate about it. Keeping my love for working on cars as a weekend hobby, allows me to control my level of interest. same with everything else.
    Ask any mechanic who went in because they were passionate about cars, and they'll tell you they hate their jobs and the sight of a vehicle lol.
    Wonder why.
    Keep checking up on us more often!
    The more we hear from you, the more we become chums!
    Don't be a stranger!
  24. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from DavidB.Rockin in Hello + Plug for VK show   
    We need more old-school VK fans on this forum!
    Make yourself at home, and like @suji said, don't hesitate to ask us any questions.
    Looking forward to any future contributions to VK history of yore from another OG haha.
    Welcome to the forum!
  25. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from suji in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Me no habla portugues, but you're A-Ok amigo.

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