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Status Updates posted by YuyoDrift

  1. The addition of a violin and new vocalist really changed how charismatic DECAYS' band is.


    I haven't enjoyed an album like this since DIV's ZERO ONE.


    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Quote you completely, Decays drove me mad since this release and DIV made the same thing with Zero One!

      Hoping that more comes from them! \m/

  2. Just found out they are opening a SUPERDRY store in chicago.


    I am so happy and pissed at the same time.

  3. I'm getting real tired of your shit YAHOO.

  4. People trolling each other up at this donald Trump rally haha.


    Gotta love stupid people on social media.

  5. Holy shit. That ransomware epidemic is no fucking joke.

  6. If you plan to buy an SSD in the next year, like, AT ALL, do so now.


    I see a rise in price for the next year.

    1. Aeolus


      i clicked on the link. the article feels more like an opinion than fact.

      "The Rise Of SSDs Leads To Rising Prices - HDD Performance Goes Backward

      In many ways, SSDs are a victim of their own success. The continued price drops have made them more competitive with HDDs..."


      my experience with this is the opposite. i didn't like the storage to price ratio on ssds so i bought a silicon power a80 2tb for $80. the continued price drops are a joke, $230 for 960gb is insane. to top it off my a80 came formatted to fat32 and is faster than any of my hdds, flash drives or sd cards. I haven't reformatted it since i use it to watch videos that aren't on my ps3 and it still copies files at 70-90 mb/s without reformatting. and is case you think it's my computer no it's the 2nd cheapest hp laptop and it's shit.


      i feel that the article exists as a scare tactic to get people to buy more lower storage capacities so companies can have a reason to charge more. I've been waiting on the 2tb micro sd for almost 10 years there's absolutely no reason to be paying $80 for less than 1tb especially when it's flash.


      i also feel that if some one thinks 960gb is enough they probably don't need it. the only electronic device i have that has less than 1tb is my ipod classic, even mine and my girls ps3 have at least 1tb (mine has 1.5 8)). I literally have 10tb of storage so until ssds drop to $80 for a tb i'm not touching an ssd


      not trying to start a flame war anything,  hell i'm jealous you have that ssd i want it in my ipod haha.

    2. YuyoDrift


      You're right, as the "crying wolf short shortage of material" shpeel that happens every year with HDD/SSD tech is a bait process to buy more.

      I remember the same ploy sometime around late 2010, with that natural disaster in Asia, and consumers said the same thing. Yet, they were shafted bad for the following year with purposely hiked up prices that I have yet too see recover.


      Except that was 2010, and smartphones and mobile devices were in their infancy stage.

      Now that pretty much every device on the market runs off of the same components, and materials used are sourced from the same location, supply<demand will be pretty bad.


      The cheap storage stuff on sale right now are last gen's tech (as if that is not obvious), and Samsung pretty much fucked the balance up with their smartphone disaster, and now with their NAND compatibility issues.


      This M.2 SSD is fast as all hell.

      I really wanted to get my hands on the new 960 Pro, but eh, 950 will do.

      Running my OS off of it, and I like having 5-6 sec boot times lol. 


    3. Aeolus


      ah 6 sec boot time sounds great. sadly that will never be me, once I put a 2tb in this it's gonna be halfway filled with my music alone haha.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  7. I just heard talk from some techies, that they are working on VR for live concerts.


    You've got to be shitting me.

    1. suji


      yasss i'll finally be able to see my faves live without leaving my house & maybe then we'll have some naughty VR escapades backstage 💦💦💦

    2. Biopanda


      Introducing "Naughty Backstage" DLC: go undercover and discover the gritty hidden world of backstage VK cockfighting.

    3. Valicious


      There goes my million dollar plan....I feel sick :(

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  8. This is a sad year for independent free streaming services.


    To have to resort to charging a fee, is a surefire way to kill off the site.


    I really hope soundcloud is not the next one.

    1. CAT5


      What site sre you alluding to? 

    2. YuyoDrift


      There are a few actually.

      Most recently is 8tracks.


      I would share alternatives, but in order to keep the circle as small as possible, I won't.

    3. Tokage


      youtube still seems to be working just fine :^)

  9. More snow!


    1. IGM_Oficial


      Ugh, the tropical climate sucks.

  10. Tokyo Winter Fashion looks very disappointing this year.

  11. I actually got epsxe to run on launchbox.


    Holy shit. 

  12. Finally! I got my FF DLC Codes.


  13. Maybe I'm late to the news, but lynch. had a member arrested?

    1. Mamo
    2. nekkichi


      ya, apparently poppers possession is frowned upon in japan

  14. I'm going to fucking destroy Chromium. How in the hell are you still on my PC?

  15. Dis Game doe.

  16. Fucking annoyed right now. Retail stores are so desperate for sales, that they're selling FFXV before release date.



    1. Zeus


      they've been doing it since tuesday around my way.

    2. orange~


      Not here ): I wouldn't mind getting mine now..... why are you annoyed about this again? o_o

    3. YuyoDrift


      The game releases worldwide on Tuesday. The retail stores are supposed to keep these copies on hold until release date.


      For a game that I have been following for a decade to release, and patiently restraining myself from giving in to spoilers, and enjoying the creativity and nostalgia in advertising from SE, seeing a game for sale early, out of stupidity from staff in retail, pisses me off. 

      You need to understand the amount of people that are doing the same thing is am. Assholes who crave views and attention, will be blowing up social media about already playing it, ruining the game for all of the other players who payed $100-300+ for their copy.

  17. LOL Holy Shit.

    I have 7,657 Amex Rewards points that I forgot to use.


    1. YuyoDrift


      LOL fuck nvm


      I HAVE 9,730!

  18. Good luck guys.


  19. Gotta love 2016.

  20. I can't believe the free shit I can get for having an "I voted" sticker on me.


    1. IGM_Oficial


      Get me a "make America great again" cover

    2. IGM_Oficial
    3. Komorebi


      I wish I'd get free shit for voting XDD other than the money our current president gives people to vote for her 

  21. Jesus fuck Chicago is a fucking zoo right now


    If the cubs win, then lord have mercy.


    I don't even like the cubs lol

    1. Flame-X


      I don't even like watching sports in general. lol

      Fireworks are going crazy outside, I'm afraid to go to work tomorrow. D:

    2. YuyoDrift


      Got 30 min of sleep.

      Still drunk as fuck.


  22. My fellow Americans, rest a tad easier watching your porno lol






    1. suji


      what is this sinful behavior i'm seeing here


      In all seriousness, ....................what the fuck

    2. YuyoDrift


      Lets hope Twitter doesn't end there, and decides to axe themselves too lol

    3. nekkichi
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