This is information I was seeking.
First off I want to thank you @Komorebifor asking this question, and I want to thank you @AyaRukiA for answering it truthfully as well.
It is my understanding that since you are not a Heresy member (something that I feel would have given you more backbone to your arguments), you are in no higher position than anyone who is not as well, and thus should not have a reason to be upset with fellow users here on Monochrome Heaven over their opinion on the GazettE.
Read my signature.
There are countless users on here that have been into the VK scene for over a decade +, and have listened to numerous bands outside of the GazettE.
Who is to say (from their years of experience here on MH and listening to Visual Kei in general) that their claims (opinions in this case) are invalid?
There exists no distinction between the users here and yourself in terms of importance (I'm referring to who is the more "loyal" fan) to us staff and we recognize this. We have to.
Condescending remarks or moral transgressions towards anyone because of their opinion anywhere on this forum will be dealt with accordingly.
This post does not in any way insinuate that you are in trouble. The staff and I simply want you to understand that you are welcome to voice your opinion, as well listen/ignore others', but at the end of the day remember that they are simply opinions. Many users here have already stated this, so I see no more reason to go further into detail.
As a new member @AyaRukiA, spend time to observe your fellow users in this community, and learn as much knowledge as you can from them (the VK culture, their experiences in it, and the dramas associated with it). Take a look at our forum rules, and respect the staff's efforts by doing your best to abide by them. It may be many years before you can admire the vast amount of information about Visual Kei, it's history, and the contributions made by everyone here, so for now why not start today by providing your own?
I can guarantee you that one year here will change you dramatically for the better, and the best part is: you're not alone on this journey.