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Status Updates posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Maybe I'm late to the news, but lynch. had a member arrested?

    1. Mamo
    2. nekkichi


      ya, apparently poppers possession is frowned upon in japan

  2. Meh. It's fine.

    1. PsychoΔelica



  3. My craving for Eurobeat today has never been stronger lol

    1. Arkady


      I was a child/teen during the golden age of Eurobeat, I danced ALL of them. ❤️


  4. Note to self: Don't keep old photos on phone.

    1. Spectralion


      I don't even have any photo on my middle school period.

  5. Oh god I think I had too much internet today.

  6. Oh god it's been a hilarious year. We are barely 2 weeks in!

  7. Oh god my brother got another Shiba. Now we have 3 in the family lol in every color nonetheless.

  8. Oh god this week was especially exhausting.

    1. platy


      Same and so will my weekend. Man, I'm tired. 

    2. God


      same, tho.  this week is kicking my ass p hard.

    3. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      looks like alot of people had a shit week, woke up anywhere from midnight-4am every work day due to feeling sick af 

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  9. Oh Obama, you innocent innocent man.

  10. OK VK, now bring back Wataru lol

  11. Ok, Kizu has my attention.

  12. Only been here 2 hours at work, and everyone is already down each other's throats. Hehe I love it.

  13. Russian Hackers? Rofl gtfo with that shit. Not everyone is as stupid as you make us out to be, Media.

    1. nekkichi


      idk what media you're talking about, bur russian state payrolls both hackers and social media propaganda as one example.

    2. Panda_bear


      YuyoDrift Russian hacker confirmed. 

      Nekkichi Russian Kremlin confirmed.

      Panda_bear Vladimir Putin confirmed.

  14. Screw's BRILIANT sounds so damn fitting as a last release.

  15. Shit, I need a shower. Haha.

    1. nick


      Clean people don't need a shower. x)

    2. YuyoDrift


      Well my water has been shut off for 3 days now lol so I needed one bad.

      Went to my friends house instead ehhh.

  16. Shit, I really need get things done before I start classes again.

  17. Shit, I'm forgetting people's birthdays left and right.

  18. So I hear the Argentina show for the GazettE was canceled. 

  19. So I started watching The Naked Director, and wow that series is good, and this is my take ignoring the obvious title lol.

  20. So I was denied overtime. Idk how to feel about that.

  21. So the ENTIRE fucking UFC streaming service is down EVERYWHERE. DDoS I'm sure.

  22. So weak right now, that I can't even be mad bro.

  23. Stuck at a McDonalds for the time being since I have no power at my apartment. 

  24. TFW your boss tell you you're too bossy, and then when shit hits the fan, they beg you to take charge.

  25. The overtime is cool and all, but I'd rather trade that for some decent Coffee and Donuts in the Morning haha.

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