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Status Replies posted by Gaz

  1. YOSH. I got my ONE OK ROCK ticket, KYAAAA :D gonna see them in October, FUCK YES :D!

  2. 3DS 3DS 3DS 3DS :D :D:D:D:D:D Add me and lets trade Miis! 4098-3113-2403

  3. So why does everyone like Diaura / Mejibray?

  4. So why does everyone like Diaura / Mejibray?

  5. So why does everyone like Diaura / Mejibray?

  6. Hello everyone, nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself, I yoshi_91, new member here. Please guide me so that I could be a good member here :) arigatou gozaimasu

  7. yaus my man give me a sign

  8. Can't watch GoT final until tomorrow. Spoil it for me and I will ban you.

  9. I love my onii-chan, he gave me such a cool presento! -> https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/602326_549072685134105_418544733_n.jpg Now I'm a panda!

  10. Not gonna lie but this is kinda good

  11. Awww, why did the SPAM Prevention topic get locked. I was going to share my Spam Fried Rice recipe :D

  12. Trying to find a new anime to watch from the last year or so. Any suggestions?

  13. Trying to find a new anime to watch from the last year or so. Any suggestions?

  14. Trying to find a new anime to watch from the last year or so. Any suggestions?

  15. I passed my Dutch plea exam! *\(^_^)/* Now some less stress! Time to enjoy myself with NEGA's best album and Korean/Japanese dramas<3

  16. Having the most stressful week in my life. Give me some free time plies~ *school sick* www

  17. Fuck that xbox one i'll wait for the ps4

  18. I just got picked up and put into a nasty pocket HELP!

  19. Guess who just saw someone looking at someone who picked up a wallet filled with money? Damnit.

  20. Yesterday I had Plunklock & Calmando Qual's concert! I've recorded the opening song by Plunklock: http://t.co/NKWUj3oPr2 I'm gonna make some review of yesterday on my ameba soon♪

  21. Reincarnated Really Hot People, wtf? I'm not reincarnated (as far as i know of) and I'm not hot... the heck is going on xD

  22. Hey cool dudes & dudettes! Come on down to the TT room~ http://turntable.fm/mhturntable

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