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Status Replies posted by Gaz

  1. Shaking and crying because Jikkendai Marmot is recording a new PV. Tani bb cum 2 me.

  2. listening to touhou metal. #wow

  3. I'm getting promoted at work!!!

  4. I'm studying during my summer holidays, how good am I? :D

  5. My brain believes everybody on MH looks like their avatar and when I read your stuff I imagine your avatar talking.


  7. omg the new breaking bad episode. how am I supposed to function for a whole other week

  8. Ok, maybe I'm not in love afterall, I thought I was this time...

  9. Ok, maybe I'm not in love afterall, I thought I was this time...

  10. I want a cat so badly omfg

  11. HAS SCIENCE GONE TOO FAR?! http://bit.ly/13zOiiv

  12. Apparently, the Gazette hates internet promotion that they wouldn't allow their KUBANA live to be streamed online. What a pity, there were loads of fans who waited for it.

  13. Harry Potter and the 65 hour work week.

  14. I know I probably shouldn't be freaking out when the package tracking doesn't update for a whole day, but I really thought it would have arrived today ;w;

  15. ?ейча? бы пива. и м??а, конечно.

  16. Just got my Charge 2 request from FromJapan. I think I set a new record :'D That being said, I'm poor now lol

  17. ?ейча? бы пива. и м??а, конечно.

  18. Whoop whoop, received my first package of 1/3 www My royz CD got cracks on the case ;<< xD https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/935848_567915826583124_1395322961_n.jpg

  19. ahahah and another one in my list bites the dust. i should never have made that list. :|

  20. ahahah and another one in my list bites the dust. i should never have made that list. :|

  21. Suicide. Suicide. Suicide and Lock and Lol.

  22. Deep deep deeper we goooo~

  23. rumors on 2ch say grieva are disbanding soon :/

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