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Posts posted by enyx

  1. 八十八ヶ所巡礼 - 悟ri+time

    Definitely one of the stronger tracks on SYG88, which itself is one of 88kasyo's strongest albums. I find its predecessor (ano世love) to be slightly underwhelming overall, but 悟ri+time quickly steps things up with some trademark 88kasyo craziness. Interestingly, though, this is a track that I almost never go out of my way to listen to; I only ever tend to listen to it within the context of the album or when I'm just shuffling. I'm not entirely sure why that is, exactly. Anyway, the track itself leans much more towards 88kasyo's "in your face batshit crazy" side than their "psychedelic yet oddly subdued" side, and I think that's something the album really needed after a rather tame opening. Solid stuff.




    NEXT SONG: toe - Two Moons

  2. Pho presents: How every Final Fantasy-related conversation on the internet inevitably goes.


    Person 1: I thought Final Fantasy X was a pretty good game.

    Person 2: OMG, Final Fantasy X was garbage! The laughing scene is the most awkward thing in the entire history of gaming LOL!

    Person 3: But the laughing scene is SUPPOSED to be awkward! How can so many people STILL miss the ENTIRE POINT of that scene!? 

    Person 2: Just because it's supposed to be awkward doesn't mean that it's okay for it to be awkward. LOL, everybody knows that Final Fantasy VII is the best game ever made and that X was the beginning of Square's downfall.

    Person 4: Hahahaha, you think VII is the best? What a scrub! TRUE fans know that VI is the best game ever made. KEFKA LITERALLY DESTROYS THE ENTIRE WORLD, HOW COOL IS THAT!? Where's my fucking Final Fantasy VI remake Square!?!?!?!?

    Person 5: Hey guys! I like Final Fantasy XIII!

    Person 1: ...

    Person 2: ...

    Person 3: ...

    Person 4: ...

  3. I found subliminal pretty decent, but couldn't find too much else in the EP to enjoy. I still feel like he's mostly just churning out songs to fill a release quota rather than really putting his creative energy into it, even if there are some very brief flashes of quality here and there. I really have to third the "sliding in a few cool parts but leaving entireties stale af" thing. It reminds me a lot of what happened to the GazettE's writing abilities around 2010 or so. Oh well, I guess it's better than es or s, at least.

  4. So how does one even go about getting into this band? Their discography is huge and from what I've heard the quality of their work tends to be rather inconsistent so I feel as though it'd be really easy to listen to the "wrong" release first. Are there any releases that tend to be unanimously agreed to be amongst their best? I'd like to give them a shot but I really have no idea where to start.

  5. I'm not familiar with anything on that list with the exception of the Iron Maiden song.


    1. Fightstar - Battlefield

    2. Invalids - Far Away Cranes

    3. school food punishment - パーセンテージ

    4. LITE - Black & White

    5. 凛として時雨 - a symmetry

    6. 65daysofstatic - A Failsafe 

    7. lycoriscoris - weightless

    8. Les Discrets - Après l'ombre

    9. 유카리 - Where Do I Go?

    10. Crystal Castles - Violent Youth

  6. The Danish Girl. I thought it was pretty weak. It felt more like it was just trying really hard to appeal to a specific demographic rather than being a good movie in its own right. The pacing was awful and it seemed to keep repeating the same things over and over to try to cheaply lengthen the movie's runtime. I don't think Eddie Redmayne did as much of a good job as people have made out, though he wasn't awful by any means.


    I dunno, it just seems like the type of film that people want to like due to its subject matter than one that actually deserves a lot of the praise I've seen it get. Not bad but nothing even remotely special either.

  7. Patient: D'espairsRay

    Diagnosis: Sloppy vocalist

    Holy fuck. We are no longer friends.


    Patient: TK from 凛として時雨 
    Diagnosis: Inspiration is DEAD
    Prescription: Go back in time to 2012 and refuse to write the opening for Psycho-Pass, saving you from the temptations of becoming a repetitive, soulless, anime-opening spewing songwriter controlled by the evil music overlords at SMEJ

  8. So I've been frequenting a room on turntable.fm where a ton of KPOP is played everyday, and all I have to say is - anyone that listens to kpop and hates American mainstream pop/r&b/hip hop is a hypocritical cunt!

    Damn, that profanity. I never realised Cat was such a hXc rebellious youth back in the day ;)


    But as for the main topic of the thread, some of the earlier posters were on the right lines. There are a lot of different reasons why people listen to music. Some people are more drawn to aesthetics (both musical and visual), others to composition, others more to the lyrical aspects, etc. I'd say that even the way that music is promoted can be a huge factor for some people, even if subconsciously. Given that, it's not entirely surprising that certain genres or styles that may seem mutually incompatible to some can be natural progressions of each other to other people. In the cases of both Visual Kei & K-Pop, they're both extremely similar in the way they're presented and marketed. Both place a significant portion (if not the majority) of their emphasis on selling idolised 'characters' based on their looks, personalities, and so on with the music often performing more of a secondary function; giving them a reason to be dancing around on camera or releasing new photos of them looking attractive for their new look, etc. I'd even go so far as to say that the only major difference between those two genres and a lot of Japanese idol music (AKB48 and the like) in that respect is the fact that they don't have the borderline paedophilic aspect to them that the latter does, which probably tends to be a major barrier for a lot of people. Basically, if you're really into visual aesthetics, idolising the personas that the band members present, etc, then it's not entirely surprising that you'd be drawn to both Visual Kei and K-Pop because in that respect they're very similar to each other.

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