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Posts posted by enyx

  1. June seems to have been the month of quality electronic music for me, and as such all of my recommendations fall somewhere within that spectrum.



    Julien Mier - Shiny Silver Lining

    Julien Mier's been on my radar for a while as one of the most interesting non-Japanese electronic musicians not to be on Ultimae Records. In fact I could easily imagine him fitting in with PROGRESSIVE FOrM's plethora of IDM prodigies. His latest effort is perhaps my favourite of his offerings to date and a strong contender for my favourite release of the year so far.

    Listen on Bandcamp



    Speaking of PROGRESSIVE FOrM artists, M-KODA has been one of the label's most consistent assets for quite some time now. His latest effort is yet another solid outing that helps to prove why he's one of Japan's most proficient IDM producers. 

    Sample song: contact



    SCANN-TEC - Unyt

    SCANN-TEC is an Ultimae Records guy, which for the uninitiated means that you can expect lots of quality ambient, atmospheric, and downtempo music from anything he releases. Despite not being as famous as some of his label-mates like Solar Fields or co-founder Aes Dana, Unyt proves that he belongs amongst the genre's elite.

    Listen on Bandcamp

  2. I'm so fucking excited! FFXII's writing. world design, and general game-design are pretty much the pinnacle of the series IMO. I've always wanted to play the International Version, now I finally can! That remastered Boss Theme sounds dope too. There's an unedited version on the official site for those that are interested.


    And finally, a gif comparison between the visuals in the original PS2 version and The Zodiac Age:



     The Zodiac Age

  3. iMiAdPI.jpg

    ASEUL - New Pop

    ASEUL, formally known as YUKARI, is a Korean chillwave artist and one of the better members of the country's growing indie scene. New Pop is her first album since 2012's Echo and it's very much a maturation of her sound. I'd argue that it doesn't have as many individual stand-outs as her previous effort, but it's more consistent nevertheless. 

    Sample song: Loveless



    Death Grips - Bottomless Pit

    It's Death Grips being doing what Death Grips does best. At this point I don't really feel comfortable calling them a hip-hop band. They are to hip-hop what 385 is to Jazz music; a messy, chaotic perversion of it that honestly has more in common with noise punk than anything else. Bottomless Pit sees them build upon their new-found intensity explored on Jenny Death  while bringing back the catchy sensibilities of 2012's The Money Store. Might be one of my favourite albums of theirs. 

    Sample song: Spikes



    Siraph - Siraph

    I still can't believe this project exists. Masayuki Hasuo (ex. school food punishment) and Yoshimasa Terui (haisuinonasa) joining forces to create the school food punishment sequel I've always wanted to hear. Vocalist Annabel's delivery and melodies do leave a little to be desired, but maybe that's just because I'm incessantly comparing them to Yumi Uchimura's. Either way, this band is on a level compositionally that the former was never quite able to reach after it went down the simplistic anisong route. Hopefully they'll deliver on their potential going forward.

    Sample song: 時間は告ぐ

  4. Yikes. They've never really been my cup of tea but still, they've been around forever. Even though every band's disbanding is inevitable, it's always a little surprising whenver a mainstay call it quits. 

  5. Welcome to MH! Don't worry about not being too knowledgeable of the VK scene; I'm not particularly familiar with it either (at least in comparison to a lot of the other members) but there's a lot of people with pretty diverse tastes here so I'm sure you wont feel out of place. Hope to see you around!

  6. I've had this damn track from the LOTR soundtrack stuck in my head for the last two days now. I'll just be riding the bus and then suddenly that part at 0:58 enters my mind and I feel like I'm having some sort of emotional life-changing moment.



  7. AXGQmsZ.jpg

    Stuck in November - First Slice Of Cake

    First Slice Of Cake is the debut release of Indian match-rock trio Stuck in November. The production values are, not surprisingly, pretty lacking but the composition is absolutely on point. Admittedly there are a lot of promising young math bands cropping up these days so standing out from the crowd can be pretty difficult, but as far as debut releases go I'd say this is the most impressive one I've heard since 宇宙コンビニ. Hopefully they can keep up the good work and get some better production values going forward.


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