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  1. Like
    nullmoon reacted to platanity in the GazettE new album, "NINTH" release   
    contrary, i loved toxic and division
    while i was never bothered to give a 2nd listen to beautiful deformity (so so boring).
    dogma could've been something great and tight ...
    but it wasnt something that interesting after all.
    im sure gazette will make something hype-y worth a while.
    ...which will last for only a couple of weeks max ? 
    all in my opinion.
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in グリーヴァ (Grieva) best album "グリーヴァ" (Grieva) release   
    I think they have roughly 82~85 songs (including SEs, but excluding rerecordings). These collections are 75 unique songs, so this is the overwhelming majority of their works.
  3. Like
    nullmoon reacted to RedxDesire in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Final Fantasy 7... again x5 
  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    Artists use their preferred medium to present thought provoking/evocative/controversial/whatever messages all the time. Kyo & Co. aren't the first and they certainly won't be the last. And considering this is the same band with the vocalist that promised to one day fuck our parents as well as rape our daughters on our graves, I REALLY don't think they're concerned with offending anyone. 
    Also, if they were worried about killing off their fan base, they never would have recorded DSS. 
  5. Like
    nullmoon reacted to diryangrey in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    this & ganges ni akai bara are the two best songs The GazettE's ever done & nobody will convince me otherwise
  6. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    I know for a fact that the way people will look upon It Follows in about 20-30 years, is the same way my generation looks upon late 70's and 80's classics like Alien, Dawn of the Dead, Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht, Suspiria, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Thing, An American Werewolf In London, Poltergeist and so on. While there are newer horror films I prefer over It Follows, I think few, if any of them, will manage to claim the same status and reputation in 20+ years as It Follows. It'll be remembered and gain status as a proper classic for sure. Just trust me on this, kids. And when you grow up you'll learn to like this film as well.
    The soundtrack slays by the way. Could listen to that shit all week long. I really like the recent trend of synthy soundtracks. Been some proper, proper good ones lately. It Follows, Stranger Things, Yellow, Maniac, Starry Eyes and more have top notch synthy soundtracks that can match the old classic ones.
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Karma’s Hat in the GazettE   
    ruki probably hates all their music on the dl and just wants to do trap and sell ripoff merch 
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in the GazettE   
    I'm actually surprised Gazette and DEG haven't gone djent yet. Especially considering The Black Swan and even fucking Satsuki have dabbled in it. 
  9. Like
    nullmoon reacted to zaa_zaa in D.I.D.   
    D.I.D. is one of my favourite bands.
    At the same time, I have to say that they didn't use even 30% of their potential.
    If I am not mistaken, Sho composed plenty of songs in D.I.D.
    Issei is the one who writes music for DIMLIM (according to the videos that they themselves posted).
    Akane did an awesome job with writing music for his "Inside of me" project.
    Satoshi - my god, his guitar skills were shining in D.I.D.
    Tohma - W.O.D. II was just amazing.
    To me, each of these five guys have absolutely perfect skills in the world of j-rock. And each of them seem to be a decent composer.
    And seeing so much potential flop is plain fucking painful.

    Oh well, this is the world of j-rock, where once you reach a tiny bit of success, it's time to ruin everything.
  10. Like
    nullmoon reacted to geist in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    Aww, come on. We just want to have cute pet names for the most kawaii band in the industry.
  11. Like
    nullmoon reacted to rekzer in the GazettE   
    I actually like DIVISION more than BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY. But I do find Ibitsu very forgettable especially since like Saishu said it sounds like way too similar to Shiver.
    My first Gazette album was STACKED RUBBISH and I honestly disliked it very much at first. I only decided to give them another chance when DIM was released because of all the hype i kept hearing about in different forums and I'm so glad I gave them a second chance. Hell I even like STACKED RUBBISH now and listen it a lot (still hate Filth in the beauty).
    DOGMA was great for me because it was on the more br00tal side but Gazette does shine more in ballads in my opinion which DOGMA lacked.
    honestly i just hope they don't fully ditch the electronic part of their sound that started to show since TOXIC because that is the main reason i love them so much. But they should keep the br00tal vocals and the shuga shug shug from time to time. 
  12. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in DIR EN GREY x PIERROT Collab "Androgynos"; PIERROT fanclub "Arlequin" reopened for 2017   
    you always have an option of hiring a carpenter to build a dedicated shrine for this box-set!
  13. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in Zin's (of Jupiter) new side-project: U•S•A   
    great gowns, beautiful gowns, excellent looks, they could've pushed it further tho, i.e.:




  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Wicked Teletubby in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    -A View Of The Megiddo-
    Yokohama Arena 2017.07.07.
       Video Intro
    01. Revelation Of Mankind
    02. Audience KILLER LOOP
    03. FILTH
    04. 空谷の跫音 / Kukoku No Kyouon
    05. OBSCURE
    06. Chair Repulsion
    07. 輪郭 / Rinkaku
    09. Sustain The Untruth
    10. THE FINAL
    12. CHILD PREY
    13. Un Deux
    14. 詩踏み / Utafumi
    15. 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 / Hageshisa...

  15. Like
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    nullmoon reacted to IGM_Oficial in NoGoD new maxi-single "Arlequin" release   
    I'm just waiting for Arlequin to release a single called "NoGoD".
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Seimeisen in sukekiyo   
    I can already say that ADORATIO is the most engaging sukekiyo release to date.
    I've been following them since day one, but always had trouble getting into their music (don't know why). With IMMORTALIS, I loved "elizabeth addict," and I've probably listened to it 1,000 times by now, but the rest of the album only got one listen; nothing after that really captured my attention, and it felt too long to go back to. VITIUM I also only listened to once a long time ago, while at work (back in my kitchen days);  it was a nice album, pretty chill, but nothing really stood out to me. ADORATIO I've listened to once and already intend to listen to more; every track had something that stood out, something to love, and I grew to appreciate 耳ゾゾ even more (another song that I listened to once then ignored). This album also encourages me to go back to previous material and pay closer attention to further releases.
    ADORATIO is the sukekiyo release I've been waiting for since they formed. The album cover is hideous as shit, though (lol).
    Also, speaking of 耳ゾゾ, does anyone know how to translate the title? I managed to translate every other title on the album, but I couldn't come up with anything for ゾゾ that made sense...
  18. Like
    nullmoon reacted to crossparallel in sukekiyo   
    I don't get it, Kyo's far from my fave but - he writes lyrics and music, comes up with concepts for the live shows, hell the live shows are some of the best I've ever seen. And you're telling me we're hanging on some fucking theremin to determine his worth? 
  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to mikarudio in Zin's (of Jupiter) new side-project: U•S•A   
    make jupiter  great again
  20. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Zin's (of Jupiter) new side-project: U•S•A   
    If he was a real AMERIKAJIN he would have debuted on July 4th.
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Biopanda in Zin's (of Jupiter) new side-project: U•S•A   
    Oh man I can't wait for America-Butt-Rock-kei to take Japan by storm. Now that VK bands with French and German names/themes are worn out, we need some good ol' MURRICA worshiping. 
  22. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Zin's (of Jupiter) new side-project: U•S•A   
    are they trying to get green cards or something
    i hope they cover this
  23. Like
    nullmoon reacted to chemicalpictures in D.I.D. 茜 (akane) new original session band   
    DAMN GOOD breakdown at 02:27, but you can't put your faith on Akane, sooner or later he will do another re-re-re-re-re-re-remaster of paranoir songs for some ez money and have another mental break and call its quits
  24. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Karma’s Hat in DADAROMA new single ポルノグラフ release   
    From DADAISM 1 this band was always more multi-faceted than some treated them as. I remember being disappointed even back then that this band wasn't just going to do 6 minute metalcore epics, but instead we got some goofy shit like MONEY and SEX. That was a seminal release for them however, and it's evident that most of the things they've done stylistically already had their precursors in their very first release. Stuff like Saishuu Densha, Risley Circus and etc. I think is all within reason for this band. 
    What I do take objection to however, is the toning down of the metalcore in favour of some middle of the road Lynch rock dog shit that finally seemed to have gotten the upper hand for the first time on DADAISM 3. I used to think that they're going to do things in cycles and go through their respective stylistic gamut in the span of 4 to 5 releases, but it's kind of warranted to be lead to believe now that a recognisable shift has started to take place on the very molecular level of their musical palette. Rushing to conclusions based on two releases? Possibly, but the fact of the matter is that we've seen this transition happen so many times already, and if it quacks like a duck in a pond with twenty of them it's not hard to become worried.
    Btw you're already starting to see the same key phrases with this band that you saw with Girugamesh back in the day like "progression" and "if they rewrote X people still wouldn't be satisfied," going even as far as to "you just don't understand what they're about." 
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to fitear1590 in The Shift from Owning to Streaming Music: "Why Music Ownership Matters" article   

    A band I follow recently shared the article "Why Music Ownership Matters" and I thought it was an interesting read. Here are a few exemplary quotes, in case you can't read the entire thing:

    So, what do you think, does this article have a point?

    I must admit, the power streaming companies have over individual pieces of media can be scary and it's something I've thought about before. There was this one older German movie I really liked on Netflix streaming a while back. In physical form, the movie only exists on VHS in the US and region 2 DVDs in crappy quality. Netflix, for whatever reason, had some remastered version in pristine HD quality. But now that the film is no longer available in their online library (to quote the article: this particular movie likely didn't 'justify upkeep anymore'), it's like this HD version never existed. I would gladly pay for a Blu-ray version, but it's simply not offered. Maybe I'll never get to watch it again and that sucks. Sure, that's just one movie, but think about the bigger implications of streaming's role in archiving.

    I will say, one aspect that seemed downplayed in the article is the material difference between downloading and streaming. Both are digital, rather than physical, but remember, this article is making the argument that the shift from 'ownership' to 'streaming' is the more significant one. So, I would think downloading technically falls under the category of 'ownership' (you have file ON your computer hard drive), rather than 'streaming.' These days, I would say about 80-90% of my non-Japanese music listening is done via streaming, like Spotify. Is there some difference in that culture of listening via streaming versus listening by downloading?

    And since this is a Japanese music forum, what can we make of this article? Do you think the general 'Japanese music industry' or particular Japanese music scenes are still promoting music ownership over streaming?

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