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  1. Yikes
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in What did you dream about last night?   
    Anyone ever have those dreams where something horrific appears on your laptop or tv and, no matter what you do, you aren't able to turn it off? I had one of those last night. I'm putting this in a spoiler for people who can't do extreme gore and violence.
  2. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from ghost in What did you dream about last night?   
    Just woke up from a weirdly vivid one.
    I went to a Dir En Grey gig with two friends. One of which was Kyo himself, who decided to get on the stage itself to take pictures/film the band to which we thought 'fair play, that's a great idea for close ups!'?!
    I never once actually saw the band but that didn't seem to register? So for most of the dream I was just looking at Kyo's back from far away as he filmed...nothing I guess? I don't think there was a crowd either XD 
    The floor seemed to be covered in graves, two of which had rings resting on top of them along with a diagram (as apparently Kyo wore them for his current get up?). Interesting way to present merch I guess...? Just to point out, I genuinely don't have an obsession with Kyo. He was just weirdly prominent in this dream?
    The band then proceeded to play new stuff but I don't remember any of it. Probably because their last album was ass. 
    They played the original version of Fukai though so I give the gig 11/10.
  3. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    Just woke up from a weirdly vivid one.
    I went to a Dir En Grey gig with two friends. One of which was Kyo himself, who decided to get on the stage itself to take pictures/film the band to which we thought 'fair play, that's a great idea for close ups!'?!
    I never once actually saw the band but that didn't seem to register? So for most of the dream I was just looking at Kyo's back from far away as he filmed...nothing I guess? I don't think there was a crowd either XD 
    The floor seemed to be covered in graves, two of which had rings resting on top of them along with a diagram (as apparently Kyo wore them for his current get up?). Interesting way to present merch I guess...? Just to point out, I genuinely don't have an obsession with Kyo. He was just weirdly prominent in this dream?
    The band then proceeded to play new stuff but I don't remember any of it. Probably because their last album was ass. 
    They played the original version of Fukai though so I give the gig 11/10.
  4. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to spockitty in What did you dream about last night?   
    One - I dreamt that I got a 3rd cat 
    Two - guys from SARIGIA answered my email with pretty much: thanks, we're flattered but how exactly did you even hear our music all the way in Europe hmm? was it Legally Obtained™ ???? 
  5. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from spockitty in What did you dream about last night?   
    Just woke up from a weirdly vivid one.
    I went to a Dir En Grey gig with two friends. One of which was Kyo himself, who decided to get on the stage itself to take pictures/film the band to which we thought 'fair play, that's a great idea for close ups!'?!
    I never once actually saw the band but that didn't seem to register? So for most of the dream I was just looking at Kyo's back from far away as he filmed...nothing I guess? I don't think there was a crowd either XD 
    The floor seemed to be covered in graves, two of which had rings resting on top of them along with a diagram (as apparently Kyo wore them for his current get up?). Interesting way to present merch I guess...? Just to point out, I genuinely don't have an obsession with Kyo. He was just weirdly prominent in this dream?
    The band then proceeded to play new stuff but I don't remember any of it. Probably because their last album was ass. 
    They played the original version of Fukai though so I give the gig 11/10.
  6. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from meat in J-rock "" King""Yoshiki meets U.K.’s Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace   
    As a Brit, what the actual fuck...? This is just plain weird. What next? Kyo meeting Trump? (Please let this happen) 
  7. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to platy in J-rock "" King""Yoshiki meets U.K.’s Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace   
    lol of course it will be Yoshiki meeting Trump! Kyo isn't in with the right crowd. I'm pretty sure Yoshi and Kanye are working on a collab as we speak
  8. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to colorful人生 in J-rock "" King""Yoshiki meets U.K.’s Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace   
    So when is he meeting with Boris Johnson to rebrand brexit into breXit?

  9. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to spockitty in J-rock "" King""Yoshiki meets U.K.’s Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace   
    I'd pay to see this happen
  10. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from Komorebi in J-rock "" King""Yoshiki meets U.K.’s Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace   
    As a Brit, what the actual fuck...? This is just plain weird. What next? Kyo meeting Trump? (Please let this happen) 
  11. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    Last night, I dreamt that I was at high school again and I stood under a CCTV camera. Three other students stood near me and we heard the headteacher's voice count to four over a loudspeaker. For some reason, he was an American man even though my actual high school headteacher was English. Anyways, we thought he was giving us four seconds to get out of sight of the camera for whatever reason until a load of other students stood under it too. He quickly counted to fifty and he gave us all a number (mine was four). Idk why he numbered us. He then told us to race around the school and I guess whoever won got a prize? I came seventeenth so I'll never know.
  12. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ShTon in What did you dream about last night?   
    I dreamed that I lost my cat. I went to look for her and I found her. Wearing bride's outfit for cats for some reason.
  13. LOVE!
    nullmoon reacted to spockitty in What did you dream about last night?   
    Back in the day mine also told me to go at it and when I found it years later, I burned that shit down good grief it was disturbing o-o 
  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in ユメリープ(Yumeleep) have revealed a new look, Dr.うらら (Urara) dismissed, + Dr.かばね (kabane) has joined   
    came in expecting phallus candles and sacrificial dickpics tbh
  15. Interesting
    nullmoon reacted to Devilish_Eye in ユメリープ(Yumeleep) have revealed a new look, Dr.うらら (Urara) dismissed, + Dr.かばね (kabane) has joined   
    Dunno what Nemu's tweet says since my Japanese is bad but what I do know is that drummer Urara is replaced by Kabane.
    A friend of me said it's because of bullying in the band. Wtf...

    Also Nemu seems to have issues with people sending him nudes and stuff
  16. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    lmao @ people who wish celebrities who don't give a fuck about em happy birthday but can't even remember their own friend's birthdays. priorities, priorities.
  17. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from spockitty in J-rock "" King""Yoshiki meets U.K.’s Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace   
    As a Brit, what the actual fuck...? This is just plain weird. What next? Kyo meeting Trump? (Please let this happen) 
  18. I feel ya..
    nullmoon reacted to spockitty in random thoughts thread   
    so, relapses are a bitch
  19. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to YuyoDrift in J-rock "" King""Yoshiki meets U.K.’s Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace   
    Those fan comments really make me cringe.
    "Yoshiki for President of the United States 2020!!" - Which one of you did this?!?!?
  20. LOLOL
  21. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to platy in J-rock "" King""Yoshiki meets U.K.’s Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace   
    Honorable and Esteemed Yoshiki is making his way through the Royal family of U.K. He recently attended an event hosted by them in Buckingham Palace. 
    Below, you'll be able to see more pictures of the event.
    I'm sure they were driven to ecstasy by the fact that the Legendary King of Jayrawk invited himself over to their humble abode. An unforgettable day for all involved, indeed. 
  22. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in What is something you think had wasted potential?   
    My hopes for Final Fantasy games are usually high, but I just remembered how forgettable Final Fantasy V was (which is ironic). I got the game last year, but I haven't played it in a while because it just didn't grab my attention enough to want to continue. I can't even remember what the plot was about. I remember there was a guy called Bartz who meets this princess called Lenna and he likes her (duh), then there's this crossdressing pirate woman called Faris and an old dude named Galuf but I can't for the life of me remember what they actually set out to do besides... whatever it is they do in cliched fantasy plotlines. That's it, it was just cliched. If I were to give you the most trite, overdone fantasy plotline I could think of, it'd probably be that of Final Fantasy V. Oh, and Bartz has a chocobo named Boco that he abandons I think outside a cave somewhere and we never see him again. The fact that I'm more worried about a chocobo than I am about the fate of this game's world speaks volumes.
    Actually, I just looked up what happens to Boco. We do see him again but later. I'm still appalled at Bartz's terrible chocobo care skills. Wtf, man? I take better care of my race chocobos and the only reason I breed those is to earn me fame and fortune. For shame, Bartz. For shame.
  23. Like
    nullmoon reacted to SubThatSong in random thoughts thread   
    I'm just glad I waited until closer to 30, the classic age to start feeling old - my sister told me when she was like 22 "OMG I'M GETTING SO OOOLD" 😂 The 17-year old me was like ??????
  24. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from SubThatSong in random thoughts thread   
    I know right? I'm practically dead 😂
    It's horrible right? Just sneaks up on you out of nowhere! 
  25. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to secret_no_03 in random thoughts thread   
    Just wait until you're on the downside of 29.
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