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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. Someone sent me Flora by Nightmare back in high school...I have no idea why as it did absolutely nothing for me. However, shortly after someone mentioned Glay so I downloaded Drive and pretty much listened to that for ages. Shortly after finding JAME, I ended up listening to Alice Nine, An Cafe, The GazettE, Abingdon Boys School etc, which later led to me finding heavier bands like Dir En Grey. 


    For some reason, in the hilarity of my teen days I searched for 'emo japanese music' on MySpace and ended up finding 9mm Parabellum Bullet...go figure.


    Finding the Japanese music scene was something different and something I could call my own I guess, so I've clung to the scene ever since :D

  2. I was really impressed with The Swan and even Deicida of Silence (even though most people tend to hate it?). On the former EP especially, the instrumental work was incredible and actually set them apart from their previous Dir En Grey-lite sound. Wataru's questionable vocal work took some getting used to but once this was achieved both EPs were actually really impressive for me. Hopefully a new album will be released before they are on hiatus.

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