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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. Uh... why not?

    Probably because they're essentially one huge parody. Don't get me wrong, I think the music is great but at the same time they're not a 'serious' metal band so to speak.

    Ugh I sound like such a metal snob but I'm really not! There are some people out there who think this kind of band shouldn't even EXIST! :o

  2. 9th Architects - Lost Forever//Lost Together

    experimental metalcore! I'm not so crazy about this genre actually, but just like Iwrestledabearonce, there are some particular bands of this genre.

    Architects is one.

    I really don't know why people hate this so much (saw some reviews of this album, most of them are bad critical words.)

    my first time to listen, I mistook regarding this as a recent work of Greeley Estates. = =

    vocal is perfect for me, despite the spoke words parts......

    breakdown is the highlight, with post-hardcore influence.

    some songs even have technical death metal riffs, and good guitar chugging. well, nearly close to "technical metalcore" like ABR.

    well, really excellent work of a famous English band. gj guys!

    score 9.2/10

    People don't like this because it isn't Hollow Crown. That album kicks ass :)

  3. I implore all of you to never lose hope! I used to think the same way and thought I would grow old all on my own...and then I met my girlfriend. We've been together for over 5 years now and she's just perfect...I have no idea what I did to deserve her but I just want you guys and girls to know that true love is actually possible! (as corny as that sounds :3)

  4. I'm confused, you wanted to beat up a guy because he was in his ex-girlfriend's face? That doesn't sound healthy, dude XD

    Obviously I wasn't there so I don't know the ins and outs but surely it's their own business? Plus there's good and bad in every culture, so I'm not sure why Chinese people would be excluded from being assholes just because of their history. As someone who is half-Chinese and a bit of an asshole I can definitely vouch for this ;)

  5. [a lot of cursing]

    The skin in my thumbs has been so dry the whole winter that I literally get wounds and cracks from using them. It doesn't matter what kind of prescription cortisone creams I use or how oily the drugstore creams I use are, they just keep cracking and cracking. Now I have 12 little bleeding cracks in my thumbs and a few in my index fingers. AND IT HURTS SO FUCKING MUCH AND I CAN'T EVEN BEND THEM WITHOUT THE SKIN CRACKING EVEN MORE. The cortisone cream I use kinda helps, but it burns and hurts more than pouring fucking strong HNO3 on your hand (been there done that).


    My heels are also cracking so badly but OMFG I CAN'T MOVE MY THUMBS.

    [/a lot of cursing]


    It could be eczema; I used to have this pretty bad when I was a kid :/

  6. Wow, I had no idea that VK singers don't sing with their natural voices... 


    I think a good example is Emiru from Aicle; compare his vocals in that band compared to Yeti. The difference is astounding and you can tell his vocals in the latter band are 'normal' so to speak.

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