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Status Updates posted by JRD

  1. All 3 new Serial Number songs are amazing! I hope Sasaki jin can keep this line up, I can see them going back to playing Blitz oneman again with this!

    1. inartistic


      Really :o? I'm shocked to hear that. Do think the covers are cute tho

    2. JRD


      Yeah, it's really more polished and has more of a mainstream vibe.

  2. Gawd, I get sooo sad when I listen to Panic Channel. Memories just flood back in, my very first VK purchase ever.

    1. Elazmus


      dude i get that too with panic channel specifically

    2. JRD


      T.T us Panio and Panikkos with the feels lol

  3. Happy Holidays everyone~ Hope all of you have an amazing day! Don't fret on the little things in life and just live it to the fullest <3

  4. All I've been listening to is 儚?想????散り???躯… I miss R's vocals.

    1. Aferni


      I barely have any of their material D;

    2. hiroki


      ahh nice ballad

  5. That moment you realize you bought the same CD twice. My Kokoro, my wallet. Why do I have to be so air headed sometimes T.T

    1. hiroki


      the only worse thing is to do that intentionally ;<

    2. -NOVA-


      ^omg yes xD i placed the same order 2x thinking it hadnt gone thru the 1st time RIP $80

  6. When you don't own cable and waiting to watch RPDR T.T

    1. doombox


      Same problem here. ;;

    2. Jigsaw9


      *praying to bittorrent gods as we speak*

  7. If y'all wanted to know what's happened with me during my absence 


    1. Zeus


      welcome back

    2. chemicalpictures


      feel for you, man. I hope you find the strengh you need to stay strong and sober for years to come. Always remember the people who love you, the people you love, and all the difference you make in their lives.

  8. I guess this year is my year of finding releases I've been looking for for 5+ years, would never have thought I would get them for less than 500yen either!

    1. xriko


      Can you share me a bit of your luck ? just need 2/3 CD to fully complete my collection x)

    2. JRD


      I'm sending you all my positive vibes and luck right now. 

  9. Closet Child Ikebukuro also closing down T.T the one with all the rares too.

    1. suji



    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      ) : ....these were the only reliable places for me, i can't go back to scalping myself w mercari

  10. MFW when I find a NOISIA(仮) DT I didn't realize I had.

    1. Gaz


      WHICH ONE???? ;W; 

    2. JRD


      御臨終, I honestly don't remember buying it at all.

  11. With Apples destruction. I just downloaded the 4 Singles from 8P-SB I didn't have and Meteor's Kanon. Why aren't you guys listening to Ready Player, that shit bops and slaps. Make me want to return to the rave scene, sans the newer not so P.L.U.R bros. You can be a Meji fan and 8P fan. Flight Plan and Twily boys slaps hard in my car.

    1. AliceParanoid


      I just listend to there newer Stuff a few days back. 
      8Bit Boy is the SHIT! Still need to listen through everything tho. 

    2. JRD


      Go on to YouTube and listen to Ready Player and Pictionary!

  12. Jury Duty has been hell. Why did they have to pick me as Juror #4?

    1. SubThatSong


      Jury duty has always fascinated me. But I'm tainted by the interesting cases made up by TV-series and movies 

    2. JRD


      Trust, it's not like the movies or T.V shows. XD. They get into personal information before they select you. It's really uncomfortable having to answer questions that pertains to yourself. Once we go to deliberations; my friends said that's when you see the ugly in humanity, that's coming soon. Can't talk about the case until after the trial is over or else I'd get "FBI OPEN UP!"

  13. It felt so good deleting a negative person off of every social media. 15 years of friendship down the drain, but I don't fucking care. I hope he can get all the help he can, if he wishes me failure. I still have a job and I'm not living under unemployment I help him get. So fuck you, dead beat bitch with no irl friends now. Leech, scumbag, etc.

    1. spockitty


      my sincere congratulations. shit's not easy to do~

    2. SubThatSong


      Fuck them leeches. Cutting out people who bring you down, no matter the history, is just sometimes necessary. I'm happy you could do it! ♡

  14.  I didn't label my BUK BUK & Tensai collab CD; now I can't find it. I'm gonna murder myself.

    1. Jigsaw9


      Should have put a ................... BUKmark on it.

    2. Mamo
  15. I think everyone at work is tired of me twerking. Twerkalicious!

  16. Got AILE's eternal love PV today!

    1. Raburr7


      Awesome *_* Thank you :)

  17. Sei from F@nny is turning 17? More like 27.

  18. Gonna go see Periphery at DNA on Sunday. Can't contain my wet panties.

    1. Augie1995


      Just saw them tonight at SOMA, I couldn't contain the eargasms and content. Had the VIP pacage so I also got to see the sound check and have a meet and greet, and band photo. They played with Born of Osiris, Twelve Foot Ninja, and Dead Letter Circus

  19. I'm going to start the buysexual revolution. Buy me stuff and I become sexual.

    1. Miasma


      I just give them a link to my amazon wishlist

  20. Logged into my old batsu account today XD OMFG it's really been seven years and my love of Panic Channel was strong XD

    1. kyoselflove


      Wow, I forgot about batsu. Panic Channel <3

  21. Nothing like surprising people with gifts on Thanksgiving.

  22. Got the club going up on a Tuesday Got yo girl in the cut and she choosy

    1. psychtiger


      Why are you doing this to me? #WouldSmashDrakeHarddd

  23. Happy New Years to everyone in the future! 7 more hours until New Years in California D:

    1. beni


      HNY for then!!!

  24. Turned on the radio for the first time this year. The first thing I hear is "I got baking soda! I got baking soda!"......

    1. CAT5


      Lmao...I'm in loooove wit da coooo coo...catchy pile of shit .__.

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